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Thoughts on non-profits?

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  • Thoughts on non-profits?

    Haven't seen any arguments hit this board, but I don't wade in this sub-forum much.

    On other boards now and then someone posts the % that actually does some good and everyone is outraged.

    As someone that understands overhead isn't free I don't see the big deal if only 15-25% of donations reach the homeless dogs and cats with AIDS, autism, cancer living hand to mouth in the African Desert. Buildings, employees, computers, internet, phones, utilities, marketing/advertising, lawyers, attorneys, and all the rest cost money.

    dfwmustangs opinion?
    US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer

  • #2
    I've pretty much stopped any charitible giving unless I have some old usable stuff to take to Goodwill that I don't feel like screwing with. I throw enough money away in taxes every year. This country is so interested in being a nanny state, they'll have to take any money from me directly from my check.


    • #3
      I knew a cat that had autism. Aids got the best of him though. He will be missed.


      • #4
        My woman and I started one tho year and have funded everything personally. Donations are getting to the point that we can cover expenses but we still aren't using any of the income, including repayment of startup cash which our board approved. The idea is to continue to grow cash and help those intended.

        At some point that will change but current we are using volunteers.


        • #5
          Originally posted by talisman View Post
          I've pretty much stopped any charitible giving unless I have some old usable stuff to take to Goodwill that I don't feel like screwing with. I throw enough money away in taxes every year. This country is so interested in being a nanny state, they'll have to take any money from me directly from my check.
          This. I however will directly help out individuals.
          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


          • #6
            I work with a Non Profit that assists disable veterans and vets suffering from PTSD. It is frustrating when you hear about a similar organization (a very famous one that will remain nameless) that was also set up to help veterans and then you find out that the director has a salary of over half a million each year. That is donated money. Our director took a pay cut of almost 50% to come do this and he is really struggling because of it. But it is a cause that is very close to his heart. I heard last year that when the Susan g Komen foundation wasn't busy suing other charities that used the words "The Cure" their director was pocketing a cool $750K in donated money each year.

            I would say look into the people that you are donating to, and see exactly how they will be using it. For example the Chris Kyle gun that we just auctioned off went for $22K and it looks like about $2k will go into operating costs with the rest going to our veterans.


            • #7
              What charity?
              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


              • #8
                I am working for an organization that Chris Kyle is the co founder of, called Fitco Cares "The Heroes Project." Right now I am only able to give a few hours a week, mostly trying to get large donations lined up.



                • #9
                  man i never donate for this exact reason

                  i have decided that if i am going to be charityible im going to hand it right to them

                  Yeah i hand money out to those people on the street in FW sometimes

                  Some fat girl on hulen st. was holding a sign that said 16 and pregnant nowhere else to turn lol i had to laugh but it was just a funny sign i gave her a 20

                  i dont care if they spend it on booze it not my place to judge them . I did my part......F those big charities it goes to somebodys pocket id rather buy booze for some bum at least he is actually getting the money instead of buying org some new couches for the lobby


                  • #10
                    Let's say you want to start the waycooljr center for prenatal cancer turbo-aids prevention. You're going to need scientists, labs with giga dollar machines, doctors, and probably a building for them to work in and what not. Maybe some janitors to clean the place and secretaries to answer the phones, you don't want to pay the doctors rate for them to clean the joint and stop to answer the phones as well. Some toolbag will probably sue you now and then too, there goes a shit-ton of dollars to lawyers.

                    Overhead is unavoidable.

                    Originally posted by waycooljr View Post
                    man i never donate for this exact reason

                    i have decided that if i am going to be charityible im going to hand it right to them

                    Yeah i hand money out to those people on the street in FW sometimes

                    Some fat girl on hulen st. was holding a sign that said 16 and pregnant nowhere else to turn lol i had to laugh but it was just a funny sign i gave her a 20

                    i dont care if they spend it on booze it not my place to judge them . I did my part......F those big charities it goes to somebodys pocket id rather buy booze for some bum at least he is actually getting the money instead of buying org some new couches for the lobby
                    US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                    • #11
                      yeah but if you follow the news you can see they add a little to much to that overhead cost

                      got a big check ? Eh thats just a windfall

                      we wanted a new building anyways

                      even though the old one was fine it wasnt as nice . You hear this stuff . You also hear about it all just going to some guys bank account sometimes too . I want to donate but ill be dammed if im just gonna buy some guy a new car

                      Maybe if i did some research and found the most trustworthy one and could see their results


                      • #12
                        I think it's bullshit that people that run charities make 6 figures, and so little actually makes it to the cause.

                        Some friends and I feed the homeless once a month at minimum, but have done so twice a month a lot lately. The labor comes from us, and the money comes from us. This is the way I prefer to do charity. No money changing hands, nothing off the top, and I can see the direct result of our combined efforts.
                        Originally posted by BradM
                        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                        Originally posted by Leah
                        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                        • #13
                          Oh yeah... And
                          Originally posted by BradM
                          But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                          Originally posted by Leah
                          In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                            I think it's bullshit that people that run charities make 6 figures, and so little actually makes it to the cause.

                            Some friends and I feed the homeless once a month at minimum, but have done so twice a month a lot lately. The labor comes from us, and the money comes from us. This is the way I prefer to do charity. No money changing hands, nothing off the top, and I can see the direct result of our combined efforts.
                            This thank you you put it better than i did

                            so many charities are corropt while still being slightly charitible so they can stay non profit you hear it all the time and nobody does anything cause they do give some thing at least . theyre frauds for me to give to a charity id have to either do a lot of research or basically start my own so i could see that not even 1 penny of that money was wasted thats incredibly unethical


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by waycooljr View Post
                              yeah but if you follow the news you can see they add a little to much to that overhead cost

                              got a big check ? Eh thats just a windfall

                              we wanted a new building anyways

                              even though the old one was fine it wasnt as nice . You hear this stuff . You also hear about it all just going to some guys bank account sometimes too . I want to donate but ill be dammed if im just gonna buy some guy a new car

                              Maybe if i did some research and found the most trustworthy one and could see their results
                              I don't doubt that scammer types, wolves, start nonprofits to hide amongst the sheep, but I don't think the intent of the majority is to fleece people. Bad apples spoiling the entire bunch?

                              Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                              I think it's bullshit that people that run charities make 6 figures, and so little actually makes it to the cause.

                              Some friends and I feed the homeless once a month at minimum, but have done so twice a month a lot lately. The labor comes from us, and the money comes from us. This is the way I prefer to do charity. No money changing hands, nothing off the top, and I can see the direct result of our combined efforts.
                              That's America, you have to pay for quality leadership or they go somewhere else and the charity runs itself into the ground.

                              Originally posted by waycooljr View Post
                              This thank you you put it better than i did

                              so many charities are corropt while still being slightly charitible so they can stay non profit you hear it all the time and nobody does anything cause they do give some thing at least . theyre frauds for me to give to a charity id have to either do a lot of research or basically start my own so i could see that not even 1 penny of that money was wasted thats incredibly unethical
                              What is corrupt, someone operating a charity as an outright scam or simply not meeting your fantasy standards? If someone could operate a national charity with 100% efficiency, which is impossible, they would just make billions running the globe's most profitable company. Hmmm, maybe the banks that make up the Federal Reserve are close? lol
                              US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer

