and am reminded its voting season. Some slackjaw was in the lobby handing out fliers which is very odd as we dont allow non-employees in the building. Come to find out he was a Union person handing out political questionaires asking who we are supporting and opinions on different subjects.
Icing on the cake was at the end when they asked for wayyyyyy too much info including my ethniticity. I didnt even give that to the damn census people, there is no way Im opening the door for the union to use my questionaire as proof that the racist "white devil" supports Mitt Romney.
I handwrote all kinds of notes on this thing like where it asked if I supported kids being covered till their 26 on their parents insurance and people not being able to be denied for pre-existing conditions.
[X] Yes
As long as it doesnt cost my grandkids 5 trillion in nation defecit like the jackass running the joint currently has it setup and refuses to admit.
The last election I was asked to go to the union hall for something. I didnt care as it got me away from the office for a while. Im still not sure what the point was but they had us reading fictional scenarios but every scenario used Obama and McCain and of course Palin. I would purposley switch it around and it pissed the instructor off. I told her I wasnt going to play her political brain washing games.
Icing on the cake was at the end when they asked for wayyyyyy too much info including my ethniticity. I didnt even give that to the damn census people, there is no way Im opening the door for the union to use my questionaire as proof that the racist "white devil" supports Mitt Romney.

I handwrote all kinds of notes on this thing like where it asked if I supported kids being covered till their 26 on their parents insurance and people not being able to be denied for pre-existing conditions.
[X] Yes
As long as it doesnt cost my grandkids 5 trillion in nation defecit like the jackass running the joint currently has it setup and refuses to admit.
The last election I was asked to go to the union hall for something. I didnt care as it got me away from the office for a while. Im still not sure what the point was but they had us reading fictional scenarios but every scenario used Obama and McCain and of course Palin. I would purposley switch it around and it pissed the instructor off. I told her I wasnt going to play her political brain washing games.