Today is Pearl Harbor day, a day that will live in infamy. We were hit unaware and unprepared by an enemy that wanted nothing less than our complete destruction. And with that in mind, the souls lost in WW2, I come across this

Copied from the page showing the picture:
So someone defaced the Iwo Jima memorial at Quantico. I noticed it as I was leaving the base this morning, but apparently it had been done earlier this week. I know the base has been in the news a lot lately with the Bradley Manning trial going on, but this is just infuriating.

Copied from the page showing the picture:
So someone defaced the Iwo Jima memorial at Quantico. I noticed it as I was leaving the base this morning, but apparently it had been done earlier this week. I know the base has been in the news a lot lately with the Bradley Manning trial going on, but this is just infuriating.