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Someone fighting for Texas 2nd Amendment

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  • Someone fighting for Texas 2nd Amendment

    Score one for Texas zero for Obama!

    TEXAS State Representative Steve Toth, R-The Woodlands to file the "Firearms Protection Act". This TEXAS law would make any federal law banning semi-automatic firearms or limiting magazines UNENFORCEABLE within the state of TEXAS!!!!
    WAY TO GO, Rep. Steve Toth!

    Austin, TX – State Representative Steve Toth (R-The Woodlands) has begun the process to file legislation assisting the protection of the Second Amendment of the United State Constitution. The “Firearms Protection Act” bill would make any federal law banning semi-automatic firearms or limiting the size of gun magazines unenforceable within the state’s boundaries. Anyone trying to enforce a federal gun ban could face felony charges under the proposal.

    "We can no longer depend on the Federal Government and this Administration to uphold a Constitution that they no longer believe in. The liberties of the People of Texas and the sovereignty of our State are too important to just let the Federal Government take them away. The overreach of the federal administrations executive orders that are do not align with the Constitution, are not very popular here in Texas," said Representative Toth.

    Along with Wyoming, Texas will lead the country in continuing to stand for the sovereignty to run Texas as Texans see fit while exercising the Bill of Rights Amendments 2 & 10 to "prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers… [to] extending the ground of public confidence in the Government."

    Along with Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, who has already filed over twenty-three suits against the Federal Government, Representative Toth will continue to stand with other Texans to encouraging the promotion of personal responsibility and liberties while actively guarding against outside parties attempting to erode the freedoms enjoyed by Texans so that the people of Texas may have more confidence in their government.

    This was copied off Representative Toth's facebook page.

    ''I don't know about you....but the thought of someone from the federal government coming to my door requesting my firearm or requiring me to register my firearm, does not sit well with me. If such a federal weapon ban is passed in the near future, my hope is Texas will be ready and waiting. Today, I requested some legislation that would hit federal agents with up to five years in prison and a $50,000 fine for attempting to enforce such bans in Texas. This piece of legislation is designed to be proactive in preserving our gun rights. There is still a lot that needs to be done to make sure this legislation is air-tight. We'll keep you posted.''

    2001 Ford Lightning Silver
    1993 Mustang GT Silver Frost Titanium
    1984 Bronco II 4X4 Silver & Red

  • #2
    Nice. Though it does make you question when all this is finally going to come to a head.


    • #3
      As much as I like the states coming up with this legislation to protect our rights, I can't help but wonder what the end game will be. If the states do pass this legislation, can the Feds come back and say " Fine, then you will not receive federal funding" for certain things?


      • #4
        They did it with federal highway funds when states wouldn't fall in line for cases like seatbelt laws.

        I honestly just wish a state would tell them to fuck off. Fine we don't need your money but you can kiss our taxes goodbye. We already paymore to the feds than we get back from them anyway.
        2004 Suzuki DL650
        1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103


        • #5
          Shit, that would be nice. Unfortunately with the amount of illegals and welfare cases, or should I say Obama supporters, if federal funding gets pulled TX would go bankrupt.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 91GriggsGT View Post
            Shit, that would be nice. Unfortunately with the amount of illegals and welfare cases, or should I say Obama supporters, if federal funding gets pulled TX would go bankrupt.
            Not if Texas kept the federal money paid in. Texas pays in more than it recieves to help support failing liberal states like california.
            1965 Ford Falcon Pro-Touring Project
            TCI F/R Suspension, 3V-4.6 & TR3560, LT III Wheels

            Work In Progress


            • #7
              Originally posted by 91GriggsGT View Post
              Shit, that would be nice. Unfortunately with the amount of illegals and welfare cases, or should I say Obama supporters, if federal funding gets pulled TX would go bankrupt.
              Kick them off the tit. Send them letters that say "We hear other states are passing out that free Obama money; go there. Cause Texas doesn't give it out anymore."

              "Oh and dear .gov, we are just gonna tax you more to use the ports in Texas. If you want to withdraw all the CBP and ICE out of Texas, fine, we will staff those possitions with Service members returning from Afg and Iraq that are looking for jobs. But don't get pissed when we give them live ammo on the border.............TO USE! Also, you can keep the USPS, we don't need them now that we don't mail out welfare checks. Who the fuck mails a letter anyways?"
              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                "...Who the fuck mails a letter anyways?"
                I mailed a letter to the honorable Ted Cruz about all the gun control shit earlier this month.
                Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


                • #9
                  I would love to live in The Republic of Texas


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                    I would love to live in The Republic of Texas
                    Me too. I think a lot of us (especially native Texans) have that "pioneer" mentality, and it's always been my state of mind.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                      Me too. I think a lot of us (especially native Texans) have that "pioneer" mentality, and it's always been my state of mind.
                      Thats because a lot of people dont remember the hardships Texas' pioneers had to incur. Heres an example the early settlers of Castoville (SW of San Antonio, settled 1830-40) had to walk from the port in Galveston. The wagons were full of goods so they didnt have room for people, and the pioneers didnt have the money for extra horses or wagons. I doubt many Texans would be willing to do that.

                      That same state of mind is the same one that says the South (of the mason/dixon line) was great, unless you weren't white.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 91GriggsGT View Post
                        Shit, that would be nice. Unfortunately with the amount of illegals and welfare cases, or should I say Obama supporters, if federal funding gets pulled TX would go bankrupt.
                        If federal funding gets pulled, why would Texas continue welfare programs it cannot afford?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by John -- '02 HAWK View Post
                          Thats because a lot of people dont remember the hardships Texas' pioneers had to incur. Heres an example the early settlers of Castoville (SW of San Antonio, settled 1830-40) had to walk from the port in Galveston. The wagons were full of goods so they didnt have room for people, and the pioneers didnt have the money for extra horses or wagons. I doubt many Texans would be willing to do that.

                          That same state of mind is the same one that says the South (of the mason/dixon line) was great, unless you weren't white.
                          Those hardships were endured by everybody; not just the Texans or southerners. True Texans take pride in our heritage and how our forefathers were man enough to say, "GTFO" to the messicans and to fight them against overwelming odds. A pussy attitude is part of what is wrong with today's society. The people want to take the safe way out of a conflict so that they don't get hurt. Fuck that. I don't want a neighbor who thinks like that. I'm happy to see when people in our state govt have the "GTFO" attitude.


                          • #14
                            So Texas does this, Feds pull funding, welfare ends, welfare recipients flee state to find one that pays out, all ends well?

                            I'm okay with that.


                            • #15
                              Several states are already discussing similar bills. Wyoming was this first. I especially like the last paragraph:

                              Several Wyoming lawmakers are proposing legislation designed to protect gun-owners from any potential federal firearm ban. The “Firearms Protection Act” bill, introduced this week, would make any federal law banning semi-automatic firearms or limiting the size of gun magazines unenforceable within the state’s boundaries.

                              Anyone trying to enforce a federal gun ban could face felony charges under the proposal. It also includes a provision allowing the Wyoming Attorney General’s office to defend any state resident against any federal firearm ban.
                              Originally posted by SSMAN
                              ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.

