Me too. I could care less what you do in your bedroom, But don't call me race trader because i don't live your life style. And what this has to about protection for the 2nd amendment is beyond me. I know most of you guy's in person, I cant understand why you all are throwing me under the Bus for posting a News Link, Sure some of you will not agree with the news,but I didn't write it. Just posted the link that's all.
For those of you who missed it here it is again
That thing is flawed as fuck. Right there in the first book it says that a snake talked to some woman who was created by a divine being (but not divine enough apparently because he had to borrow a rib from some dude to make her). Anyone with half a brain would toss that shit to the side.
I'm still trying to figure out how he went so far off-topic after the first four or five posts. Nobody insulted him until he insulted someone first. I'm also still trying to figure out where the whole race trader thing, the godless Jews, and all the other nonsensical bullshit came from.
Hey otrtruckpro,
I'm an non-believer, I married an Asian woman, and I'm a moderate when it comes to political matters. I'm also willing to bet that, against your holier-than-thou beliefs, I am an all-around better person than you. I don't discriminate, I don't spew hate-speech, and I respect everyone's right to worship (or not worship) whoever they want. If you're going to come in here preaching first amendment rights then maybe you should start treating everyone else's speech, religious affiliations (or lack thereof), and other social liberties equal to yours.
I'm still trying to figure out how he went so far off-topic after the first four or five posts. Nobody insulted him until he insulted someone first. I'm also still trying to figure out where the whole race trader thing, the godless Jews, and all the other nonsensical bullshit came from.
He's a simpleton. He can't be bothered with that thing called thought, especially when people explain to him that it wasn't the news story that made him a vaginal cleansing product, it's the vitriol that he laid out before us when people disagreed with him.
Edit: In regards to your ninja edit, you now make atheist number 5.
He's a simpleton. He can't be bothered with that thing called thought, especially when people explain to him that it wasn't the news story that made him a vaginal cleansing product, it's the vitriol that he laid out before us when people disagreed with him.
Edit: In regards to your ninja edit, you now make atheist number 5.
I'm still trying to figure out how he went so far off-topic after the first four or five posts. Nobody insulted him until he insulted someone first. I'm also still trying to figure out where the whole race trader thing, the godless Jews, and all the other nonsensical bullshit came from.
Hey otrtruckpro,
I'm an non-believer, I married an Asian woman, and I'm a moderate when it comes to political matters. I'm also willing to bet that, against your holier-than-thou beliefs, I am an all-around better person than you.
I'll bet you are to. Most people on this site are probably a better person than this bible thumping faggot hating racist. Oh and need nudez of said Asian wife!!
One of them hasn't stated on the boards, so I won't list that one, but the other three are Maddhattter, Talisman, and myself. Nobody else has actually said they were, so I won't assume anyone else is.
I'll bet you are to. Most people on this site are probably a better person than this bible thumping faggot hating racist. Oh and need nudez of said Asian wife!!
One of them hasn't stated on the boards, so I won't list that one, but the other three are Maddhattter, Talisman, and myself. Nobody else has actually said they were, so I won't assume anyone else is.
I figured you and Talisman. I'm guessing Maddhattter sticks to the Theology Forum? I don't go in there, odds are not in our favor.
Originally posted by racrguy
Ratt, you heard the man!
They were posted on Fred's old site... I don't think I even have them anymore. I will look. You guys wouldn't find her attractive anyway. She's skinny, A cups, and you probably wouldn't find her face attractive, but I do so I married her
I figured you and Talisman. I'm guessing Maddhattter sticks to the Theology Forum? I don't go in there, odds are not in our favor.
They were posted on Fred's old site... I don't think I even have them anymore. I will look. You guys wouldn't find her attractive anyway. She's skinny, A cups, and you probably wouldn't find her face attractive, but I do so I married her
i dont care if my buds are atheist or not. they are my buds regardless. a man that wants to be close to God will not judge someone based on what religion they believe. i love them unconditionally.
May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
Semper Fi
I figured you and Talisman. I'm guessing Maddhattter sticks to the Theology Forum? I don't go in there, odds are not in our favor.
He mostly lurks, but mostly in the theology corner and political forum. You'd be surprised though, they may outnumber us, but their arguments are easily shot through with large bullet holes.
They were posted on Fred's old site... I don't think I even have them anymore. I will look. You guys wouldn't find her attractive anyway. She's skinny, A cups, and you probably wouldn't find her face attractive, but I do so I married her