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  • #16
    Mom called me and woke me up to say a plane had hit one of the Twin Towers. I turned on the TV and watched as my coffee brewed. I had sat down for no more than a minute with my fresh cup of coffee when I saw the 2nd plane hit the other tower live. It sticks out because I sat there speechless for so long, that when I finally went to pick up my coffee it was cold.

    I called my boss (worked for Chili's at the time, in college) and he answered just, "Chili's." in a totally monotone voice.

    "Jeremy, is the bar TV on?"

    "yeah, Don."

    "I think I'm staying home today."

    "I think a lot of people are, dude."

    and I sat down, glued to the TV, until I went to sleep that night.
    Originally posted by PGreenCobra
    I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
    Originally posted by Trip McNeely
    Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
    dont downshift!!
    Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


    • #17
      Asleep. Working night shift while at XM Radio. Wife came in and woke me up and I watched the coverage for the entire day. I had to go in that night and holy shit was it eerie driving through DC in trying to find a route to get to work since all roads around the Capitol, White House and Pentagon were blocked. No traffic yet it took 2 hours on a normal 40min commute and most of it was spent in DC. Streets were completely empty. I could smell the acrid smoke from the Pentagon once I crossed the Potomic on 66, but had to break left immediately since Constitution Ave was closed.
      XM had not yet gone on the air. The debut was scheduled for 9/12/01, but it was decided to postpone for one month until the media frenzy would die down. I had been working there for almost exactly one month before it happened and was just getting used to navigating DC streets.


      • #18
        I was a few months out of HS, working at McDonald's at the back DT window when an older guy in a beat up black extended cab Chevy pickup told me that someone just flew a plane into the WTC, I thought he was nuts and ignored him. It wasn't until another customer told me that I realized the guy wasn't nuts, when I got off, much like the rest of you, I was glued to the tv. The more I watched, the angrier I got.


        • #19
          I was a junior in high school. i woke up after the 1st plane hit, and saw the second plane hit on the news. Stayed home from school that day in shock. RIP to those who perished on that tragic day God bless the USA!

          Turning left from Legacy onto 121.

          Lot of good people in that thread that no longer post...


          • #20
            Originally posted by mikec View Post
            Lot of good people in that thread that no longer post...
            ... and about 98.9 and 9/10th's and 15/16th's of those people who used to post over there are now banned from that site.


            • #21
              Originally posted by BttleFedC10 View Post
              Well, I was in 7th grade and heading to band. Teacher told us that a plane flew into the WTC. We were able to watch it on tv later. But i was only 12 or 13 years old and didn't know what was happening really..
              i was in 7th grade science class, we watched it all transpire on t.v in class.

              i knew exactly what was going on.


              • #22
                I was in U.S. History when the football coach came in and put it on T.V. The commie teacher told him to turn it off and he told her shut up this is U.S. history


                • #23
                  I was driving to work when I heard it on the radio. I had just gotten on 75 southbound at Van Alstyne when I heard it all going down on the radio. I pulled over to the side of the road and frantically began trying to call my dad. They still lived in NC (still do) and he was flying somewhere that morning. I couldn't remember where, just north. I couldn't get him at all and finally got my mom on the phone. He was on a plane to Philly and got grounded in D.C. That just made things worse as the day went on. I was finally relieved that afternoon when we heard from him. He managed to get a rental and drive home.

                  I was scheduled to fly out 2 days later and have made many trips since then. I constantly think about those that flew that day on those selected flights. I pray for everyone involved that day and a few things always stick out as I remember the day and the events afterwards.

                  In all the chaos, there were many brave souls who threw caution to the wind to try and help others. The rescue efforts shown were almost super human as so many individuals worked as teams with little to no sleep/rest in an effort to find one more survivor. The bravery shown by Flight 93 was inspiring and provided hope that deep down we are not a nation of wussified, pathetic humans that our grandparents would be ashamed to claim. For a brief time afterwards, we reverted back to a nation of bona fide ass kickers that would spit in the face of anyone that threatened us and not even give them a chance to run away.

                  In contrast to other disasters around the globe, we received a minimal amount of aide from everyone else. In the end, all that mattered was we laced up our boots and got shit done. God speed to those that lost their lives, family, and friends that day and in the years afterwards due to events put in motion that day.


                  • #24
                    Was watching tv when news broke in to live coverage, sat there and watched in disbelief. Unlike others there were planes in the air still, except they were F-15s in a much faster than usual orbit around the pattern here. Come to find out AF1 had landed and president Bush made a statement to the nation from Barksdale.


                    • #25
                      I was on my way to work at TI on 635 listening to AC/DC Black in Black when the eagle cut off the music. I said "WTF?" Then Mikey came on and said a plane had hit the WTC in NY. I hurried to work and we all watched the second plane hit. Almost imediately our pagers started going off. We were told to get away from the TI campus and take a long lunch, after an hour or so they told us to go home. I'll never forget any detail from that whole day.
                      92 LX 5.0


                      • #26
                        I was working in the Infomart, my buddy IM'd me immediately after the first plane hit "ARE YOU SEEING THIS!!" I'm reply'd "What?" "Someone just crashed an airplane in the World Trade Center"

                        I sat next to a window on the 7th floor of the infomart, so I turned around, as I could see the Dallas World Trade Center.

                        I said, not its good, he then informed me it was in NY. Right about then others were getting phone calls, etc.. I remember the big deal was cell phone towers were saturated and calls were not going through.

                        I remember being very sad and very very pissed.


                        • #27
                          I think about 9/11 daily. My heart aches for all those who lost their lives and those affected by the loss of so many innocent people. I was up getting ready for work when I heard something about the twin towers on the radio. I turned on the tv and thought they were filming a movie or something because it just didn't register right away to me. I worked at Dillard's in the suit department, and I don't think I saw a single customer that day. I will never forget. I've tried to forgive, but I'm still working on it.

