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Texas Prepares for Sovereignty if U.S. Defaults

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  • Texas Prepares for Sovereignty if U.S. Defaults

    State Representative James White Files HB 568: The Texas Self Sufficiency Act

    AUSTIN, TEXAS-- State Representative James White has filed HB 568 or the Texas Self-Sufficiency Act. The Texas Self-Sufficiency Act creates a select committee to evaluate the effects of a possible reduction in or elimination of federal funding on the state budget due to federal fiscal policy. "Due to the fiscal dysfunction of Washington, D.C., and the fact that more than a third of our state's budget revenue comes from the federal government, Texas needs to study what it would mean if the Federal Government couldn't meet its obligations," stated Representative White.

    The Texas Self-Sufficiency Act directs the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of the Texas House, and the Comptroller to name a committee of made up of legislators, budget experts and citizens from the non-profit sector to analyze not only our state's dependence on federal funds, but the impact of federal funding on Texas' economy. "Speaker Straus should be commended for naming a House interim committee on sequestration. However, we must expand on this work. My district in South East Texas, for example, has a higher proportion of seniors compared to the state overall percentage. What would happen in the event the Federal Government eliminated the funds normally allocated to them? In the current economic climate, exacerbated by out of control spending in Washington, Texas needs to study possible responses to Federal financial turmoil, and our readiness to adjust to such an event. Texans must govern Texas and Texans need to be concerned about Texas."

    Representative White is the Member of the Texas House of Representatives for District 19, composed of Polk, Tyler, Jasper, Newton, and Hardin counties.

    State Rep. James White has proposed a bill that will require the leaders of Texas to start crunching the numbers and figure out what Texas would look like if it had to be self sufficient... limited or no federal support.... OUR OWN COUNTRY.... oops, I am getting a little ahead of myself, haha. Hey, I didn't say secession but that certainly comes to mind when thinking about the federal government having a financial meltdown and cutting off most or all support to the States.What would Texas do in the event that the United States of America defaulted?
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    There will be no default this time. The pyramid scheme will continue.


    • #3
      Hell, I give them credit just for being prepared...or maybe it's wishful thinking?


      • #4
        Just to be clear, Sovereignty and Succession are two very different things. The US Constitution establishes all states at Sovereign. We are "supposed" to be a union of sovereign states.

        Putting that aside, I really do applaud Mr. White. That kind of forward thinking may really be important in the near future. JW33 is right that the US won't default on its debt, THIS TIME, but that is a realistic scenario that we may face within the next 10 years or less.

        I would like to see them expand on this and make our state government a lot more forward thinking on this an other matters. Our transportation and water problems are a few of many things we are going to need to address in the near future but nothing of significance is being done.

