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Education Texas Lesson Plan Instructs Students to Design Flags for a ‘New Socialist N

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Baron View Post
    I'm not going to dissagree with the first glance look. Im saying that the teacher can explain in more detail what they are seeing, in order to keep the "at a glance" from being what the kids stop at.

    I dont like that the image looks like it does causaully, but we have to rely on the teachers to do their jobs.
    This works when there is a veteran teacher in the classroom, the problems start when you get a rookie that just uses CSCOPE lock stock and barrel.


    • #47
      Originally posted by svo855 View Post
      Screw government schools. As a nation we were better educated and had a higher literacy rate before there were government schools. Teacher to student ratio, dollars spent per student, and all of the other buzz words used by professional "Educators" is just a bunch of bull shit. Look at the experiment run in Milwaukee in the mid 90's. Unlimited federal funding given to inner city schools produced ZERO results; in fact their test scores dropped. When the Feds freaked out over the results and asked for an accounting for the $100,000,000 they had given to the school district the administrators scattered like roaches with the lights turned on.

      Home school your children if you want them to learn to learn.
      Exactly: great post.


      • #48
        Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
        The goal for the kids were to show symbols and ideas of socialism and express them.

        If you people cant suck up your own philosophy and take a minute and learn about something outside your box, our world is doomed. Just because you dont like it doesnt mean it is wrong. Learn something about a different system, culture, etc...

        And no, I dont think socialism is good. I work my ass off and paid a shit ton of taxes and do not want others to benefit at my expense. I can however learn about something different and try to understand other peoples' flawed logic
        Why should a kid have to show symbols and ideas of socialism AND EXPRESS them to learn about them. I know all about it. Know how many flags I made in school? Want to know how many socialist ideas I had to express? NONE. Instead, we studied what was in a text book, listened to the teacher lecture, studied the notes we made, and learned without trying to "feel like a socialist and express it." You can learn about something without having to experience it. I'm sure you know about execution by electric chair, but I'm betting you haven't sat in one and had it turned on for a few seconds.

        I'm married to a teacher, and she agrees it's a stupid concept. I'd say the same if they were forced to make a flag of the colonists who were revolting against England. I don't see how making a flag has anything to do with learning about something. Study the flag, write a paper on what it meant, who designed it, what the inspiration was, etc., but making one means nothing. Well, I take that back. They should all make socialist flags and then everyone in the class should get a failing grade of 60 whether they had the best made flag in the class or some piece of shit project on a napkin with crayons. I mean, what better example of socialism could there be? Some people do shit work; some people do lots of good work; everyone fails.


        • #49
          The quickest, most effective way to demonstrate "socialism" in a classroom, is to average all the "A" and "B" students in with the failing students to make a classroom of "C" students.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
            The quickest, most effective way to demonstrate "socialism" in a classroom, is to average all the "A" and "B" students in with the failing students to make a classroom of "C" students.
            Don't think for a second this aint happening. For example the latest STAAR reports just came out. It shows that 75-91% of all Texas students that were tested passed, depending on subject and grade level. Sounds real good until you realize that in some cases a passing score is a 40. The highest grade needed to pass is a 50. This "curve" was implemented because without it only the A students passed and even a bunch of them failed.

            Think about it this means that in some cases 25% of the students could not even score a 40.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Pro Trash View Post
              If you wish to bash educators in Texas, how about we look at that the fact we are in the bottom 10 of the 50 states on dollar per student spent on education yet in the top 20 in performance results. Our teachers are asked to do more with less and do so very well. C-Scope is a curriculum tool that "some" districts use, lots of districts do not. For those not aware there are 254 counties in our state, how many school districts (see below)? As of 2012 the U.S. is 30th in math, 14th in reading and 20th in science while China is #1 in all three areas. I am not promoting communism but please feel free to assume, we do live in a free country. I am right wing but have seen the damage done when people claim to act on their version of "religion". Here are some more interesting facts, there are 1032 public school districts in Texas, the teacher to student ratio is 14.5 to 1 and just over 50% of our students qualify for free or reduced lunch. I am thinking you may wish to complain about some of those issues but hey if you wish to holler about 1 lesson plan out thousands, have at it. If you are wondering I am a school Principal, a disabled veteran and not a communist, but if I were, would I not have the right in this country?
              I would venture a guess a large part of the reason is that Texas is mainly a 'rural' state and that many of the states that rank below Texas in quality of education are mainly 'urban' states, with those 'urban' state schools being occupied with inner city youth pre-disposed to being thugs and wanna-be hood rats . Just an idea I'm pulling out of my ass, I'm not going to research anything.

              Originally posted by SSMAN
              ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


              • #52
                Originally posted by juiceweezl View Post
                Why should a kid have to show symbols and ideas of socialism AND EXPRESS them to learn about them. I know all about it. Know how many flags I made in school? Want to know how many socialist ideas I had to express? NONE. Instead, we studied what was in a text book, listened to the teacher lecture, studied the notes we made, and learned without trying to "feel like a socialist and express it." You can learn about something without having to experience it. I'm sure you know about execution by electric chair, but I'm betting you haven't sat in one and had it turned on for a few seconds.

                I'm married to a teacher, and she agrees it's a stupid concept. I'd say the same if they were forced to make a flag of the colonists who were revolting against England. I don't see how making a flag has anything to do with learning about something. Study the flag, write a paper on what it meant, who designed it, what the inspiration was, etc., but making one means nothing. Well, I take that back. They should all make socialist flags and then everyone in the class should get a failing grade of 60 whether they had the best made flag in the class or some piece of shit project on a napkin with crayons. I mean, what better example of socialism could there be? Some people do shit work; some people do lots of good work; everyone fails.
                I was thinking the same thing - what does making a "socialist" flag teach you about socialism? I've certainly had my share of disagreements with my local school district. My fifth grade daughter makes all A's, and won the spelling bee but she's in a class with students who need a bilingual co-teacher. I think she helps raise the average of the class. All I know is the counselor didn't see anything wrong with it and I got the impression she now thinks I'm a racist.


                • #53
                  So, it gets to numbers? $7/student and an additional fee to get the instructor up to speed? The agenda is the problem and those pushing it know the school systems are cut the budget. Slippery slope. Very slippery.

                  They brought in a principal at the start of the year that tried that let's get the class average up and he is gone already due to parental pressure. We will see what trick they pull out of their hat next.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                    You gotta love how the imagery shows communism at the top of the chart, with capitalism at the bottom, with the upward arrow. Nice touch.

                    They seem to have omitted nazism above communism.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by TexasT View Post
                      So, it gets to numbers? $7/student and an additional fee to get the instructor up to speed? The agenda is the problem and those pushing it know the school systems are cut the budget. Slippery slope. Very slippery.

                      They brought in a principal at the start of the year that tried that let's get the class average up and he is gone already due to parental pressure. We will see what trick they pull out of their hat next.
                      It also becomes a big circle of screwing the tax payers.

                      CSCOPE has a 501c "non-profit" and has no phone or physical address yet has employees that are employed by the TESCCC. The TESCCC is funded via the TEA from tax payer money. Yet CSCOPE also charges between 7 and 10 dollars per student in each ISD. If a particular district needs classroom instruction or help for teachers this fee starts at $100,000 per district.

                      Yep, we are paying 2 or 3 times for this shit and nobody knew about it for around 5 years.

