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Barry on Leno

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  • #16
    oh, ok.

    saying hey america, if you didn't know, the guy running your country can be seen and heard on live TV right now on Jay Leno's 'Tonight Show', doesn't make any sense.. right.

    troll on player.


    • #17
      Bill did it first (played saxophone on the Arsenio Hall show), and was cooler doing it than Barry will ever be. POTUS can't even come up with an origianl idea.


      • #18
        so.. the dems.. still... win..?



        • #19
          Originally posted by SonicblueGT03 View Post
          Bill did it first (played saxophone on the Arsenio Hall show), and was cooler doing it than Barry will ever be. POTUS can't even come up with an origianl idea.
          again, this is not about race, this is about a party
          THE BAD HOMBRE


          • #20


            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #21


              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


              • #22
                so chopping down trees and carbon footprints> green living?

                rriiiiiiggggghhhhtttttt, duly noted
                THE BAD HOMBRE


                • #23
                  Originally posted by naynay View Post
                  so chopping down trees and carbon footprints> green living?

                  rriiiiiiggggghhhhtttttt, duly noted
                  The fuck are you talking about?
                  Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                  Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by naynay View Post
                    oh, ok.

                    saying hey america, if you didn't know, the guy running your country can be seen and heard on live TV right now on Jay Leno's 'Tonight Show', doesn't make any sense.. right.

                    troll on player.
                    To bad the player didnt make some of the security meetings, we may have not lost four guys on 9/11. Cant wait tell he looses in two weeks, bet he has a break down or something. And the oger wife leaves his looser ass with in two years. Any bets?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by sig239 View Post
                      To bad the player didnt make some of the security meetings, we may have not lost four guys on 9/11. Cant wait tell he looses in two weeks, bet he has a break down or something. And the oger wife leaves his looser ass with in two years. Any bets?
                      I've already called that.


                      • #26
                        You kinda have to "admire" naynay. The dude is willing to make himself a total clown and lose much of the respect he has garnered on this site to act like this elections sux2bu.

                        No command of the issues? Wont stop NayNay!
                        No idea how wealth is really created? Wont stop NayNay!
                        Cant put his argument forward in a convincing way? Wont stop NayNay fron making a fool of himself!

                        Caryy on, Brotha!! See you at the picket lines!!!


                        • #27
                          NayGay, please go away after Nov 7th I'm tired of your posts. I bet you have a life size poster of Obama, and right next to it a sock...


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by sc281 View Post
                            You kinda have to "admire" naynay. The dude is willing to make himself a total clown and lose much of the respect he has garnered on this site to act like this elections sux2bu.

                            No command of the issues? Wont stop NayNay!
                            No idea how wealth is really created? Wont stop NayNay!
                            Cant put his argument forward in a convincing way? Wont stop NayNay fron making a fool of himself!

                            Caryy on, Brotha!! See you at the picket lines!!!
                            NayNay is pretty much the typical black voter. They like to cite "history" as being the reason to vote democrat, yet if they really KNEW the real history, they wouldn't feel that way. There's a long list of Dems that fought hard against civil rights, and (beginning with Lincoln) there's a long list of Reps that fought FOR civil rights. Interestingly enough, the south was totally controlled by democratic governors during the '50's/'60's, which is where most of the marches (and violence) took place. FDR bought his way to the black vote through entitlement programs, plain and simple. Slavery had been gone for almost a century, but he knew they would still rely on the white man to take care of them. How demeaning is that? It's dispicable that black patriots like Condolezza Rice, Alan West, and Judge Clarence Thomas, are discounted by the black community as "Uncle Tom's" and "oreo's", yet the POTUS they idolize does not have ONE DROP of black american blood in him. I have sent money to only two politicians (and the Rep party) this election cycle: Mia Love (Utah) and Alan West (Florida). Neither one is from my state, and both happen to be black. They also happen to have my respect and share a lot of my political views about what I think is best for all Americans, and not a particular race.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by naynay View Post
                              he's the face of america... he's on TV talking like you and i would. he knows how to turn the politucian off, and be a normal guy. he is a new age JFK imho. if you didn't like JFK you didnt like the beatles... or mustangs, or the 60's.

                              so pack your shit and gtfo, perharps?
                              LOL at equating Obama to JFK.

                              Among many differences which begin with basic intelligence on how to build a coalition in the country, one glaring difference is that one served with distinction in the military and was thus qualified to be given the title "Commander-in-Chief", one didn't. Yes, I know Romney didn't either, but I'm not hyping him in any way to be equal to any of the truly great presidents we've had in recent history. Obama obviously needs the hype (i.e. false comparison) though, 'cause there's just not much else there. For a truer comparison of Obama to any recent former president, look to Jimmy Carter.
                              Last edited by The King; 10-25-2012, 10:59 AM.


                              • #30
                                Obummer is not even fit to shine JFK's shoes...
                                "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776

