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The token question.

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  • The token question.

    Why do I vote for Obama?

    The real question is why would I vote republican!

    I am a minority. I am a Union plumber by trade. The majority of my family is "poor".


    Now, My parents make a 7 figure income, live in a 7 figure house, in 75034 and have 6 figures worth of vehhicles.


    My Father put it in my head at a young age, that it made more sense to him to vote for the democratic party because it kept the family out of his pocket, although the republican party would be more beneficial to him.


    Me voting for obama has nothing to do with skin color, although i will admit it was a proud day, and I did shed a tear watching a brown skinned man take oath. To be honest I voted for Hilary Clinton in the pre-lims.

    Bill Clinton is really the only president I really ever stood behind, thus why i wanted to vote for hilary, and now that Barack is riding with him, I am voting for barack again..


    If you think about it, when clinton was in office, we were all racing, setting personal bests, fuckin mad bitches, and having a good fucking time.

    The general consensus of the board is that it hasn't been shit since 2004 and thats essentially when the dems lost control...


    I know im not the only democrat on the board.. but i do laugh at people who do manual labor, who think a guy like mitt romney is looking out for them. And before you say anything about barack, read back about what i said about my father. I know where i stand in society. know where you stand

  • #2


    • #3
      Obama is a muslim american hating thug. He isnt anything like you think. A
      Crook from chicago a city that is in ruin Due to the people running it Crooked blacks!

      Common sense.

      Hell color doesnt matter to me Put a Black christian in the white house from the south that wants to better america! Not this spineless chump that grew up a commie

      Goverment is so out of touch with the common people its not funny


      • #4
        Originally posted by naynay View Post
        That man is nothing but full of WIN!


        • #5
          obama grew up with a white family in kansas....
          THE BAD HOMBRE


          • #6
            Cause were both left handed


            • #7
              You vote based on your personal reasons. I dont agree, but i respect your right to an opinion.

              Now, you believing someone like obama is looking out for you is hilarous. The man and his party has done more to stifle productivity and creativity than the repubs have ever hoped to. Just look at
              the dept of education,with lower test scores than ever while spending more money than ever.
              The dept of housing, passing reckless policies making it easy for banks to loan money to people who couldnt pay it back, nearly blowing up the financial system in the process.
              The war on poverty, with the poverty rate higher now than 50 years ago when they said thissocial welfare bullshit will cure it.

              You pops said it himself, he votes democrat because they pay for your family and that keeps them out of his picket. Ever wonder why your family is in that position? Ever wonder why your family, afters decades of being "poor"..... Are still poor?

              You claim that they help blacks, yet more blacks are unemployed, unskilled, and living off the govt than even before desegregation.has your team done a damned thing to address that?
              And im not talking about bullshit speeches and playing b talking about substantive hanges to bring blacks out of poverty and into prosperity.

              Before the socialist bullshit, we were a hungry people, a hardworking people. We would bust ass and save pennies to take care of our own and our kin because no one was their to coddle them, and going to tthe govt for help was something to be ashamed of, and no man would stand for it if he could physically do work. That isnt the america of today.
              Cant you see, They have trained not just your race, but a whole bunch of every race, not to hunt for their food, but to walk up to their dog dish at the first of the month and wait to be fed milk from the govt tit.

              Whoever you choose to vote for is irrelevant to me, but dont go around saying te proponents of the welfare state are doing anything but fucking us.

              But hey its sept 26th. Only 6 more days til these "poor" get PAID!


              • #8
                I know I wont change your mind, but you really need to research more and see if your opinion holds up after seeing the evidence for yourself.

                The welfare socialism mentality has, in two generations time, taken us from the strongest country that has ever existed on the planet to two steps away from collapse. We peaked in about 1955 and were 10 MAYBE 20 years out from collapse.

                Rome took 240 years or so to go from peak to failure. Were on track to do it in a third of that time.

                Unfortunately, its prolly already too late to stop it, but ill be damned if im gonna contribute to it.

                I still have my pride, as well as my dignity.
                Last edited by sc281; 09-26-2012, 12:30 AM.


