Previous fundraising initiatives have included the Obama gift registry along with “skip a meal and send us the money instead.” Recognizing that their followers may have already given up new stuff for the campaign’s re-election effort, it’s time to move on to the old stuff. Next up… the National Yard Sale for Obama, which is scheduled for next weekend.
As you’ll learn at about the 1:50 mark, if you don’t have enough of your own things to sell (or if you’ve lost everything because you’re so much better off than you were four years ago), steal stuff from your neighbor and sell that instead. Theft is okay if the proceeds are used to promote a noble and just cause, don’tcha know:
As you’ll learn at about the 1:50 mark, if you don’t have enough of your own things to sell (or if you’ve lost everything because you’re so much better off than you were four years ago), steal stuff from your neighbor and sell that instead. Theft is okay if the proceeds are used to promote a noble and just cause, don’tcha know: