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Romney quote about Obama voters

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  • #91
    Fascinating. It is now being interpreted Romney meant 47% of the US and that he "has not apologized for his comments..."
    Holy fuck. What other angles are going to be dreamed up by liberal retards. That's all the White House briefing was about today. Fucking nonsense.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Durantula View Post
      You're blaming the economy on the dude who took office AFTER the crisis? That's rich, man.
      What tha fuck do you mean "after" the crisis? You're implying it's over? Wake up and smell the shit you're shoveling. The real crisis will take hold if the current moron gets elected to serve another four years.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Durantula View Post
        I still don't understand how anyone is openly admitting they want to vote for a guy who has introduced virtually no actual policy changes he'll make if he takes office. Romney is basically running his campaign on "I'm not Obama. I know how to fix stuff. Just trust me."
        By virtue of his party he is Conservative. He's stated that he wants to set a budget and repeal a lot of Barry's health care.

        Originally posted by Durantula View Post
        Most of that 47% is paying payroll taxes. They just don't pay income taxes because Republicans gave them a bunch of tax credits.

        By the way, more than half of that 47% is probably Romney's base. 10% is the elderly who don't pay income taxes on social security benefits and ~28% are families with children who receive the child tax credit. Only ~8% are the poor (<$20k/yr) who probably actually pay zero in taxes. So uh...yeah. Romney is alienating his own base.
        We went over this before. If you pay in XXX and use credits to get a refund of Fed income tax, you're not paying in. Period.

        Originally posted by Durantula View Post
        All it takes to get elected in this state is an (R) next to your name.
        Bullshit. Texas was democrat up until recently.

        Originally posted by Durantula View Post
        Ran the country into the ground how? 'Cause I'd like you to show me a country that suffered a recession of the magnitude we did in 2007-2009 that recovered in less than 4 years. Take your time. I'll wait.
        The problem isn't that he hasn't fixed the economy... The problem is that evrything he has done has been counter productive and has actually caused our economy to tank even worse. You'd think in 3.5 years he would have been able to stem the bleeding. That would have been serious progress. Without a budget and the unchecked spending, we've gone 5 trillion the WRONG direction. THAT is the problem.

        Originally posted by Durantula View Post
        What's his inability to pass a budget got to do with the country being "run into the ground"? If anything, wouldn't that alleviate him of some of the blame since it wasn't his budget that allegedly did the damage you speak of?

        Nice job dodging my question by the way.
        You lose a lot of your marginal credibility when you can not only accept Barry's inability to set even a modest budget as happenstance.
        Originally posted by PGreenCobra
        I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
        Originally posted by Trip McNeely
        Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
        dont downshift!!
        Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


        • #94
          Don't blame me, I voted for McCain.

          Even though we would probably be in the same boat as we are today.
          2010 F-350 6.4L SRW CC 4X4

          Spartan tunes, 5 inch flo-pro, 4 inch down pipe, cold side piping, AFE stage 2 CAI, EGR delete, Air Dog II

          2012 Mustang 5.0 GT Stock........for now.


          • #95
            As I've stated several times, Texas has had only 3 republican governors since the Civil War. Texas democrats didn't leave their left them. I know some fine conservative dems that I grew up with and live amongst. Their party has been hijacked on the national scene, by the likes of Hussein Owebama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Jester View Post
              Holy motherfucking rainbow glitter sprinkled skittle flavored frog balls!!!!!!
              i cant believe it! A Paul follower with brains!!!!!!
              LMFAO. I wouldn't call myself a "follower" by any means. I just think he had some great ideas and I didn't read too far into "pulling out of foreign countries" and "we don't know for a fact that Iran is building nuclear weapons." It wasn't like he said "if they build them, we'll look the other way." Obviously, we can't police the world, but we also can't let unstable anti-U.S. fuckers build nukes.

              But again, that's a whole 'nother thread. /threadjack


              • #97
                Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                As I've stated several times, Texas has had only 3 republican governors since the Civil War. Texas democrats didn't leave their left them. I know some fine conservative dems that I grew up with and live amongst. Their party has been hijacked on the national scene, by the likes of Hussein Owebama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.
                Very true statement,my grandparents used to just vote straight dem until recent happenings and have just started voting for the logical best choice.
                "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


                • #98
                  Originally posted by hotrod66stang View Post
                  LMFAO. I wouldn't call myself a "follower" by any means. I just think he had some great ideas and I didn't read too far into "pulling out of foreign countries" and "we don't know for a fact that Iran is building nuclear weapons." It wasn't like he said "if they build them, we'll look the other way." Obviously, we can't police the world, but we also can't let unstable anti-U.S. fuckers build nukes.

