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"I'm the bad guy? How did that happen?"

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  • "I'm the bad guy? How did that happen?"

    On another site I saw someone post this today.

    It made me think about how many people have similar feelings but don't voice them.

    Do you think it's all posturing? Will all of this lead anywhere? Are we too many generations removed from men like those that made up the Culpepper Minutemen? After the first one or two "gun toting bible clinging Tea Party nutjobs" get made an example of will everyone go back to falling in line?

    I guess this goes back to the other article I posted: "Obama Playing Chicken with American Men"

    Anyway, here's what this other guy wrote:

    I've carried a heavy weight on my shoulders that has been weighing on my soul
    Living life for the care and benefit of my family, my loving family
    I am the father of two little angels, girls 3 and 5
    The husband to a woman that is far better than I deserve
    Every decision I have made has been to make their lives better and happier
    Yet, I have felt a crushing weight coming down on my shoulders

    Society has told me that I am part of the problem that I am not doing enough
    I need to pay my fair share and get out of the way while doing it
    I should understand people like me are obsolete and should be silent
    People like me that make good choices should pay for those that live beyond their means knowingly
    I'm not a victim so I must be a victimizer
    I have not been doing enough

    No longer will I accept silently words from those that demonize me
    My line in the sand is drawn so I can erase it and move it further away from me
    My space has been encroached on, infringed on and urinated on
    The wind is no longer a headwind, it's at my back
    I will push back those that mean to steal from my family in any way
    Self-fulfilling prophesy will make me the demon they fear and I'm at peace about it

    ^ I never write shit like that but I felt compelled too for some reason. Please feel free to write any thoughts you guys may have either personally or about what I wrote. I finally had the talk with my wife last night, unfortunately it was on a date night and those are rare for us. She said she understood and already knew because she knew what type of man she married. I got some dust in my eyes when I thought about my girls and how they might be affected if our society falls over this cliff we are speeding towards. In the end, just as in the beginning, everything I do is for my wife and children.

    And a lot of the responses were affirmative. Things like:

    Good on you. When the new ban first passed here in NY a few days ago, I wasn't sure what to do. I actually placed all of my ARs on gunbroker to sell before it was too late. I felt empty and lost. Something woke up inside of me and I took down all of the auctions. I have decided to draw a line in the sand. I will not comply no matter what the consequences. It's nice to see I am not alone
    The good news is, you aren't. Peopl like us just try to take the moral high road. We pick our battles, and often don't have time to make a fuss.

    In doing so, we have created the notion that we are a dwindling number. You would be amazed how many out there are like-minded.

    If we, as a comminity, draw a line- and we CRUSH any person, group or policy that encroaches upon it- the liberal left, and the disheartened right WILL get the message.

    You have a beautiful family OP. In the interest of safeguarding them, I suggest you do what I plan to do.

    The worst part is knowing that our kids will be worse of than we are. This is a first for America.
    We are not a dying bred, we simply don't yell over every issue. Even now we aren't yelling, it seems like there are less of us because one person yelling in a room drowns out 100 whispers. If it ever comes to the point where we have to yell god have mercy on all of our souls.
    You are a good Man. And you are far from alone.

    You ever see a lion when they wake up? That big stretch they do, before they go off and hunt stuff? We're beginning to stretch. The hyenas better take heed.

    The whole thing makes me think of...

    "I've passed the point of no return. Do you know what that is, Beth? That's the point in a journey where it's longer to go back to the beginning. It's like when those astronauts got in trouble. I don't know, somebody messed up, and they had to get them back to Earth. But they had passed the point of no return. They were on the other side of the moon and were out of contact for like hours. Everybody waited to see if a bunch of dead guys in a can would pop out the other side. Well, that's me. I'm on the other side of the moon now and everybody is going to have to wait until I pop out."
    - Bill Foster

    (thread title is from the same movie)

  • #2
    There are a lot of people out there with this mindset that don't participate. How many people voted in the last election? 110 million? There are 300 million in this country.

    The best thing you can do is become an activist. With every fiber of your body and every breath voice your opinion. I tell these fucking morons exactly what I think of them, in person, right to their faces. I tell them what I think of their ideas. I tell them that they are economically illiterate fools. I believe that part of the problem with this country is that we are too polite and we no longer ridicule the stupid and their idiotic ideas. I have stopped coddling them.

    Also, I think it is important to vote with your wallet. I won't be a patron of any business that associates with these fucks. I found out today that Wal mart is going to fund part of Obama's grass roots campaign that is being mobilized against guns. They won't get one more cent from me if they do. I'll pay twice as much if it means they don't get money from me.

    In the last election these fucks went around saying that there weren't enough angry white guys. Well, I think they found the right issue to bring them out of hiding.
    Originally posted by racrguy
    What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
    Originally posted by racrguy
    Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
      There are a lot of people out there with this mindset that don't participate. How many people voted in the last election? 110 million? There are 300 million in this country.

      The best thing you can do is become an activist. With every fiber of your body and every breath voice your opinion. I tell these fucking morons exactly what I think of them, in person, right to their faces. I tell them what I think of their ideas. I tell them that they are economically illiterate fools. I believe that part of the problem with this country is that we are too polite and we no longer ridicule the stupid and their idiotic ideas. I have stopped coddling them.

      Also, I think it is important to vote with your wallet. I won't be a patron of any business that associates with these fucks. I found out today that Wal mart is going to fund part of Obama's grass roots campaign that is being mobilized against guns. They won't get one more cent from me if they do. I'll pay twice as much if it means they don't get money from me.

