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Debate #3

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  • samuel642000
    Originally posted by slow99
    I wonder what the eff happens to a country when its currency is the world's reserve currency, it attracts all the world's capital, it has an abundance of capital, the country's cost of capital becomes extremely cheap, it's easy to make money when your cost of borrowing is the lowest in the world, the cheap cost of capital drives profitable positive NPV projects like you wouldn't believe, the economy explodes, wealth expands, its citizens get used to a increasingly high standard of living, now all of these citizens demand more goods in aggregate, their desire to import more and more goods increases, they trade in their currency for foreign currency driving the fx markets downward, the unions driving an inefficient labor market don't help the situation, investors realize that meaningful elements of the factors of production (land, labor, capital, technology) are in aggregate cheaper elsewhere, they send capital to invest overseas, while the cheap currency is obviously good for exporters it isn't good for attracting capital anymore, the country raises interest rates, the outflow of capital drives up the overall cost of investment, making it more difficult find positive NPV investments, the economy slows, government intervenes, government competition for investment projects crowds out private money, private money now flows outside the borders, other countries now see the mass inflows as damaging to their own economies, they foresee a pending economic downturn and turn to their safehaven - the world's reserve country- for investment, causing the country to borrow more and more, at which point the country realizes this isn't sustainable - but - they have a printing press...carry on, rinse, repeat.
    Don't look now, but someone stole your enter key.

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  • Hmbre97
    Maybe we can get Dwain Twain's wifeys Fountain to pull us out of this mess. Or her big semi truck.

    chooooooo$$$$$$$$$$$$ chooooooo$$$$$$$$$$$$

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  • Forever_frost
    I don't know what you just said man, but you're special.

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  • Forever_frost
    Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
    Well the moderator is to his left.
    The moderator was fair and balanced

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  • samuel642000
    Originally posted by naynay View Post
    You know it dawg.

    One day you union boys might be able to keep up.


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  • Forever_frost
    We should all get along. We all want to go the same place. Let's just sit down, smoke some good grass and talk all of this out

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  • naynay
    Originally posted by samuel642000 View Post
    When I was welding up north union workers would freak out when they heard about the long hours we pulled. "You worked 15 hrs yesterday?" like it was a big deal.
    That's just the tip of the iceberg. They forced us to stop working when we were wiring until they had a union worker working with us, because we were " taking a union members money out of their pockets."

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  • samuel642000
    Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
    haha yep. And they wonder why we bring them up. The only union guys are independent welders. There are a FEW pipeliners, but they are from up here. It's funny that these union guys don't know what 24/7 on call or overnight work is. Thats when they get the southerners up here to work, they don't complain.
    When I was welding up north union workers would freak out when they heard about the long hours we pulled. "You worked 15 hrs yesterday?" like it was a big deal.
    That's just the tip of the iceberg. They forced us to stop working when we were wiring until they had a union worker working with us, because we were " taking a union members money out of their pockets."

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  • Forever_frost
    Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
    Can you imagine what America would be like if Unions held the oil/gas industry hostage with strikes???? It would bring the US to a screeching halt.
    No shit. Gas prices 10 bucks a gallon and would take months to make up for one day of strike. Fuck unions. No industry has been made better by them

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  • Trip McNeely
    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
    Just think about all the jobs and advancements that would never have come about if unions had a say. "No overnight work!" "No long hours!" "Full benefits!" Could you imagine if the Wright Brothers had to get unions to build their plane?
    Can you imagine what America would be like if Unions held the oil/gas industry hostage with strikes???? It would bring the US to a screeching halt.

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  • Forever_frost
    Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
    haha yep. And they wonder why we bring them up. The only union guys are independent welders. There are a FEW pipeliners, but they are from up here. It's funny that these union guys don't know what 24/7 on call or overnight work is. Thats when they get the southerners up here to work, they don't complain.
    Just think about all the jobs and advancements that would never have come about if unions had a say. "No overnight work!" "No long hours!" "Full benefits!" Could you imagine if the Wright Brothers had to get unions to build their plane?

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  • Trip McNeely
    Originally posted by runin90lx View Post
    And that's exactly why probably 95% of workers in the northeast gas plays are from Texas and Louisiana. And why all the union people from there hate the oilfield
    haha yep. And they wonder why we bring them up. The only union guys are independent welders. There are a FEW pipeliners, but they are from up here. It's funny that these union guys don't know what 24/7 on call or overnight work is. Thats when they get the southerners up here to work, they don't complain.

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  • Forever_frost
    Originally posted by brandon01rt View Post
    So what exactly was mitt's stance in the auto industry collapse? Managed bankruptcy with government help?
    That's why there are bankruptcy laws

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  • Forever_frost
    Originally posted by naynay View Post
    texas is a right-to-work state...
    Yep. And unions and liberals despise it

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  • naynay
    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
    Yep. That's why all the new car companies are starting in right to work states and outstripping union jobs in benefits and pay. That's why Toyota and other 'foreign' car companies have better quality because there is no union to hide behind if you fuck up and fuck up a car.
    texas is a right-to-work state...

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