                  But again, that's a whole 'nother thread. /threadjack
                  Is that what "blue dog" Democrats are (were?)
                  How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Durantula View Post
                    I still don't understand how anyone is openly admitting they want to vote for a guy who has introduced virtually no actual policy changes he'll make if he takes office. Romney is basically running his campaign on "I'm not Obama. I know how to fix stuff. Just trust me."
                    You are a fucking fool for saying that. You voted for Obama for exactly the same reason you're telling others they shouldn't vote for Romney for. Speaking of, please tell me what plans Obama has. So far, I've heard none other than distracting from issues and pointing fingers and jumping on every small shit thing Romney says.

                    Romney has experience in the public sector, Obama only knows government.

                    Romney has executive experience, something Obama had never had (and it shows, doesn't it?)

                    Obama is known to associate with criminals and terrorists. I don't see that on Romney's resume.

                    Romney has laid out a five-point plan (albeit, one that needs to be a bit more descriptive). Obama hasn't laid out a FUCKING thing.

                    How sad is it that your idol, President Fuckstick, will not sit down with our only ally in the middle-east because he's too busy with Beyonce and David Letterman, but somehow fits Egypt's current radical into his schedule within two days after the violence in Cairo kicked off?

                    How sad is it that the day after our Embassy was breached in Libya with two soliders killed and an ambassador raped, killed and dragged through the fucking streets, the Asshole in Chief holds a 5 minute press conference where he takes no questions, then immediately boards to plane to Vegas for a fundraising event?

                    How sad is it that a few days after the said events unfolded, the White House tried to strong-arm Youtube to have them take the video down (the video that supposedly is to blame for all of this mess in the first place LOFL).?

                    How does ANYBODY buy into the bullshit the White House is saying that this event was just some random act of violence and that the date it occured had absolutely no significance, nor was it a pre-planned action?

                    How can ANYBODY vote for this low-life, scumbag?
                    How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                    • Dreams from my father...The only thing you need to know about Obummer. He outlines his master plan in his own words.


                      • Originally posted by Geor! View Post
                        You are a fucking fool for saying that. You voted for Obama for exactly the same reason you're telling others they shouldn't vote for Romney for. Speaking of, please tell me what plans Obama has. So far, I've heard none other than distracting from issues and pointing fingers and jumping on every small shit thing Romney says.

                        Romney has experience in the public sector, Obama only knows government.

                        Romney has executive experience, something Obama had never had (and it shows, doesn't it?)

                        Obama is known to associate with criminals and terrorists. I don't see that on Romney's resume.

                        Romney has laid out a five-point plan (albeit, one that needs to be a bit more descriptive). Obama hasn't laid out a FUCKING thing.

                        How sad is it that your idol, President Fuckstick, will not sit down with our only ally in the middle-east because he's too busy with Beyonce and David Letterman, but somehow fits Egypt's current radical into his schedule within two days after the violence in Cairo kicked off?

                        How sad is it that the day after our Embassy was breached in Libya with two soliders killed and an ambassador raped, killed and dragged through the fucking streets, the Asshole in Chief holds a 5 minute press conference where he takes no questions, then immediately boards to plane to Vegas for a fundraising event?

                        How sad is it that a few days after the said events unfolded, the White House tried to strong-arm Youtube to have them take the video down (the video that supposedly is to blame for all of this mess in the first place LOFL).?

                        How does ANYBODY buy into the bullshit the White House is saying that this event was just some random act of violence and that the date it occured had absolutely no significance, nor was it a pre-planned action?

                        How can ANYBODY vote for this low-life, scumbag?
                        Excellent post.


                        • Originally posted by Geor! View Post
                          You are a fucking fool for saying that. You voted for Obama for exactly the same reason you're telling others they shouldn't vote for Romney for. Speaking of, please tell me what plans Obama has. So far, I've heard none other than distracting from issues and pointing fingers and jumping on every small shit thing Romney says.

                          Romney has experience in the public sector, Obama only knows government.

                          Romney has executive experience, something Obama had never had (and it shows, doesn't it?)

