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Conservative vs Liberal...which are you?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Jedi View Post
    Liberals put things in very simplistic terms so that others will agree with them....even if those terms are completly biased towards a certain point of view.
    You mean like the 2700-page healthcare bill we got jammed up our rectums? The Libs that wrote the damn thing don't even understand whats in it!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
      You mean like the 2700-page healthcare bill we got jammed up our rectums? The Libs that wrote the damn thing don't even understand whats in it!
      Many didn't even read it in it's entirety. A bill essentially got passed where many of our elected officials didn't even read the language contained in the bill. One of the many derelict actions that have taken place under the Obama Admin.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
        You mean like the 2700-page healthcare bill we got jammed up our rectums? The Libs that wrote the damn thing don't even understand whats in it!
        How about the Patriot Act and the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003.
        Now that is something you should be afraid of!!!!!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by 564826 View Post
          How about the Patriot Act and the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003.
          Now that is something you should be afraid of!!!!!!
          Obamacare is my biggest is a VERY personal issue. At least the others can be written off as "security" issues, but not Obamacare. It's strictly socialized medicine, from womb to tomb.


          • #20
            Originally posted by 564826 View Post
            How about the Patriot Act and the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003.
            Now that is something you should be afraid of!!!!!!
            Are you afraid Big Brother is going to find all that gay porn on your computer?


            • #21
              Can't I just be a conseral?


              • #22
                If You Thought Patriot
                Act I Was Bad...
                By Chuck Baldwin
                The Covenant News ~ April 22, 2003
                A recent report published by Gun Owners of America gave an in-depth summary of a new expanded version of the USA Patriot Act. The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 (DSEA) gives even more broad new powers to the federal government.

                The GOA report states, "Our analysis suggests that, rather than toughening our ability to capture and kill Osama bin Laden and his ilk, this bill would instead rely on cosmetic 'solutions' which threaten the constitutional rights of Americans, without increasing our national security. In fact, this placebo will probably make our country considerably less secure."

                The report lists several problematic portions of the new bill including:

                • The government could bug, wiretap, or search anyone in America for up to 15 days without going to any court.

                • The government could seize personal information about Americans (including credit information, educational transcripts, etc.) in a wide range of circumstances without the approval of any court.

                • Individuals and groups which advocate Second Amendment rights could be classified as "foreign powers" and subjected to electronic surveillance for up to one year without the approval of any court.

                • DSEA could allow members and supporters of gun rights organizations to be stripped of their citizenship, arrested and held indefinitely without charges, here or abroad, in secret at a secret location without access to an attorney or benefit of constitutional protections.

                • Allows the federal government to create and sustain a DNA database of "suspected" terrorists, with the federal government exercising unfettered discretion over who is a "suspected" terrorist. Under this law, a "suspected" terrorist would be any person whom the U.S. Attorney General says is a "suspected" terrorist.

                It should be obvious to all Americans that the federal government is using the "war on terrorism" as a ruse to abolish the freedoms of the American people, to eviscerate the Bill of Rights, and to seize unlimited power for itself. It should also be obvious that if it were a Democratic administration attempting this, resistance would be vocal and vigorous. Because it is a Republican administration, however, resistance is almost nonexistent.

                What the Clinton administration could not accomplish in 8 years, the Bush administration is doing in less than 4. What international terrorists such as Osama bin Laden could not do through violence, power-hungry politicians within our own government are doing through bureaucratic and congressional statute. Even worse, the American people seem content to let it happen. Patrick Henry must be rolling over in his grave!

                Chuck Baldwin
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                • #23
                  Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                  You mean like the 2700-page healthcare bill we got jammed up our rectums? The Libs that wrote the damn thing don't even understand whats in it!
                  We still have a hope that though they crammed it down our throats, we'll shove it up their asses. Can you imagine if the supreme court appeals it? That's a big, fat, giant FUCK YOU to Obama, Pelosi, Ried, and everything they stand for, and all their efforts. I do so hope that comes to pass.

                  But the repubs need to learn a lesson from this. Fix what is actually wrong with healthcare, so the communists can't use it again. We'll see what happens though.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
                    We still have a hope that though they crammed it down our throats, we'll shove it up their asses. Can you imagine if the supreme court appeals it? That's a big, fat, giant FUCK YOU to Obama, Pelosi, Ried, and everything they stand for, and all their efforts. I do so hope that comes to pass.

                    But the repubs need to learn a lesson from this. Fix what is actually wrong with healthcare, so the communists can't use it again. We'll see what happens though.


                    • #25
                      I keep thinking about this.

                      Both sides have everyone right where they want them and are laughing all the way to the bank....


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by 564826 View Post
                        How about the Patriot Act and the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003.
                        Now that is something you should be afraid of!!!!!!
                        Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
                        Are you afraid Big Brother is going to find all that gay porn on your computer?
                        Isn't one of the biggest parts of the Republican/Conservative platform having a small Federal government and the right to personal privacy?
                        Originally posted by jw33 View Post
                        I keep thinking about this.

                        Both sides have everyone right where they want them and are laughing all the way to the bank....
                        Yeah, no politician is a saint. I think it's funny how people think that we're doing anything besides choosing the lesser of two evils when it comes time to vote.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View Post

                          Isn't one of the biggest parts of the Republican/Conservative platform having a small Federal government and the right to personal privacy?
                          you're talking about legislation that was enacted immediately following the greatest terrorist attack on u.s. soil.

                          i'm not sure we're talking apples to apples here.


                          • #28
                            Well it was 2 years after... wouldn't exactly say "immediately." If the legislation had said, "The police have the right to go into anybody's house at any time without a warrant or probable cause," would that be ok with you?


                            • #29
                              As for the original question, I am a hybrid. Conservative/Libertarian/independent. Can't say I'm full on conservative, can't say I'm full on libertarian either. But I agree with much of both ethoseseses'.


                              • #30
                                I suppose I'm a classical liberal, or a moderate libertarian. What would that be? A Jeffersonian Republican? I'm not sure. I like the philosophical and economic works of the Scottish Enlightenment, and empiricism in general.
                                ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh

