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Mit Romney style

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  • #16
    Originally posted by 91CoupeMike View Post
    +1 for don.
    Yeah like your opinion means lot to me. People like you working their counters are one reason I refuse to buy or even install parts from Autozone.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Craizie View Post
      That asshole made TOO much money. Obviously he should have stopped at 100k a year, the greedy evil fuck. Fuck him for having goals and reaching them.
      Not so much the amount it's the method.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Craizie View Post
        Why do people always blow off donations because they are a tax write offs.

        You know he only gets 15% back? It's not like you donate $100 to charity and the gubment hands you $100 back for your good deed.

        And everyone calls bullshit on your opinion because its based on speculation and ...well bullshit. Not because we have made up our minds and won't listen to reason. It's because you argue without reason.
        He only pays 14% on his investment income. Other income is taxed at a much higher rate. But If you write off enough to cancel your other income then you only pay 14% sure.
        IF you refuse to look at all sources and only look at Faux news then everything I say might be speculation. Then again it might not be. And YES EVERYONE in this section HAS made up their minds.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
          You mean he went and sought out people who wanted to make money, entered into a contract and created a business which then proceeded to make assloads of money. When he had 'made enough', he sold most of his shares and lives on the interest. Sounds like smart business sense and good use of resources.
          Yep that's how he originally made his money. That's NOT what I was talking about and you know it. Trying alittle redirection?


          • #20
            Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
            He only pays 14% on his investment income. Other income is taxed at a much higher rate. But If you write off enough to cancel your other income then you only pay 14% sure.
            IF you refuse to look at all sources and only look at Faux news then everything I say might be speculation. Then again it might not be. And YES EVERYONE in this section HAS made up their minds.
            You mean "Fuck him" for paying what is legally required, even though he didn't take all of the deductions he could have which would likely have reduced him to little if anything at all?

            remind me, how did Obama become a multi-milliionaire from a community organizer again?
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #21
              Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
              Yep that's how he originally made his money. That's NOT what I was talking about and you know it. Trying alittle redirection?
              Then perhaps you should specify what you mean because I don't know what you're talking about. No redirection.
              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


              • #22
                Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                You mean "Fuck him" for paying what is legally required, even though he didn't take all of the deductions he could have which would likely have reduced him to little if anything at all?

                remind me, how did Obama become a multi-milliionaire from a community organizer again?
                Nope that's not what I said either.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                  Then perhaps you should specify what you mean because I don't know what you're talking about. No redirection.
                  When he was governor He benefited somehow it certainly wasn't because of the pay. As I said and others have said what idiot would spend 1 million plus to be elected to a 200k or even a 400 k Job? Unless there was something else they were after. Power? Kickbacks? more favorable regulations for his company? Who knows, I don't you don't but he's NOT Lilly white like you try to act like he is. And before you get into it I don't believe O is either.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
                    When he was governor He benefited somehow it certainly wasn't because of the pay. As I said and others have said what idiot would spend 1 million plus to be elected to a 200k or even a 400 k Job? Unless there was something else they were after. Power? Kickbacks? more favorable regulations for his company? Who knows, I don't you don't but he's NOT Lilly white like you try to act like he is. And before you get into it I don't believe O is either.
                    Very, very few men who run for POTUS are "in it for the money". Most feel like they can help their country, and see it as a duty of sorts (but I'm sure some also have ulterior motives). In Barry's defense, I wouldn't doubt he felt like that going in. The problem is his ultimate "vision" is one that is held by a minority of people in this country. Thank God.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
                      When he was governor He benefited somehow it certainly wasn't because of the pay. As I said and others have said what idiot would spend 1 million plus to be elected to a 200k or even a 400 k Job? Unless there was something else they were after. Power? Kickbacks? more favorable regulations for his company? Who knows, I don't you don't but he's NOT Lilly white like you try to act like he is. And before you get into it I don't believe O is either.
                      The same person who would buy a failing company. Someone who believes he can fix it and is willing to take a short term loss to improve the situation.

                      Funny that you would mention "Lilly White." You mean like Barry's mom? Or are you referring to histories, like his father?
                      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                        Very, very few men who run for POTUS are "in it for the money". Most feel like they can help their country, and see it as a duty of sorts (but I'm sure some also have ulterior motives). In Barry's defense, I wouldn't doubt he felt like that going in. The problem is his ultimate "vision" is one that is held by a minority of people in this country. Thank God.
                        I suppose we'll see in a couple of weeks huh? I just wish electoral votes were split with the amount of people who vote for each side. It shouldn't be a winner take all deal. 55% shouldn't tell the other 45% what they have to have.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                          The same person who would buy a failing company. Someone who believes he can fix it and is willing to take a short term loss to improve the situation.

                          Funny that you would mention "Lilly White." You mean like Barry's mom? Or are you referring to histories, like his father?
                          You mean buy cheap and if it doesn't turn around quickly raid the pensions and split the company up, sell the pieces and lay the people off?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
                            You mean buy cheap and if it doesn't turn around quickly raid the pensions and split the company up, sell the pieces and lay the people off?
                            You mean sell assets that now belong to him and are his to do with as he sees fit? Yes. Explain how what he did is worse that Obama handing his buddies 90 billion and they take the money and then lay off their entire workforces
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
                              You mean buy cheap and if it doesn't turn around quickly raid the pensions and split the company up, sell the pieces and lay the people off?
                              So, you're saying he should have just sucked it up, let the company fail because it wasn't salvageable lose all his investment, and lay off the workers in which case they wouldn't have pensions either way.

                              You are vilifying a man for making smart business decisions.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Craizie View Post
                                So, you're saying he should have just sucked it up, let the company fail because it wasn't salvageable lose all his investment, and lay off the workers in which case they wouldn't have pensions either way.

                                You are vilifying a man for making smart business decisions.
                                Not only that, if he'd have taken losses and kept everyone on and assets where they were when the business was going under enough times, Bain wouldn't have been able to straighten out other companies and make them profitable. Like Staples.

                                Now remind me, how many jobs were lost with Obama's 90 billion dollar investments?
                                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

