that could be a question posed with a possible answer of either Emilo and Charlie, or what you would say our current presidential candidates could not be described as.
Cut entitlement programs, add the restrictions back to ensure that people HAVE TO look for a job while getting "free" money (really, Obama? Oh yeah, you're just pandering to your voters), cut these bullshit corn subsidies and ethanol requirements so that gas companies are at least a little more transparent and can't get away with highway robbery, and put small tariffs on Chinese imports. That's a very good start.
The problem i see with this, and that i saw with the bailouts etc, is that there is no guarantee that these companies will invest that money here. They will invest it where they can get the biggest return which is in China. Due to slave labor wages, no regulations and a general anything goes aslong as we are taking jobs and money from the US attitude.
If there was only some sort of bill or something that could be passed to stop that?
There is more to it than just taxes. Try to start any business especially something in the manufacturing sector and you will get bogged down in the red tape of all the enviro studies. We also need to stop sending raw resources overseas. There are huge amounts of recycled metals, raw timber and other natural resources that could and should be processed here before we ship it out.
Donald trump made a great point a couple years back. Tariff the fuck out of China and drop a lot of taxes for businesses that focus on USA-based work culture. is so simple. Problem is nobody wants to piss off our landlord!
There is more to it than just taxes. Try to start any business especially something in the manufacturing sector and you will get bogged down in the red tape of all the enviro studies. We also need to stop sending raw resources overseas. There are huge amounts of recycled metals, raw timber and other natural resources that could and should be processed here before we ship it out.