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prediction polls

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  • prediction polls

    when searching online, it seems like most predictions and polls show Obama has a 68-72% chance of winning the election this year.

    do yall think this is skewed info from liberal media and polling...or is the general public of USA that fuckin' stupid that they will re-elect this retard we have now and run our country even further in the ground, possibly to the point we will never be able to turn it around.

  • #2
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

    -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334


    • #3
      yeah, the polls have me a bit worried
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      • #4
        All of these polls that show Obama with a lead also have a sample group that is heavily weighted with Dems

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        Obama leads in skewed CBS poll weighted 13 percent in favor of Democrats

        September 18, 2012

        According to a poll released by CBS and the New York Times, Obama leads Romney 49 - 46 percent, but Newsbusters reported Monday the poll used a sample rate of 13 percent more Democrats than Republicans.

        "Clearly, they didn't like what a properly weighted result would have told them, which is that Mitt Romney is in a deadlock with Barack Obama if one uses Gallup's party affiliation numbers from before [the] Democratic National Convention, or that he's up by five points if one opts for Rasmussen's affiliation numbers. In their latest poll, with registered voters, CBS/NYT not only oversampled Democrats, but they took the number of actual responses and further weighted them towards Dems," Tom Blumer wrote.

        Initially, the poll used a sample rate of 25.4 percent Republican to 34.7 percent Democrat, but Blumer noted that "an 8-point margin among people they actually spoke with wasn't enough."

        So they weighted it even further to favor Democrats.

        A post at says that "[w]ith a balanced partisan sample, Romney would likely post consistent leads against Obama."

        The goal of the so-called "mainstream media" is to suppress GOP voters by cooking the polls.

        "This election, it isn't so much about polling as propaganda. The polls are simply a tool being used by the media to try to depress GOP turnout and give a powerful lift to Obama's obviously lackluster campaign," Mike Flynn wrote.

        This isn't the first time that skewed polling has been used to prop up the Obama campaign.

        On September 11, we reported that questions were raised by a skewed CNN poll that showed Obama 6 points ahead of Romney. To achieve their goal, CNN used a sample that included 50 percent Democrats, 45 percent Republicans and 5 percent Independents.

        "The polls confirm that the media aren't really biased. Rather, they are active players for the other team," Flynn adds.


        • #5
          I predict the N-word rules will need to be enforced heavily around here in a few weeks...


          • #6
            Most polls involve "registered" voters, and not "likely" voters. There's a big difference between the two. Polls that include "likely" voters are a lot more expensive to conduct, but are a lot more accurate. Most of the "likely" voter polls have Romney either up by one, or even, including "swing state's".


            • #7
              Who would have thought ignoring Intel and the embassy attacks and blaming it on protest over a YouTube movie, then going on letterman and saying it's not my responsibility would result in rising polls for Obama.


              • #8
                When i was living in Iowa i never met a sole that voted for him. That states power is in its few bigger city's.

                Buncha bs. Ill vote for sure and it sure as hell wont be for Obuma.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jw33 View Post
                  I predict the N-word rules will need to be enforced heavily around here in a few weeks...
                  If he gets re-elected I move to suggest the rules be put on hold for 4 years.


                  • #10
                    Put Bush back in there f all these clowns!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                      If he gets re-elected I move to suggest the rules be put on hold for 4 years.
                      "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

                      -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334


                      • #12
                        The polls are intentionally skewed to try and suppress the right vote. Reagan annihilated Carter and Carter was up by 17% at this time. No president has won re-election with such slim leads in polls. The lead he has right now is extremely out of the ordinary and low for the outcome they are trying to lead you to believe will occur. I'm just focusing attention to historical statistics to subdue the BS.
                        "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                        "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler

