OMG!! Let's go riot and kill people.
The Onion has jumped into the controversy over a film that shows the Muslim prophet Muhammad by posting a satirical cartoon of other religious figures engaged in an explicit sex act. Accompanied by the headline "No One Murdered Because of This Image," the very NSFW drawing shows the Hebrew prophet Moses, Jesus, the Hindu god Ganesha and Buddha all in a very compromising group situation, and has been liked on Facebook more than 85,000 times. As a result of the film "The Innocence of Muslims," which mockingly portrays Muhammad as an unintelligent philanderer, rioting and protests have broken out across the Middle East. In Libya, four Americans, including the ambassador to the country, were killed in an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. [Source
The Onion has jumped into the controversy over a film that shows the Muslim prophet Muhammad by posting a satirical cartoon of other religious figures engaged in an explicit sex act. Accompanied by the headline "No One Murdered Because of This Image," the very NSFW drawing shows the Hebrew prophet Moses, Jesus, the Hindu god Ganesha and Buddha all in a very compromising group situation, and has been liked on Facebook more than 85,000 times. As a result of the film "The Innocence of Muslims," which mockingly portrays Muhammad as an unintelligent philanderer, rioting and protests have broken out across the Middle East. In Libya, four Americans, including the ambassador to the country, were killed in an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. [Source
