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Parents Upset Over Lunchtime Palm Scanner

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  • #76
    Originally posted by SS moron View Post
    LOL... Talk all the shit you want, but I guarantee you aren't going to do anything about it but sit there crying in your hash.
    whatever you say dipshit...
    May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
    Semper Fi


    • #77
      Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
      About this? Doesn't seem to be working very well in your favor.
      atleast he has stepped up to the plate, coward. Better than kicking back and saying "you're not gonna change a thing."
      May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
      Semper Fi


      • #78
        Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
        About this? Doesn't seem to be working very well in your favor.
        About several things. Point is, I've actually gone and talked to Congress, been before Congressional hearings and been invited into the White House.

        What have you done?

        Edit: I'm also on the Governor's Council and I tend to go completely off the rails when something like this comes up.
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #79
          Originally posted by Jester View Post
          atleast he has stepped up to the plate, coward. Better than kicking back and saying "you're not gonna change a thing."
          Pass the dutchie on the left hand side.
          Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
          About several things. Point is, I've actually gone and talked to Congress, been before Congressional hearings and been invited into the White House.
          That doesn't answer the question. What are you going to do about this other than bitch about it on the internet?


          • #80
            Originally posted by silverhatch View Post

            Texas schools punish students who refuse to be tracked with microchips

            Since October 1, students at John Jay High School and Anson Jones Middle School in San Antonio, Texas, have been asked to attend class with photo ID cards equipped with radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips to track every pupil’s location. Educators insist that the endeavor is being rolled out in Texas to stem the rampant truancy devastating the school's funding.
            i got no sympathy for schools getting their funding devastated in fact the less money they have the better . especially since they are too scared to compete with private

            i still remember when the texas lottery was going to be "for th schools!" lol

            "please all you religion people let us allow gambling its for the schools!! its for the children!!!" whoever believed that is idiot


            • #81
              Originally posted by waycooljr View Post
              " whoever believed that is idiot
              Can you please, just once, complete a coherent sentence in Proper English? You're a retarded, inbred, hillbilly fuck. Or to use your own wordss... "Whoever typed that is idiot."
              Originally posted by BradM
              But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
              Originally posted by Leah
              In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


              • #82
                Well arent you just a nice pleasant person , so glad i dont know you .

                My keyboard isnt the best im so sorry i dont meet your standard


                • #83
                  Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                  Pass the dutchie on the left hand side.

                  That doesn't answer the question. What are you going to do about this other than bitch about it on the internet?
                  You mean other than make people aware of it and make sure it doesn't happen in my school district?
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by waycooljr View Post
                    My keyboard isnt the best im so sorry i dont meet your standard
                    Your ignorance can not be blamed on your keyboard. Those are far more than typos. Look, Justin... If you want to have an intelligent conversation, you must first appear to be intelligent. Catch a clue, you backwoods fuck.
                    Originally posted by BradM
                    But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                    Originally posted by Leah
                    In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                    • #85
                      Good luck with that. You, as a Christian should know this kind of thing is inevitable.

                      P.S. You never did answer my question about your PT145 as your carry. Too cool for school?


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                        Good luck with that. You, as a Christian should know this kind of thing is inevitable.

                        P.S. You never did answer my question about your PT145 as your carry. Too cool for school?
                        I know it's inevitable but it doesn't mean I can't fight it.

                        My PT145 is a great pistol, but a bit bulky for summer carry. It's my winter weapon
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                          I know it's inevitable but it doesn't mean I can't fight it.

                          My PT145 is a great pistol, but a bit bulky for summer carry. It's my winter weapon
                          Understood, but has it ever given you any FTF or FTE problems or any magazine issues that many have experienced?


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                            Understood, but has it ever given you any FTF or FTE problems or any magazine issues that many have experienced?
                            I've never had an issue with it. She fires perfectly, though I keep her oiled like crazy
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                              You mean other than make people aware of it and make sure it doesn't happen in my school district?
                              Don't know why I quoted you, just there.

                              A problem is hard working Americans are just that. Hard working. Work, family and home take up 110% of their time. Where is the time for us to go lobby, even at the local level. There are a couple of folks I knew did that, until they got married, had a kid and bought a house. ***Remembered why I quoted you. To an extent you can expect a certain amount out of people. Remember though, we're not all retired and are on our toes all the time trying to stay ahead of the f'ed up policies sucking our pockets dry - regardless of the touchy feely reasons.

                              On the flip side. All the folks that have nothing better to do, they can protest and do whatever it is they do to convince politicians their votes are important. oh, and they still reproduce more than a lot of us have. So, 18 years from now all those new babies have that much more voting clout. Which means those who reproduce most are going to win, essentially. This is not a race thing either, it's a...don't know thing. So, if the lazy ass mo-fos who like government funding and big brother reproduce the most - they win. As far as I can tell, it's happening already. Why else would we be in the shape we're in?

