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BREAKING: Illinois Bill to Ban All Modern Firearms

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  • BREAKING: Illinois Bill to Ban All Modern Firearms

    Press release:

    “The ISRA has learned from a credible source that Illinois Senate President John Cullerton [above] will introduce a so called ‘assault weapons’ ban on Wednesday when the legislature returns for its ‘lame duck’ session. Cullerton hopes to ramrod the bill through and get it to Governor Quinn for signature by Friday. If he is successful at doing so, nearly every gun you currently own will be banned and will be subject to confiscation by the Illinois State Police . . .

    “Based on what we know about Cullerton’s bill, firearms that would be banned include all semiautomatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns. Pump action shotguns would be banned as well. This would be a very comprehensive ban that would include not only so-called ‘assault weapons’ but also such classics as M1 Garands and 1911-based pistols. There would be no exemptions and no grandfathering. You would have a very short window to turn in your guns to the State Police to avoid prosecution.”

    TTAG’s sources tell us there will be two bills: one for semi-automatic rifles, lever guns, shotguns and handguns with certain features (e.g., threaded barrels); and one for ammunition magazine capacity.

    Mags would be limited to 10 rounds and owners of existing magazines holding more than 10 rounds would have to register them with the state police.

    One [non-ISRA] gun guy on the front lines in the Land of Lincoln tells TTAG that the odds of the bills going through are 50 – 50. He advises gun owners both in and out of state to call Senate President Cullerton at 217 782 2000 and/or find another legislator to pester at

    “If gun owners around the country melt the phone lines in the next three days we can push this thing back . . . that would be a tremendous morale boost ahead of federal legislation.”

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    id like to see them try that in texas lmao


    • #3
      Pump shotguns are assault weapons. Texas or not, that would be bad for gun owners/Americans.
      Originally posted by MR EDD
      U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


      • #4
        Originally posted by QIK46 View Post
        id like to see them try that in texas lmao

        Yep. I will not give up or let go any of the firearms I have. Some I bought, some were my Dad left for me.
        Some cars and a bike...

        Some say... they have been raced, some a lot


        • #5
          Springfield Armory, DSA, Krebs, and many other fine gun makers are located in Illinois.

          BRING IT TO TEXAS BOYS!!!!
          Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


          • #6
            532 murders in 2012, in Chicago alone. 3 fatal gunshot victims on New Years eve alone.

            I'm pretty sure that ban will fix it for 'em.


            • #7
              Let the blood bath begin.


              • #8
                Turn in your guns or be prosecuted. Go fuck yourself, come get them. Not even a buy back, just turn them in. That guy is bold man


                • #9
                  Step 1. Complete.

                  Posted Jan 02, 2013 @ 09:32 PM
                  Last update Jan 02, 2013 @ 10:03 PM

                  Over the objections of gun-rights advocates, bills banning assault weapons and large-capacity magazines were approved by an Illinois Senate committee Wednesday night and sent to the full chamber.

                  House Bill 1263 bans the possession and sale of semi-automatic assault weapons, and House Bill 815 bans the possession and sale of large-capacity ammunition magazines.

                  Both bills are in response to the December school shootings in Connecticut.

                  “These military-style weapons have no use in our cities,” said Colleen Daley, executive director of the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence.

                  Todd Vandermyde, a lobbyist for the National Rifle Association, said he believes the assault weapons bill goes too far.

                  “This will ban every semi-automatic handgun that accepts a magazine,” he said.

                  Jay Keller, executive director of the Illinois Firearms Manufacturer’s Association, said some weapons banned by the bill “are pistols or shotguns purchased by the average homeowner or the average hunter.” He also said the ban would cause some of the nearly 60 gun manufacturers located in Illinois to move to other states.

                  The bill was approved, but with no support from Republicans on the committee.

                  Vandermyde said the bill to outlaw large-capacity magazines runs afoul of previous court decisions.

                  The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Dan Kotowski, D-Park Ridge, said the concerns were overstated.

                  “If you are a law-abiding gun owner, I don’t know what you have to fear here,” Kotowski said.

                  The pure ignorance on that last quote. You, sir, want to make "law-abiding gun owners" criminals!
                  "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


                  • #10

                    BREAKING: Illinois Democrats Pull Gun Control Bills

                    Posted on January 3, 2013 by Dan Zimmerman

                    The latest from the NRA’s Todd Vandermyde: it appears that Democrats in the Illinois legislature who have been trying to railroad two gun control measures through a lame duck session have pulled their bills. Translation: they counted heads and didn’t have the votes. The latest communique from senate Dems at

                    It is clear that we will need bipartisan support in order to take floor votes on gun safety and marriage equality this week. We will take some time to work on these important issues to advance them in the near future.

                    The executive committee has been delayed, but we still intend to hold a hearing on marriage equality shortly.
                    That’s right, it’s a gun safety bill. No word as to what “the near future” means, but it ain’t over ’til the Senate adjourns on Tuesday. Unless the House adjourns first. And even then it’s not over. It’s never over . . .

