Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in phar://.../vb/vb.phar/bbcode/url.php on line 2 Nothing to see here! - DFW Mustangs


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Nothing to see here!

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  • Nothing to see here!

    Go to the 2:00 min mark.

  • #2
    I saw that earlier. People are fucking pissed right now. I would imagine there is going to be some major blowback within the party after this election in the next couple of months.


    • #3
      Actually, if you watch it, it says "If Objection go to scenario 2."
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #4
        Can someone explain what happened?


        • #5
          We are talking about the "aye" vs "nay". People were screaming for point of order and that count clearly calls for division of the assembly which will get a you a standing vote that is much more accurate.


          • #6
            Point of order for what?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Alex View Post
              Can someone explain what happened?
              This was the teleprompter from when Speaker Boehner was addressing the Republican National Convention about accepting the new rules for the party. (Why you would need a teleprompter while overseeing a vote is beyond me) To make a long story shorter the Republican Party has rules that address how states can select delegates to send to the national convention (RNC). Those vary by state, but in general (in TX for example) if you participate in the party convention at the congressional/senatorial/state level you can vote or be nominated to represent your district as a delegate to possibly go to the RNC. (TX gets 155 delegates) These delegates, who are voted into their position, then get to vote/participate on many different things within the Republican Party at the national level.

              The above vote was the adoption of the new rules that drastically change this delegate selection process. Under the new rules a presidential nominee or sitting president may replace any delegates with whoever they would like. So in other words the states have little to say who they send to the RNC anymore. This means no more grassroots candidates to rock the boat and it is a power grab from the party establishment. Ben Ginsberg is the man behind the curtain on this one. Ironic that it would happen when you consider the party's preamble is:

              BE IT RESOLVED, That the Republican
              Party is the party of the open door. Ours is the party
              of liberty, the party of equality, of opportunity for all,
              and favoritism for none.
              It is the intent and purpose of these rules to
              encourage and allow the broadest possible
              participation of all voters in Republican Party
              activities at all levels and to assure that the Republican
              Party is open and accessible to all Americans.

              Look up Roberts Rules and Parliamentary procedure if you're are looking for what "point of order" means.

              Robert’s Rules of Order is America’s foremost guide to parliamentary procedure. It is used by more professional associations, fraternal organizations, and local governments than any other authority.


              • #8
                More details and a much better explanation.

                Mitt Romney accepts the Republican nomination tonight.  While that should be the highlight of the convention, it is quickly being overshadowed by the shocking steps taken by Republican leadership.

