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  • Post I stumbled upon on

    An Open Letter to Our Politicians

    I have had enough of you politicians. I have had enough of your self-serving actions, your corruption, and your lying to the honest hard working Americans that love this country. It makes no difference if you are a Liberal/Democrat or Conservative/Republican. If you are a liar, a cheat, and dishonest, then you are unfit to hold any office that “We the People” have entrusted to you.

    Our Constitution was written to protect the people from what you have become. Our Founders surely knew that over time our own politicians would become tyrannical just like the British had become to the colonies. Our Constitution is an old document by modern standards but it is by no means irrelevant and outdated. Our Constitution contains self-evident protections and assurances for the benefit of our people against an overreaching government. The Constitution states what the government cannot do to us and what powers we have granted to the government.

    Let’s get one thing straight: you work for us! We pay your salary and we allow you to make laws for the benefit of all. We grant you the authorization to govern because we desire order and fairness in our dealings with each other based upon the Rule of Law, not the Rule of Men.

    You have completely abrogated your responsibility to govern in accordance with the Constitution and you have gutted the protections found in the document. Each of you swears an Oath to the Constitution. You have failed to honor your Oath of Office by passing laws that do not conform to the Constitution. Our Founders that pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor knew something about how to govern because they paid the price for our freedom.

    You know the honorable, fair, and lawful thing to do, but instead you have corrupted our Constitution for your personal gain. You should be ashamed of yourselves, but somehow I don’t believe you care a whit about honesty and integrity.

    Why do you send your children to private schools rather than public schools? Why do you try to censor opinions that do not conform to yours? Why do you try to take guns away from law-abiding citizens while you and your family are protected by armed guards? Why do you pass laws and then exempt yourselves from them? Why does your net wealth increase during the time of your government service? Why do you continue in government service for an entire career? Why do you profit from your government service after leaving that position? Why do you condone the murder of innocent babies but recoil at the thought of capital punishment for violent criminals? Why do you allow illegal aliens to continue flowing into this country without consequence? Do any of you know what the term “Assimilate” means? Why do you give away our nation’s wealth to foreign countries that work to undermine our way of life? Why do you refuse to incarcerate or eliminate the scum of the Earth from our law-abiding society? Do any of you ever ask those questions while standing in front of a mirror?

    There is a movement gaining strength that suggests we abandon the Constitution because it was written by a bunch of dead white guys over two hundred years ago and we have progressed beyond the absolutes so wisely stated in the Constitution. How can you possibly read the Constitution and arrive at the decisions that have destroyed all confidence in our Republic? There is nothing new under the sun and the truths stated in our Constitution are as applicable today as when they were written. Our human nature throughout history has been a constant that our Founders recognized. Our written Constitution is a document that attempts to prevent that nature from corrupting a government designed to serve a free people.

    Do you feel any obligation about following the Constitution that you swore to uphold and defend? Did you ever think that we might be better off if you had actually followed the principles outlined in the Constitution rather than your course of no accountability or responsibility for your actions? George Washington, one of the most principled of our Founders, said; that if the Constitution was found to be inadequate or in error, let it be changed by the amendment provision contained within the document--- rather than by usurpation. Why have you allowed the Constitution to be usurped by the courts and changed through the Rule of Men rather than the Rule of Law? Why have you allowed the courts to rule by their own ideology and function as an Oligarchy?

    The American colonists rebelled at Lexington and Concord in response to a tyrannical government that was attempting to disarm them. The Second Amendment was not written to address hunting, target shooting, and collecting. It was written to ensure that the unalienable, God-given right of the people to defend themselves would not be infringed by the government. “We the People” do not require any government permission to arm ourselves and you need to understand that the right to defend is not a government issued right. We are armed to protect us from your tyrannical rule and the scum of the Earth! If you don’t believe that, I suggest you read all the available information concerning the Second Amendment, its purpose, and history.

    Along with the movement to abandon the Constitution there exists a profound truth that law-abiding American citizens will never allow you to register and confiscate our guns. Registration is always the first step undertaken by a tyrannical government. The second step is always confiscation.

    Think about the fact that our military, and the operators of our nations mighty defense structure, are citizens that also may not allow you to confiscate their guns. Have you ever considered that our military personnel might just unleash that power against you… especially when and if you try to destroy the Second Amendment? Have you ever considered that the largest Army in the world resides in the citizens of every state in this country? Have you ever considered that you are severely outnumbered? Have you ever really considered just how fed up we are concerning your incompetence and arrogance?

    I will not comply with registration or confiscation of the means to protect myself, my family, and my friends. The reason for my attitude lies in the truth that you cannot and will not guarantee me that I, and my family, will be protected from all manner of peril committed by our government and the scum of the Earth.

    I am a law-abiding citizen, but I will defy any and all of your attempts to disarm me. You do not seem to realize the hornet’s nest you are about to disturb. You do not posses the authority to disarm any law-abiding citizens. The Constitution, through the Second Amendment, makes it quite clear, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”

    Saved and Texan by the Grace of God, Redneck by choice.

  • #2
    Very well written. And hoping someone in this administration will pay attention to it is like farting in a hurricane.

