Originally posted by DON SVO
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As much as your version sucks, I sure hope that you're right, and I am wrong.
The timing of this ludacris bill makes perfect sense, if this was so important to him, why wasn't this legislation proposed at the beginning of his term, rather than close to election time?
It's because he damn well knows that the tanking economy doesn't affect those on food stamps, you can't earn less or get fired from gubment cheese. Though there may be a piece of him that believes this is a good idea, which is proof enough that he isn't salient enough to be president, I gurantee the primary motivation here is to secure the votes of the poor minorities, which isn't a small number.
It's free to get registered and vote, and I guarantee that the last election garnered a whole bunch of first-time voters that are well over 18.
Though we possible fucked for another four years, thank God for term limits.