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The token question.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
    If nothing else, see what you taxes and gas prices do when either is in office, and where that money goes. We've seen a $6 trillion increase in debt in four years, and they've been running without a budget for Barry's entire term.
    Taxes might change, I could see how that could happen but I seriously don't think gas has anything to do with who's in office. Is that why the dollar menu went up in price too? $6 trillion? How much of that 6 trillion was left over from W?


    • #17
      Is your parents success based on something they did(hard work); or is it because of what the government did?

      Obama believes that the government should get the credit. Romney believes your parents should.

      We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the the pursuit of happiness......, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
      I'm posting from my phone, probably while driving. Expect typoes.......


      • #18
        Originally posted by A+ View Post
        Taxes might change, I could see how that could happen but I seriously don't think gas has anything to do with who's in office. Is that why the dollar menu went up in price too? $6 trillion? How much of that 6 trillion was left over from W?
        Barry has spent the $6 trillion on his own in his 4 years. Dubya spent $4 trillion in 8 years (both terms). Most of the time, gas prices reflect the energy policy of the administration that's in office. Obama is killing off-shore drilling, pipeline projects (Keystone being the best known), and the coal industry as a whole. Dozens of coal-fired plants have been closed, and the cost of electricity is going up. He doesn't want coal or nuclear plants. What's left? Windmills? Solar? He pumped $500 million in taxpayer money into Solyndra (which failed miserably) and other "green projects", that simply won't work. Dubya did his share of screwing up, but this last 4 years has been a total debacle.


        • #19
          I thought they went ahead with that Keystone pipeline? I can't do a thorough surch right now but from, august 2011
          "The latest posting by the Treasury Department shows the national debt has now increased $4 trillion on President Obama's watch.
          The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion."


          • #20
            Originally posted by A+ View Post
            I thought they went ahead with that Keystone pipeline? I can't do a thorough surch right now but from, august 2011
            "The latest posting by the Treasury Department shows the national debt has now increased $4 trillion on President Obama's watch.
            The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion."
            With the commitment to Obama-Care, it's right at $6 trillion.

            Barry has "postponed" his final decision on Keystone until 2013. I wonder why?


            • #21
              Originally posted by A+ View Post
              I thought they went ahead with that Keystone pipeline? I can't do a thorough surch right now but from, august 2011
              "The latest posting by the Treasury Department shows the national debt has now increased $4 trillion on President Obama's watch.
              The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion."
              Dude, the debt hit 16 trillion during the democratic national convention.

              I understand you are trying to argue your point of view, but you do yourself no service by arguing withincorrect data.


              • #22
                Originally posted by naynay View Post
                obama grew up with a white family in kansas....
                When did Obama live in Kansas?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Woods Racing Transmission View Post
                  When did Obama live in Kansas?
                  "We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto."


                  • #24
                    Let's see, now he's in office black youth unemployment is higher than ever along with Mexican we have more on food stamps than in history. 43 months of unimployment well over 10% real world numbers
                    More dept added in three years than all before him. A heath care system coming our way 90% of America don't want. The world laughing at us burning our flag, killing our ambassador. And a chump who says its just a bump in the road.

                    Yes a bunch of us cryed a tear that day. The future was in his past.
                    If this was your best good help us all.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by sig239 View Post
                      Let's see, now he's in office black youth unemployment is higher than ever along with Mexican we have more on food stamps than in history. 43 months of unimployment well over 10% real world numbers
                      More dept added in three years than all before him. A heath care system coming our way 90% of America don't want. The world laughing at us burning our flag, killing our ambassador. And a chump who says its just a bump in the road.

                      Yes a bunch of us cryed a tear that day. The future was in his past.
                      If this was your best good help us all.
                      That "bump in the road" shit just kills me. How callous and crude can a POTUS be? Those were HIS employee's, and the administration was warned about the attack 3 days before, and he did NOTHING.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by sc281 View Post
                        Dude, the debt hit 16 trillion during the democratic national convention.

                        I understand you are trying to argue your point of view, but you do yourself no service by arguing withincorrect data.
                        I'm sure it is 16 trillion, that's why I mentioned in my previous post that the article that i posted was from august 2011.


                        • #27
                          Thank you for your explanation Rodney. I've never met you, but we have both been here a while.

                          Im not going to bash him, for who he votes for, but please do some more research. I do it every election and vote for whom i want. Fuck what everyone else thinks. Thats the great thing about the booth, nobody but you in there.


                          • #28
                            All of that aside shouldn't everyone's goal, no matter what party they affiliate themselves with, be to grow the nation and help everyone prosper?

                            That's prosper. Thrive, grow, excel... not just live, skate by, and make it day by day.

                            Gays, minorities, uber rich, invesment bankers, teachers, janitors... plumbers. Whatever you may be, whatever you support, we should all at least strive to be better, right? (not the same as this "for the common good" stuff though).

                            Having said that do you feel we are better off than we were four years ago?

                            Household income has fallen 8.2% under Obama.

                            Sure, you can claim that he "inherited" a mess from Bush. But,

                            Since the economic recovery started in June 2009, household incomes are down 5.7%, the Sentier data show, and they are down more than 8% since Obama took office.

                            After the recovery started that number fell even further. Sense... it makes none.

                            The number of people in "poverty" has increased 6%

                            Earlier this month, the Census Bureau released its annual report showing that the number of people in poverty was nearly 3 million higher in 2011 than in 2009, an increase of 6%.
                            You can look at that two ways: Either the number really has increased that much, or the threshold for 'poverty' has been adjusted putting more people under the line... which really does nothing but cement this "class warfare" idea that Dems seems to love to push. Either way it's not a good situation.

                            You're not exactly promoting more "racing, setting personal bests, fuckin mad bitches, and having a good fucking time" by supporting the downfall of the average American.

                            And it's a good thing you liked Clinton so much. Our inflation adjusted incomes have slid back to the levels they were when he was in office

                            The average inflation-adjusted income for households in the middle 20% is now lower than it's been since 1995, the census report found.

                            And sure, maybe you're ok with all of that because it's not affecting you yet, but be prepared to pay more taxes to support this stuff also.

                            The number of people on food stamps is up more than 220,000 in the first half of this year and up almost 12 million — or 34% — from June 2009 to June 2012


                            • #29
                              It is sad that this mentality is out there.
                              May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                              Semper Fi


                              • #30
                                IMHO, things won't change much regardless of whom is in the White House. The Office of the President is just the cherry on a huge pile of shit.

                                Until we have Congressional term limits and a Presidential line item veto, we are just circling the drain.

