i say fuck it, i wanna box this bastard. i dont give a fuck who he thinks he is, but he aint above me. I dont care where you've been or what you've done. You havent seen what i've seen and I havent seen what you've seen, but i'm gonna show you something.
fucking lol... what a tool.
Detailing is an Obsession!!
1996 MYSTIC Cobra #405 of 2000
Fox Coupe "Calypso Killer"
I removed the block as I was curious. Nay, you want to box me? No. I don't box. You see, I have a cane and if I get worked up, I black out. And then I have to deal with blinding migraines for almost a week afterwards.
That's great news. So that noise I heard wasn't my last breath. Again. Thanks for protecting us from some planes and bus bombers but I still hope you fall face first on a hard dick. Fuck off faggot. Have a nice night. Don't black out.
im in hutto texas til march, making big obama bucks, there is no jitb here, but there is a lovely little family owned tex-mex spot, and a CHILI'S, a FUCKIN CHILI's!
i kinda wish you would put me on ignore so i could post how i really feel [edit] (but here it goes anyways) [/edit] without you going all "i was 18 and the big buff army man convinced me i better sign up or else, so i did, and the little brown guy in the trees was shooting and i stopped one with my head because it seemed like a good idea". Choke on a dick, you fucking faggot. I protect my own, a mother fucker like you hasn't ever, and never will do anything that involves me, or anyone that i care about, or is even related to me. I'll be the one of the 47% to remind you that your military background is a joke to begin with, and you only have a sympathy job, if you even really have a job. You are trash. You couldnt even meet a real girl, you have a fucking mail order bride who looks like a god damn Seabass. Fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you twice more.
your move
You know, I've mostly taken your nonsense in stride as I, somewhat, believed that someone posting such stupid shit could only be trolling...not this dumb. I'm relieved to have that answered.
On another note, you're a sorry son of a bitch. I'm sure you've seen that Frost and I really don't see eye to eye, but I respect what he's done which is already more than you'll do in your sorry life.
I understand that you support leeching society so you don't have to self sacrifice, but it's well conceived around here that you're a poor example of a man. Bringing his wife into it? Now you're just showing how little ammo you have.
I'd be glad to shove your teeth down you scrawny fucking neck, if you're done talking shit to crippled vets. You're not just disrespecting him, but myself, and some outstanding men I fought beside. By this recent revelation, all of them easily far better men than you, the whole lot of them.
I'd tell you the same, but you really have no choice in it. Interesting that you question my sexual choices yet talk about my wife. Confused, Spark Plug? As far as the 47% comment, unless you're discussing the percentage who pay no federal income tax, you'd fall into the 99.4% of Americans who haven't served. That's okay. Facts are stubborn things and when you spend your day around sticking pipes into holes....you really don't have time to educate yourself too much. A 26 on your ACT? I was on Nyquil and blew that to hell. I'm also willing to compare GRE scores
Am I under your skin? I had no clue you were crippled til now. Makes sense. Funny I'm sitting next to an army man right now drinking beer but he's cool and not he'll bent on praise for a mid step
Oh look Naynay is now going to talk shit to some guy who took a bullet in Iraq.
Naynay, call us when you have the balls to actually marry your baby's mama like a real man. Then you might be able to come here and hold this guy's dick for him while he pisses.
Originally posted by racrguy
What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
Originally posted by racrguy
Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.
Wait, you didn't know I depend on a cane and you say I'm demanding praise for a misstep? Wouldn't I mention my cane and sensitivity to light and inability to travel long distances if I was garnering the sympathy vote? I don't doubt you're sitting next to an Army guy. Bitches love us.
Now you bastards got your post reported. Who needs to be censored.
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
Class act naynay! Hope you feel GREAT about yourself.
04 2.6 KB'd Cobra!
Originally posted by Sean88gt
There is something about her that just makes my dick completely take over any thought process. If Russell Brand were on top of her, I'd fuck him just to say I pushed a dick inside of her.