                • #9
                  I'd like to suggest that you research who was in control of the purse springs when W.J. Clinton was in office, and then look at who took the purse strings in the latter two years when G.W. Bush was POTUS.

                  Those two should paint a stark contrast of who is really managing, for it is congress who makes the budget and passes it along to the POTUS.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by naynay View Post
                    obama grew up with a white family in kansas....

                    That wouldn't be where his wrong way thinking started. His first day in college is where he started down this path to hell. If he simply opened his mouth and publicly said what he truly believes you couldn't even get the blacks to vote for him. My brother went down the same path and is ideologically Obamas twin and it all started the day he hit a college campus.
                    Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by naynay View Post
                      My Father put it in my head at a young age, that it made more sense to him to vote for the democratic party because it kept the family out of his pocket, although the republican party would be more beneficial to him.
                      This just tells me that your father and yourself have no idea how the government works.

                      Absolutely sickening to me there are people in this country that think as y'all do.
                      "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

                      -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sc281 View Post

                        Now, you believing someone like obama is looking out for you is hilarous.
                        Nobody in politics cares about me or you. Especially if you're middle class it seems. Seems to me that the republicans take care of the rich folks , where the dems care more for the poor. In the end, the middle class always loses...


                        • #13
                          Please don't vote because your parents "put it in your head". Democrats have pandered to the minorities and unions, since Jesus wore short pants. As a union member, why would you vote for the party that allows (and encourages) illegal aliens to work in this country? I've never figured this out. Your own party allows cheap labor to come into this country?
                          When it comes to minorities, any idea what the unemployment numbers are right now in the black community? It's horrendous. The only thing democrats have done for black folk is to put more of them on government assistance, to ensure they get their vote next time around. Think about all the things Barry promised in '08, and what he's actually done.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by A+ View Post
                            Nobody in politics cares about me or you. Especially if you're middle class it seems. Seems to me that the republicans take care of the rich folks , where the dems care more for the poor. In the end, the middle class always loses...
                            If nothing else, see what you taxes and gas prices do when either is in office, and where that money goes. We've seen a $6 trillion increase in debt in four years, and they've been running without a budget for Barry's entire term.


                            • #15
                              I will say Obama's election matured me quite a bit from a basic understanding of some politics. (Did/would not vote for him - for the record)

                              I expected CHANGE out of some people. From some people I expected good change and from others I expected negative change. Nothing happened.

                              I did see heavier than usual lies out of our POTUS and I learned that it depends on perspective. In my eyes it's all the things I generally know and understand that does not involve too many smoke an mirrors. War, basic budget, a POTUS's behavior and Constitutional type issues - Lies. More social programs that will go to shit and drain our money and interfere with the constitution from the start - Truth

                              In my humble opinion, going forward the USA is going to continue a decline since there are at least 100 issues out there and any single one of them will destroy (already consider us crippled) us long term. The problem is there is no one candidate able to or much less willing to piss off all the easy voters. The various budget, border, welfare, and all the other changes is going to piss off each and every American to some extent. I just don't think ANYONE...

                              a. Has the trust that any politician doing it is doing it for the best. So everyone (to include me) gets pissed off - at least the way it stands right now.

                              b. If they do, they can't stand being put out for the better of America.

                              c. No one can compromise one any one damned topic.

                              I've also learned that some people will vote to piss away TAX money to help everyone. However, they won't donate shit to any cause, nor do they want accountability for their tax money. They feel everyone is ENTITLED to tax money for as long as it is needed. These were whiteys - for the record. Very hippy feeling and for some reason I was a real asshole for wanting the average American to TRY and work and accountability (for those unable) for all that tax money.

                              Anyway, Obama did not fix much (if anything) and was a cornerstone in my life from understanding how we work. That's pretty much how I'll remember him. I started off not liking him, but got in his corner after he was elected HOPING he would CHANGE something for the good. Once he burned everyone on that front - there was zero doubt no candidate gives a shit and can change much of anything.

                              As depressing as this sounds, I sometimes regret having kids that'll live in the US as it is now and especially in the future. We'll see though.
                              Originally posted by MR EDD
                              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.

