They do realize Obama hasn’t spent a single day in the private sector, right?
Via Newsbusters:
The Drudge Report singled out political writer Ryan Lizza of The New Yorker as having the unintentionally hilarious first spin on the reported pick of Paul Ryan to be Romney’s running mate. Lizza immediately started to “tally the risks.”
“For one thing, Ryan has no significant private-sector experience,” he wrote. He wrote this with zero ackowledgment of Obama’s private-sector experience scooping mint-chip at Baskin-Robbins. If the rest of the media follows this line, this is going to be shamelessly biased.
Via Newsbusters:
The Drudge Report singled out political writer Ryan Lizza of The New Yorker as having the unintentionally hilarious first spin on the reported pick of Paul Ryan to be Romney’s running mate. Lizza immediately started to “tally the risks.”
“For one thing, Ryan has no significant private-sector experience,” he wrote. He wrote this with zero ackowledgment of Obama’s private-sector experience scooping mint-chip at Baskin-Robbins. If the rest of the media follows this line, this is going to be shamelessly biased.