                          Obama is known to associate with criminals and terrorists. I don't see that on Romney's resume.

                          Romney has laid out a five-point plan (albeit, one that needs to be a bit more descriptive). Obama hasn't laid out a FUCKING thing.

                          How sad is it that your idol, President Fuckstick, will not sit down with our only ally in the middle-east because he's too busy with Beyonce and David Letterman, but somehow fits Egypt's current radical into his schedule within two days after the violence in Cairo kicked off?

                          How sad is it that the day after our Embassy was breached in Libya with two soliders killed and an ambassador raped, killed and dragged through the fucking streets, the Asshole in Chief holds a 5 minute press conference where he takes no questions, then immediately boards to plane to Vegas for a fundraising event?

                          How sad is it that a few days after the said events unfolded, the White House tried to strong-arm Youtube to have them take the video down (the video that supposedly is to blame for all of this mess in the first place LOFL).?

                          How does ANYBODY buy into the bullshit the White House is saying that this event was just some random act of violence and that the date it occured had absolutely no significance, nor was it a pre-planned action?

                          How can ANYBODY vote for this low-life, scumbag?
                          Damn, Geoffery! Another thoughtful and lucid post. Sometimes you just shock the piss outta me.


                          • You would have to be brain dead to want him to have another term. Romney is a private equity dude and in bed with all of those fucksticks and will be a typical Republican but another Obama term is really going to mess this country up. Romney also will not reduce spending (typical Republican lie) except for the amount added by TARP which Obama keeps right on spending again every year and not counting as a spending increase over the baseline before the financial crisis. Romeny will msot likely hold spending steady until the economy catches up and normalizes the spending compared to GDP. If Obama is put in for another term, the national debt will most likely be over $21 trillion by the time he leaves office, the inflationary hangover from that is going to be huge.

                            It is no coincidence that unemployment won't come down while Obama is in office either. Class warfare and a total lack of leadership tends to generate uncertainty and that means no one is going to deploy capital. We have European levels of capital deployment at the moment. Believe it or not, those evil old rich people do read the news when they aren't out sucking the blood from little black babies in the dead of the night and they don't like what they see.
                            Originally posted by racrguy
                            What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                            Originally posted by racrguy
                            Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                            • Seems to me like it's six one way, half a dozen the other, ending up with the majority of us who don't have lobbying firms investing millions into politicians getting the shaft.

                              Voting for politicians at the highest levels seems to be an illusion of choice and importance. That said I'm still writing in someone else

                              Funny how each side blames the other for this nation's problems without ever taking responsibility for their own mistakes of policy and decision making. They seem to both ignore the past and think only in "sound bite" politics where somehow complex problems developed over decades have a simple solution which will be put into place just by voting them in. Then when they are voted in and the problem isn't solved they will point fingers at the other side. No side admits fault, it's always the other guy. Other guy has success while in power, well, all the success is because of our guy who used to be in there! Things go to shit while your guy is in power, blame the guy from the other side who was there before! As long as we continue with this simpleton "us vs. them" mentality I don't see much hope for improvement.

                              Whether you're Democrat or Republican, if you believe all the successes are because of your party (whether in control or not) and all the failures are due to the other party (whether in control or not) you're just someone dumb enough, with a narrow enough view of the world around them, to like the smell of your own bullshit.

                              Everyone is so ready to attack, to forgo the greater good for personal gain, to place blame, to be disrespectful, to run from what's difficult, to be a cunt. Sometimes I feel like the success of America all comes down to dumb luck and that luck has finally run it's course and is heading elsewhere.
                              US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                              • I'm not so partisan that I think one party created the problems and one will solve them, but no one with any intelligence can look at the two candidates and think that we're better off with 4 more years of Obama. Writing in a name is voting for Obama, there is absolutely, positively no other explanation for that action. If you think we can do better than Obama, writing in Ron Paul is a fool's errand. Don't be a fool.

                                As for the other point, the only person really trying to change anything, hold anyone accountable, or provide transparency had his interviews cut off, was asked 1/10 of the questions of all the other candidates, had the polls keep ONLY his name off, or straight up lie about the percentages. I know you agree, and I'll get called nuts for supporting the guy, but those are all FACTS of what happened to him during his campaigning, and he was the only one to suggest REAL change. Oh well. We can't get real change for now, so hopefully Rand can get term limits and elimination of lifetime healthcare and get some people in there that want to do the job.

