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Texas School District Doesn‘t See ’Obama Flag’ in Classroom as Political

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  • Texas School District Doesn‘t See ’Obama Flag’ in Classroom as Political

    A controversial American flag bearing the image of President Barack Obama was quietly removed from a Texas classroom and dismissed by the school district as bad flag etiquette with no political undertones.

    Diane Boyett, communications director for the Victoria Independent School District in southeast Texas, estimated the flag was up for about a week at Stroman Middle School before the principal became aware of it and took it down Thursday.

    “It was removed as soon as the principal got the first email about it, she went to the classroom, she looked and she removed it,” Boyett told TheBlaze Friday afternoon.

    She said the flag was displayed in a disciplinary classroom reserved for in-school suspensions and used by “very few students.” She said she didn’t know how many students saw it, but estimated the number would be very low given the recent start of the school year.

    Boyett said the school district received six emails in total complaining about the flag, most of which seemed to be copied in whole or in part from the same form letter and didn’t have valid email addresses to respond to.

    U.S. flag code states the flag must never bear “any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.”

    “The teacher was thinking it was a commemorative piece for the inauguration for the president,” Boyett said. “[She meant] absolutely meant no disrespect.”

    Asked whether displaying such an image of the president was inappropriate at a public school, Boyett said no.

    “I don’t believe that having a picture of the president of the United States is political,” she said, just as putting up images of George Washington or John F. Kennedy would not be political.

    Boyett said Stroman Middle School plans to use the incident to teach students about proper flag etiquette.

    “We’re going to take this as a teaching tool and the students at the school on Monday will be receiving a lesson on flag code, flag respect and what the flag actually means,” she said. “We try to turn everything into a teaching opportunity.”

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    Sounds like it is being handled as well as it can be handled. Be nice to know how it got put there though.
    Originally posted by MR EDD
    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


    • #3
      Victoria, TX? Not really surprised...there are still stupid people out there that think that cocksucker should be get 4 more years.

      Originally posted by sc281
      Always better to be an Uncle than a Father. All the fun stuff and none of the expensive stuff.
      Originally posted by Trick Pony
      ...from what I've seen on here bcoop knows his shit when it comes to smoking meat.


      • #4
        Not too suprised, Victoria is not far from the Houston area which is very pro Obama.
        "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


        • #5
          I think their communications director is one of my cousins. I'm gonna rat her out to grandma...

          Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


          • #6
            Victoria is pretty conservative, regardless of what y'all think. It sounds like the principal found out, and nipped it in the bud.
            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


            • #7
              I can't believe they are disgracing the flag with that shit!
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              • #8
                They are flat out lying when saying that it wasn't politically motivated. Had the flag been up since shortly after Obama's inauguration, then I could see it as simply being "patriotic" with a dose of bad flag ettiquette. The fact that it was put up amidst his re-election campaign, it is every bit political.

                I'm glad that it was taken down, but I despise the CYA dishonesty.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by HOOCBB View Post
                  Victoria, TX? Not really surprised...there are still stupid people out there that think that cocksucker should be get 4 more years.
                  Many of my employees are, one of them also told me today that black people couldn't be racist.

