From Mark LaRue on AR15,com
I ask - how do the employees of Honda sleep at night ...
... knowing full well they hand made the very car Lanza used to carry out his murder spree ...
It's time America awoke to the terror auto makers are wreaking upon us all.
There is no way in hell Lanza could have carried all that stuff to that school without being spotted with it all in a wheelbarrow or strapped all over his person.
Damn near every violent crime starts with somebody starting a damn car.
I am damn tired of America looking the other way from the horror autos wreak on our society, from drunk drivers to murder sprees to texting drivers mangling their victims - in incredible untold numbers.
I ask - how do the employees of Honda sleep at night ...
... knowing full well they hand made the very car Lanza used to carry out his murder spree ...
It's time America awoke to the terror auto makers are wreaking upon us all.
There is no way in hell Lanza could have carried all that stuff to that school without being spotted with it all in a wheelbarrow or strapped all over his person.
Damn near every violent crime starts with somebody starting a damn car.
I am damn tired of America looking the other way from the horror autos wreak on our society, from drunk drivers to murder sprees to texting drivers mangling their victims - in incredible untold numbers.