      In the last election these fucks went around saying that there weren't enough angry white guys. Well, I think they found the right issue to bring them out of hiding.
      I'm there. I feel it's been a quick change too. My whole life I've been a laid back dude. Lately, I have less and less compassion for the Free Shit Army, less care for anyone who is too lazy to put forth the effort to end their "plight", and I damn sure despise anyone who thinks I personally owe them anything or that they can dictate how I live my life.

      I swear if I didn't know better I'd think you were my "flew in F4s over 'Nam, since spent too much time doing engineering in the defense industry, no qualms about pissing off anyone and everyone, hates big gov, builds long range rifles for fun but is still awesome to hang out with" uncle.
      Last edited by Strychnine; 01-25-2013, 08:33 PM.


      • #4
        Those of us that see what is going on seem to be getting more aggressive, more verbal, and more pissed the fuck off.


        • #5
          I've been on a fucking tear lately with lots of dick wads.

          My main reason I'm going to law school is to be able to fight on another level.


          • #6
            Originally posted by David View Post
            I've been on a fucking tear lately with lots of dick wads.

            My main reason I'm going to law school is to be able to fight on another level.
            Where you heading?


            • #7
              Where ever ill get accepted. Finished my LSAT and have my letters of recommendation and money to go. Just waiting on hearing back.


              • #8
                another response:

                I am a middle-aged white man...

                Instead of going straight to college, I chose to serve my country (Army). I have sworn an oath to Defend the Constitution and all that it means. I have fought, and killed, for my country. I have spent month after month 1/2 way across the world, separated from my family, because that is what my country asked of me. Yet *I* am "the problem"...

                I have been married for almost 23 years. I love my wife. I work each day to make myself better for her, to make her life better, to somehow deserve her. Yet *I* am "the problem"...

                I have 3 beautiful children (2 boys, 1 girl). I would, in complete truthfulness, kill or die for them. I spend as much time as I can each day making sure they know that I love and support them. I encourage them to be everything that they want to be. Yet *I* am "the problem"...

                I work hard every day - often 12-14 hour days, on weekends, or on holidays. When I am not at work, I often spend my time learning new things, getting better. I work to be the best that I can be at my job. Yet *I* am "the problem"...

                I provide food, a house, clothes, etc. for my family. Most importantly, I provide a home - a place of love and support. Yet *I* am "the problem"...

                I pay my taxes (lots of them). I pay my bills. I live within my means. I have NEVER received a cent of support from the government (even when I was in the Army and we qualified for it). I pay social security, knowing full well that it probably won't be there for me. I have done nothing but give, yet *I* am "the problem"...

                Yes, I own guns. I am highly trained and quite capable with them. I have taught my family to safely use and care for them. My guns are not offensive weapons to be used to mow down helpless people. They are a hobby and the necessary tools to defend myself, my family, and my home. Yet *I* am "the problem"...

                I am not a racist. I don't hate based on color or sex or sexual orientation. I give blood. I volunteer and donate my time, effort, and money to make my community better. I help others whenever I can. I have taught my children to do the same. Yet *I* am "the problem"...

                I have tried to live as I was raised, to be the man I am expected to be, to be the American I am supposed to be. I keep the promises I make. I take care of my family. Yet, somehow, *I* am the "problem"...

                I have worked very hard for everything that I have - I have EARNED it. Somehow, my effort and what little success that I have had has made *me* the "problem"...

                Good God, I am so very tired of being blamed for everything. I'm tired of it being okay to hate me because I am white, male, and work hard. I'm tired of being asked (told) to give more, and get less. I'm tired of being demonized, of being told that *I* am the problem.

                I am not some sort of White Supremist or gun nut like they say I am. I am just a common, average, middle-class man. Each step, each thing they take, makes it harder for me to take care of my family. I feel like I am backed up against the line with little more to give - and soon they will come for more, forcing me to choose between the family and ideals that I love or being a "good citizen" of the welfare state that we have become.

                God help us all on the day that I am forced to make that choice and become an enemy of the country I love, for I truly understand exactly what that means...


                • #9
                  We all need to step up and push back on this pussified country. There has to been some real men left in this country.


                  • #10
                    Oddly enough, this "assault weapons ban" has really spun up a lot of otherwise laid back people. It's a history making thing and at a minimum it's interesting to be a part of it. It'll be a joyous thing to be a part of if it fails.

                    What I mean is, generally the silent majority (maybe?) was silent through...

                    -F with my money
                    -F with some of my rights
                    -F with legalities that are not fair
                    -So on...

                    ...and remain quiet but I think a lot of people were aware.

                    F with my guns - It's on! I think this gun control crap is not the straw, but the 8x8"' x 24' timber that broke the camel's back.

                    Edit: I know of a few folks that choose not to own guns, but they know damned well that this is no different than any control on the first amendment. They are not happy about it either and these are also people who are generally uninformed about guns.
                    Originally posted by MR EDD
                    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                    • #11
                      I had a conversation with my mom last week about how fucked our country is and how it feels like we are going over the edge. I talked about how my lifetime/generation is likely going to be less prosperous than theirs. The middle class is eroding. "We" are about to lose/have already lost. She got defensive like I was blaming her for everything. She called me a few days later and apologized. She was talking to a neighbor about what I said and he said that he felt the same way and was proud of me for giving a shit. He said that none of his kids seem to realize what they are up against and he really feels bad for the uphill battle we face.

                      To give some perspective I'm 26, my mom is 60.

