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SF vs Black Panthers?

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  • SF vs Black Panthers?

    Should be good

    "Get Out the Vet" program wants to make sure Black Panthers don't intimidate voters at the polls, and they say you won't even know they're there.

    “Seal Team November 6″ Aims to Stare Down Voter Intimidation in Philadelphia
    How a veterans’ group plans to enforce democracy on Election Day.
    By Larry Mendte 11/01/2012
    13 Comments and 0 Reactions

    Call them “Seal Team November 6.” Special operations veterans, including former Navy Seals, Delta Force will be called back into action on Election Day to make certain there’s no voter intimidation at the polls.

    Philadelphia is a prime target.

    Former Navy Captain Benjamin Brink is leading the operation. “The nation saw the video of members of the Black Panthers in Philadelphia intimidating people trying to vote in 2008,” Brink told me when I interviewed him during my radio show on IQ 106.9. “We are going to try and make certain that nothing like that happens this year.”

    Brink claims to have over a hundred former Army Rangers, Navy Seal, Delta Force, Green Berets and others who have volunteered for duty. The idea of Navy Seals and Black Panthers getting into it at a Philly polling site gives a whole new incentive for casting a ballot. “Our guys aren’t easily intimidated,” adds Brink.

    Don’t let the bravado fool you. The mission, according to the Captain, is to observe and report, not to engage. “We are going to watch for intimidation, videotape it, if possible, and report it to the proper authorities.”

    Benjamin Brink lives in the St. Louis area. He served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. It was the video of the Black Panthers and the battle over voter ID laws that inspired him to start his clean election movement called “Get Out the Vet.” The group also works to make certain those serving overseas get ballots and that those ballots are counted. “There are men and women fighting right now so that we have the right to vote in free and fair elections,” reminds Brink. “We are just doing our part to make certain democracy works the way it is supposed to.”

    Although Philadelphia will get special attention, the special-ops veterans will also be overseeing polling sites in cities like Cleveland, Miami and Las Vegas—big cities in swing states that have had a history of reports of voter intimidation.

    But isn’t sending big, strapping, steely-eyed men with buzz cuts and special-ops tattoos, at the very least, visually hypocritical? Don’t these guards against voter intimidation intimidate people themselves? “That is not our purpose,” assures Brink. “Voters showing up to the polls probably won’t even notice they are there. These men are trained to be ghosts.”
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    Lynch 'em if they get outta line!
    How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Geor! View Post
      Lynch 'em if they get outta line!
      Why wait 'til they get out of line? We need to be proactive in stopping crime!


      • #4
        I'm betting that these guys won't follow an order to stand down
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #5
          Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
          I'm betting that these guys won't follow an order to stand down
          And I'm betting that the much vaunted black panthers shit their pants as soon as they realize what/whom they are facing...


          • #6
            Originally posted by mikec View Post
            And I'm betting that the much vaunted black panthers shit their pants as soon as they realize what/whom they are facing...
            Yeah those pussies(BP) are badass until real militants show up.


            • #7
              be funny to see a bunch of medium sized white guys beat up a bunch of large black guys

              cause thats what would happen


              • #8
                I would prefer that people just leave each other alone. It's not even safe to vote? Where the fuck are, China?


                • #9
                  when the eagle gets after the cat you know hes F'd


                  • #10
                    All talk, apparently.
                    How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                    • #11
                      Groups of volunteer military special operations veterans are monitoring for voter intimidation at several polling sites across the country, and their leader took time today to talk to TheBlaze about it.

                      Retired Navy Capt. Ben Brink, president of Get Out the Vet, told TheBlaze his covert teams have spotted New Black Panther Party members in Philadelphia and in Cleveland and are recording their activities and watching for potential problems.

                      “We have teams in about six cities. They’re not big teams, but special forces guys don’t need to be big teams,” said Brink, whose background is in intelligence. “They’re in various places at various times, very close to them. We had one that was actually eating lunch next to a bunch of [New Black Panthers]…it’s just like these guys do in the field.”

                      Brink said his volunteers, who include Navy SEALs, Army Rangers and even one former Israeli Defense Forces member, are not confronting the New Black Panthers but observing their activities near polling sites.

                      “We hatched the idea that we might be able to reduce the amount of voter intimidation by getting some of our folks out in the field on Election Day,” he said. They’re recording suspicious activity and reporting any incidents they find to the police and to the media.

                      He said that despite reports, things were relatively quiet in Philadelphia where one New Black Panther Party member was spotted.

                      “The only thing that’s been seen is one dejected New Black Panther Party member kinda standing on the stairs,” Brink said. “Sort of reminded me of going to Berlin right as the wall was coming down, having all the dejected Soviet troops up on the memorial there walking back and forth saying I’ve lost.”

                      “There’s one [New Black Panther Party member] that’s been sighted, there’s a lot of rumors there. We have people on the ground, we have intelligence that they actually set up a unit to try to find us,” he continued. “And so we’re hopeful by the end of the day we’ll have some photographs of those folks but we don’t have them yet. We think we know where they are and we’re doing that.”

                      Brink said there was some New Black Panther Party activity in Cleveland on Monday, and that his team received reports of about seven members out on Tuesday.

                      “We’ve got the team there and they’re following them right now,” he said.

                      He said his teams will be out until the polls close or as long as they’re needed. Despite the “thousands of tweets” he’s received, his volunteers are not confronting potential election law violators, only watching them.

                      “That’s not our purpose,” he said. “We felt that with a few teams we can observe if there’s anything going on and we can make it visible…and by doing that we can discourage some people from doing this.”

                      He said military veterans are uniquely suited to protect free and fair elections.

                      “Every veteran at one time in their life has taken an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution,” he said. “We are not assuming the role of police or vigilante. We’re citizens that want to see a free and fair election [and] that includes things like fighting voter fraud.”

                      Brink added, “They’re having lot of fun. For them it’s more of a game than anything else. The point was making sure that everybody knew we would be watching. And that’s what what we’re doing, we’re watching.”

                      ​Update:​ Brink tells TheBlaze the number of New Black Panthers in Cleveland has grown to 11. They have settled in a cafe across from the election commission and are not doing anything but appear to be waiting for something.

                      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

