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What would be the spark?

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  • Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
    Says the guy who had to "clear" 4 buildings in bumfuck texas last month.....
    You're attacking me, not disputing my statement. Focus. Are you saying that I, in a masters program with one test separating me from having said degree, cannot diagnose you using the DSM 4 or 5 with a mental illness that would mandate you no longer being able to possess firearms or anything that may be used to harm yourself or others? I know I can. I've proven it numerous times in quite a few presentations
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
      Does the NY law say you can't own or you can't buy the high cap mags? If it's can't buy them it's not that big of a deal. The previous federal law was you couldn't buy them.
      You can't own or buy. If you have them at the end of the year, you'll be a criminal. As there are no 7 round magazines made for rifles, you have effectively disarmed citizens due to the fact their current magazines cannot be used and must be destroyed or sold.
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
        You can't own or buy. If you have them at the end of the year, you'll be a criminal. As there are no 7 round magazines made for rifles, you have effectively disarmed citizens due to the fact their current magazines cannot be used and must be destroyed or sold.
        If there aren't 10 manufacturers making 7 rounds mags within 3 months I would be shocked. There's probably 5 with the design on the drawing board already. I know if I owned a magazine factory I would have one going already. So other than costing people some money to buy new magazines it won't affect much. It won't even do anything for what the idiots want it to do.


        • Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
          Somehow, I don't think the "troll" moniker will affect someone that voted socialistic and now supports any and all policies of aforementioned commie.

          But, I digress...
          Not really I look at the source and smile.

          Proof that I support "any and all policies"?


          • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
            You're attacking me, not disputing my statement. Focus. Are you saying that I, in a masters program with one test separating me from having said degree, cannot diagnose you using the DSM 4 or 5 with a mental illness that would mandate you no longer being able to possess firearms or anything that may be used to harm yourself or others? I know I can. I've proven it numerous times in quite a few presentations

            True but it was so easy.
            Well My almost headshrinker what is your solution to the mental health problem in this country? That is the real cause of these atrocities that have been occurring. It has nothing to do with guns or high capacity mags as most people realize.


            • Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
              Not really I look at the source and smile.

              Proof that I support "any and all policies"?
              You knew what you were voting for going in. There's no surprises here, not to mention you've defended him and his policies on all fronts. To quote you:"If it walks like a duck..."


              • Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                You knew what you were voting for going in. There's no surprises here, not to mention you've defended him and his policies on all fronts. To quote you:"If it walks like a duck..."
                Actually no I haven't. I've stated MANY times I don't support everything he does, I just feel he was the lessor of two evils.


                • Taking away our slaves. That would cause it!


                  • Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
                    True but it was so easy.
                    Well My almost headshrinker what is your solution to the mental health problem in this country? That is the real cause of these atrocities that have been occurring. It has nothing to do with guns or high capacity mags as most people realize.
                    Solution? Talk to the states. It's up to them to come up with a solution designed for their population. Not a central figure. YOu want a solution that will fit all 310 million Americans. It doesn't exist.
                    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                    • Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
                      If there aren't 10 manufacturers making 7 rounds mags within 3 months I would be shocked. There's probably 5 with the design on the drawing board already. I know if I owned a magazine factory I would have one going already. So other than costing people some money to buy new magazines it won't affect much. It won't even do anything for what the idiots want it to do.
                      So what you're saying is you have no problem with cops using scanners to scan your phone for texts and emails because you have nothing to hide and if you're concerned, you can buy a special blocker because hey, someone is already designing a device right? Or you have no problem with FLIR scanning your house or mobile X ray machines scanning your place because you can buy devices that will reduce the issue. Those are fine with you right?

                      What about the government reading your emails? That's fine right? I mean you can just use snail mail. And since you're probably going to talk to the police anyway, you don't need a 5th amendment either, right?
                      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                      • Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
                        ... I just feel he was the lessor of two evils.
                        So, how's that working out for ya?

                        Originally posted by SSMAN
                        ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                        • Originally posted by stevo View Post
                          So, how's that working out for ya?

                          He's loving it! Have we seen anything from him to indicate otherwise?


                          • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                            Solution? Talk to the states. It's up to them to come up with a solution designed for their population. Not a central figure. YOu want a solution that will fit all 310 million Americans. It doesn't exist.
                            That's a copout and you know it. Everything with you is talk to the states. The states don't know anything better. Your almost a shrink (supposedly) what's a solution that will work.


                            • Originally posted by stevo View Post
                              So, how's that working out for ya?

                              So far it's doing fine. And according to a thread on this board most people on here are doing fine also. Even people posting in this section.


                              • Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
                                So far it's doing fine. And according to a thread on this board most people on here are doing fine also. Even people posting in this section.
                                Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Disorder. No firearms for you...

                                Originally posted by SSMAN
                                ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.

