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I see this going to court

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  • I see this going to court

    to Avoid ObamaCare Insurance Mandate
    By Matt Cover
    January 10, 2013
    Subscribe to Matt Cover's posts

    Obamacare Sprint

    In this March 23, 2010, file photo, President Barack Obama reaches for a pen to sign the health care bill in the East Room of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

    ( – The Internal Revenue Service warned employers in a new regulatory proposal not to come up with clever schemes to avoid Obamacare’s employer health insurance mandate.

    The IRS said it would soon issue “anti-abuse rules” to discourage employers from taking advantage of any regulatory loopholes.

    “The Treasury Department and the IRS are aware of various structures being considered under which employers might use temporary staffing agencies (or other staffing agencies)… to evade application of section 4980H [the employer insurance mandate],” the IRS said in a proposed regulatory announcement issued December 28.

    The IRS said it would issue a so-called “anti-abuse rule” in an attempt to prevent employers from using temp agencies to circumvent the mandate, essentially writing into law that even though an employer hires temporary workers and therefore is not technically under the mandate’s jurisdiction, the IRS would fine them anyway for not providing health insurance.

    “It is anticipated that the final regulations will contain an anti-abuse rule,” the agency said. “Under that anticipated rule, if an individual performs services as an employee of an employer, and also performs the same or similar services for that employer in the individual’s purported employment at a temporary staffing agency or other staffing agency of which the employer is a client, then all the hours of service are attributed to the employer for purposes of applying section 4980H.”

    In other words, if an employer hires someone part-time, then uses an employment agency to bring the same person on for a second part-time shift, the IRS will still hold the employer liable under the ObamaCare mandate.

    Similarly, IRS said that if an employer hires the same person for two part-time stints by using two different employment agencies, it will hold either the employer or one of the employment agencies liable for the mandate’s penalties.

    The issue stems from the employer health insurance mandate in Obamacare, which requires employers with 50 or more full-time employees to provide government-approved, affordable health insurance to at least 95 percent of their employees (and dependents).

    If any of those employees receives government health insurance subsidies, the IRS will fine the employer up to $2,000 per employee, according to a formula outlined by the IRS.

    The warning is part of proposed regulations from the IRS outlining how employers must determine whether they meet the 50 full-time-employee threshold and whether the insurance they offer meets government standards.

    The IRS said that a full-time employee is one who works an average of 30 hours per week or 130 hours per month, roughly 6 hours of paid service per weekday.

    The IRS also said that in order for an employer’s health insurance plan to pass muster with the government, it must be available to 95 percent of employees and cost no more than 9.5 percent of an employee’s wages.

    The agency specified that employers could still fall under the mandate if they employ enough part-time workers to equal 50 full-time workers. For example, if an employer has 40 full-time workers and 20 part-time workers, that employer would be considered by the government to have 50 full-time workers and would be subject to the mandate because the 20 part-time workers average to 10 full-time workers – meeting the 50 full-time-worker threshold.

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    In other words "We do not care what the law says; we will make you do what we want even through the congress is too stupid to write a law correctly".
    Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


    • #3
      I don't like Obamacare any more than anyone else but there is a pragmatic side of me that says that I don't want to spending my tax dollars for some company to pull one over.

      The way I see this, this rule is preventing a company from hiding a full time employee (30+ hours) as a part time employee.

      I hate to say this, but it is really looking like we are stuck with this shit. I can't see any way that it will ever be repealed. Since we can't do that, our efforts might be better spent trying to figure out how to make the best of this bullshit. How do we leverage this to actually drive costs down?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sgt Beavis View Post
        How do we leverage this to actually drive costs down?
        Not... Gonna... Happen...


        • #5
          And that is how the right is different from the left. They believe in death by a thousand cuts. Defund it, start weeding out this program or that program, cut here, cut there, until it's nothing. They didn't drag this country to where it is now by winning big cases everytime.
          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gargamel View Post
            Not... Gonna... Happen...
            Unfortunately I think you're right..

            Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
            And that is how the right is different from the left. They believe in death by a thousand cuts. Defund it, start weeding out this program or that program, cut here, cut there, until it's nothing. They didn't drag this country to where it is now by winning big cases everytime.
            yea, that might be the only way to kill it. I'm just doubtful that it will happen.

