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Athiests cancels TX lawsuit citing "Evil Peace-loving Christians"

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  • Athiests cancels TX lawsuit citing "Evil Peace-loving Christians"

    Anti-Nativity Atheist Cancels TX Lawsuit, Citing ‘Evil’ Death Threats From ‘Peace-Loving Christians’

    Last week, TheBlaze told you about atheist activist Patrick Greene and his quest to dismantle the nativity scene in front of a courthouse in Henderson County, Texas. Now, just days after announcing that he plans to file a lawsuit in an attempt to see the religious symbol removed, Greene is claiming that death threats have forced him to cancel his plans.

    On Saturday, he wrote an e-mail to TheBlaze, in which he shared his negative views about Christians, while also claiming that he has received death threats from local believers. Along with his e-mail, the atheist shared a photo that shows the word “evil” purportedly “burned into the rug” of a staircase in his apartment building.
    Patrick Greene Cancels Nativity Lawsuit Over Christian Death Threats

    The word that Greene claims Christians burned into a rug in his apartment building (Photo Credit: Patrick Greene)

    “The attached photo showing the word ‘Evil’ burned into the rug of our stairs, was from ‘loving’ Christians, who’d rather kill us, than have an atheist touch their precious nativity display,” he told TheBlaze.

    The activist said that the actions have led to the cancellation of any lawsuit plans, but that he expected such tactics from Christians. According to Greene’s accounts to other media, this is the second time that “evil” has been burned into his carpeting.

    “This is the kind of treatment that is normal for Christians,” he proclaimed.

    While Greene has taken the opportunity to blame church-goers for the action, there is not definitive evidence that it was a religious individual who torched “evil” into his carpet. The man confirmed in a separate e-mail exchange with KLTV-TV that “no further legal action will be taken” following the threats.

    “If I filed, our building would have been burned to the ground,” Greene wrote to the outlet, sarcastically taking the opportunity to, again, blame the most recent events on “peace-loving Christians.”

    The atheist was previously considering a lawsuit in an effort to force Christians to post a sign that read, “This star was a gift from 2 Texas Atheists. Merry Christmas!” on the courthouse nativity. The note on the poster was in reference to the star that Greene and his wife purchased for the nativity earlier this year (read the full — and bizarre — series of events that have led to this point here

    My take? He wasn't getting enough publicity so he burned the letters into his own carpet (he didn't report it and wants nothing done about it). Give it a bit and he'll change his mind again and start the lawsuit again
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    Wouldnt surprise me

    real easy to say they gave him death threats with no proof

    what better way to vilify them


    • #3
      Yep, especially since no investigators were called, no evidence reviewed, nothing
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #4
        Patrick Greene has a history of fucktardery. Ignore that ginormous douche.


        • #5
          Originally posted by racrguy View Post
          Patrick Greene has a history of fucktardery. Ignore that ginormous douche.
          Agreed. In May, local Christians found out that either he or his wife (possibly both of them) was ill, took up collections, bought them food, paid their bills, etc. At that time, Greene converted to Christianity proclaiming how great these people of God were to have turned the other cheek and met his antagonism with kindness. It was apparently just a temporary conversion, because once he milked it for everything it was worth, Greene crawfished and went back to being an atheist.

          Look at the link Frost posted to The Blaze - this older story is at the bottom of the page.


          • #6
            He said he converted for a week. Yep, just long enough for the checks to clear
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #7
              A lot of christians "back-slide", but damn!


              • #8
                Man, talk about your IRL trolls. This guy takes the cake and the Blaze is more than happy to give him the attention he craves.

