Many Americans wonder if members of Congress, especially the Democrats, know anything at all about the U.S. Constitution. Democrat Rep. Rubén Hinojosa of Texas didn't help quell those fears when at a recent rally he couldn't even remember which one the Second Amendment was.
Rep. Hinojosa was asked about the Second Amendment at a recent event, but the 15th District Congressman was hazy on the whole thing.
"There are so many people in Washington who come and talk to us about the Constitution and the rights that they want kept sacred and that not do anything about them. That we not change them. That we not amend them. And I can tell you that -- I’m drawing a blank on the Second Amendment, but I think it’s the weapons, isn’t it? The NRA?"
Hinojosa then went on to ramble about why we have to have "those machine guns."
"Why in the hell do we have to have machine guns? And don’t touch that, because NRA will come and put you on the black list," he rambled.
Of course, such weapons have already been outlawed and few Americans have a license to own "machine guns." Further, the NRA does not fight to try and allow Americans access to such weapons.
One 70-year-old in attendance at the rally expressed his shock at Congressman Hinjosa's lack of knowledge about the U.S. Constitution. "That was scary, on the part of Rubén, when he was having trouble remembering what the Second Amendment was," the man said.
Hinojosa, a 7-term incumbent is one of the most liberal members of the House of Representatives rating a low 16.19 percent ACU conservative rating. Hinojosa faces Republican Dale Brueggemann in November.