                              Which leads me to the conclusion I came to about a year ago. What I considered the stereotypical American 40+ years ago is like those old tools that never break. We'll fight the good fight but there will be less and less of us. The difference is, I think after we've all lost everything due to (at the end of the day) piss poor management and corruption of our country, we'll probably band together in one way or another and fight back. The shit will hit the fan one day, just not sure if it is 5, 10, 50 or whatever years away.

                              The sad/funny part is, we'll be criminals beyond all belief when we're push against the wall that hard. I think things like what we saw in Austin and other places that we all consider extreme now, will start it all off.

                              That group will likely fail end game, but what other choice will they/we have?

                              I hope and pray I'm completely wrong, that the US stands together for the country as a whole and kicks these politician's asses out of Washington (down to local government). Then opens the way for honest leaders to take their place.

                              Okay, you can stop laughing now.
                              Originally posted by MR EDD
                              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by silverhatch View Post

                                Texas schools punish students who refuse to be tracked with microchips

                                A school district in Texas came under fire earlier this year when it announced that it would require students to wear microchip-embedded ID cards at all times. Now, students who refuse to be monitored say they are feeling the repercussions.
                                Since October 1, students at John Jay High School and Anson Jones Middle School in San Antonio, Texas, have been asked to attend class with photo ID cards equipped with radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips to track every pupil’s location. Educators insist that the endeavor is being rolled out in Texas to stem the rampant truancy devastating the school's funding. If the program is judged successful, the RFID chips could soon come to 112 schools in all and affect nearly 100,000 students.
                                Students who refuse to walk the school halls with the card in their pocket or around their neck claim they are being tormented by instructors, and are barred from participating in certain school functions. Some also said they were turned away from common areas like cafeterias and libraries.
                                Andrea Hernandez, a sophomore at John Jay, said educators have ignored her pleas to respect her privacy and told her she cannot participate in school elections if she refuses to comply with the tracking program.
                                Hernandez said in an interview with Salon that subjecting herself to constant monitoring through an RFID chip is like being branded with the “mark of the beast” – a reference to the Bible's apocalyptic Book of Revelations. When she reached out to WND with the school’s response, though, she said that she was threatened with not being allowed to vote for her school's homecoming king and queen for disobeying the student ID rule.
                                "I had a teacher tell me I would not be allowed to vote because I did not have the proper voter ID," Hernandez told WND. "I had my old student ID card which they originally told us would be good for the entire four years we were in school. He said I needed the new ID with the chip in order to vote."
                                After Hernandez refused to wear an RFID chip, WND reported that Deputy Superintendent Ray Galindo issued a statement to the girl's parents: “We are simply asking your daughter to wear an ID badge as every other student and adult on the Jay campus is asked to do.” If she is allowed to forego the tracking now, the repercussions will be harsher than just revoking voting rights for homecoming contests once the school makes location-monitoring mandatory, he argued.
                                “I urge you to accept this solution so that your child’s instructional program will not be affected. As we discussed, there will be consequences for refusal to wear an ID card as we begin to move forward with full implementation,” Galindo wrote.
                                The girl’s father, Steve Hernandez, told WND that the school was somewhat willing to work with his daughter, but said that the family is unwilling to “agree to stop criticizing the program” and publically endorse it.
                                “I told him that was unacceptable because it would imply an endorsement of the district’s policy and my daughter and I should not have to give up our constitutional rights to speak out against a program that we feel is wrong,” Mr. Hernandez responded.
                                The Northside Independent School District expects to collect upwards of $2 million in state funding by reversing its poor attendance figures, with the RFID program costing around one-quarter of that sum to initiate and another $136,005 in maintenance. The new funding may not offset the other damages that could arise: Heather Fazio of Texans for Accountable Government told WND that she filed a Freedom of Information Act request for $30 and received the names and addresses of every student in the school district.
                                “Using this information along with an RFID reader means a predator could use this information to determine if the student is at home and then track them wherever they go. These chips are always broadcasting so anyone with a reader can track them anywhere,” she said.
                                Kirsten Bokenkamp of the ACLU told the San Antonio Express-News earlier this year that her organization expected to challenge the board’s decision to use the tracking system, but the school went ahead with the program undeterred. Steve Hernandez told WND that he approached the ACLU abour representing his daughter’s case, but Rebecca Robertson of a local branch of the organization said that, “the ACLU of Texas will not be able to represent you or your daughter in this matter,” saying the case did not meet the group's criteria.
                                It's happening people WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!! They are implementing this and are ostrisizing and cutting out the people that refuse to abide by it. Soon, you and I won't be allowed to vote or do normal things without one. That is the day I start killing the people responsible for it. Mark my words. Whomever you are out there, if you try to do this to me or my family, you are a marked target.

