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Paul Ryan rips Obama’s comment that ‘if you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that

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  • #46
    Originally posted by 91cavgt View Post
    See, this is what happens when people listen to what the media tells them instead of thinking for themselves. You keep voting for the lesser of two evils because the other guy "Can't possibly win", until the media has so many people brainwashed that the other guy really has no chance of winning.

    It's really sad how the media works in this day and age.
    You are really an idiot, plain and simple. You instantly label anyone that doesn't suckle at the RP teet as brainwashed and start in with the 'media' bullshit. The truth is that I do NOT like RP's foreign policy, never have, never will. You parrot the same ol' tired bullshit that every other RP zealot tries to sell, "blah blah brainwashed blah blah media tells you who to vote for blah blah", same ol' tired shit over and over.
    And yeah, I will keep voting for the 'lesser evil' because I am not some mindless idiot that lives in a fantasy land thinking the world is going to fucking change by 2% of the populace writing in some fringe candidate. It isn't changing, sorry to burst your bubble. Everything is a GIANT FUCKING COMPROMISE. I will NEVER get my magical wonder candidate to run for office, much less win, and neither will you. The difference between you and I is that I am willing to vote in the guy THAT IS THE CLOSEST TO MY BELIEFS that actually HAS A CHANCE OF WINNING. I need to be looking out for my way of life and be realistic. You are willing to throw your vote away just for spite, AND THEN BITCH ABOUT IT FOR FOUR MORE YEARS....

    I swear, it is like a god-damned mindless cult with you guys, and the irony about it is that you keep talking about how ANYONE that supports ANYONE other than RP is brainwashed, and yet you fuckers will not even BEGIN to consider a different candidate, even if it means Americans getting the shitty end of the stick, AGAIN....

    Originally posted by SSMAN
    ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Nash B. View Post
      Not in Texas.
      Times are changing, eventually the liberal bastions in the cities will equal the conservatives, and with the idiots that are conservative in name only wanting to write in their demigod out of spite, it will only get worse.

      Originally posted by SSMAN
      ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


      • #48
        Originally posted by stevo View Post
        You are really an idiot, plain and simple. You instantly label anyone that doesn't suckle at the RP teet as brainwashed and start in with the 'media' bullshit. The truth is that I do NOT like RP's foreign policy, never have, never will. You parrot the same ol' tired bullshit that every other RP zealot tries to sell, "blah blah brainwashed blah blah media tells you who to vote for blah blah", same ol' tired shit over and over.
        And yeah, I will keep voting for the 'lesser evil' because I am not some mindless idiot that lives in a fantasy land thinking the world is going to fucking change by 2% of the populace writing in some fringe candidate. It isn't changing, sorry to burst your bubble. Everything is a GIANT FUCKING COMPROMISE. I will NEVER get my magical wonder candidate to run for office, much less win, and neither will you. The difference between you and I is that I am willing to vote in the guy THAT IS THE CLOSEST TO MY BELIEFS that actually HAS A CHANCE OF WINNING. I need to be looking out for my way of life and be realistic. You are willing to throw your vote away just for spite, AND THEN BITCH ABOUT IT FOR FOUR MORE YEARS....

        I swear, it is like a god-damned mindless cult with you guys, and the irony about it is that you keep talking about how ANYONE that supports ANYONE other than RP is brainwashed, and yet you fuckers will not even BEGIN to consider a different candidate, even if it means Americans getting the shitty end of the stick, AGAIN....

        very well said
        May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
        Semper Fi


        • #49
          Originally posted by stevo View Post
          You are really an idiot, plain and simple. You instantly label anyone that doesn't suckle at the RP teet as brainwashed and start in with the 'media' bullshit. The truth is that I do NOT like RP's foreign policy, never have, never will. You parrot the same ol' tired bullshit that every other RP zealot tries to sell, "blah blah brainwashed blah blah media tells you who to vote for blah blah", same ol' tired shit over and over.
          And yeah, I will keep voting for the 'lesser evil' because I am not some mindless idiot that lives in a fantasy land thinking the world is going to fucking change by 2% of the populace writing in some fringe candidate. It isn't changing, sorry to burst your bubble. Everything is a GIANT FUCKING COMPROMISE. I will NEVER get my magical wonder candidate to run for office, much less win, and neither will you. The difference between you and I is that I am willing to vote in the guy THAT IS THE CLOSEST TO MY BELIEFS that actually HAS A CHANCE OF WINNING. I need to be looking out for my way of life and be realistic. You are willing to throw your vote away just for spite, AND THEN BITCH ABOUT IT FOR FOUR MORE YEARS....

          I swear, it is like a god-damned mindless cult with you guys, and the irony about it is that you keep talking about how ANYONE that supports ANYONE other than RP is brainwashed, and yet you fuckers will not even BEGIN to consider a different candidate, even if it means Americans getting the shitty end of the stick, AGAIN....


          You see, this is what is wrong with this country today. When people stand for what they believe in, they get bashed for not going with the flow and just sucking it up. There was a time that standing up for and staying firm in your beliefs and morals made this country into a great super power that it once was. Over the last few decades this pride in oneself and their beliefs has been discouraged and has slacked off. Now look at where we are at. Coincidence? I think not.

          Oh that's right, I shouldn't think like that. I should forget about standing up for what I believe in, toss my morals out the window, and just vote for the one. Yes, I am old fashioned in this respect and proud of it. I am proud to try to return my country to it's once greatness as opposed to just going with the flow and watching her die in agony. If you're to shallow to understand what I just typed then just move along, keep doing what you're doing and see where this gets you.
          Annoying people, one post at a time!


          • #50
            Originally posted by 91cavgt View Post
            You see, this is what is wrong with this country today. When people stand for what they believe in, they get bashed for not going with the flow and just sucking it up. There was a time that standing up for and staying firm in your beliefs and morals made this country into a great super power that it once was. Over the last few decades this pride in oneself and their beliefs has been discouraged and has slacked off. Now look at where we are at. Coincidence? I think not.

            Oh that's right, I shouldn't think like that. I should forget about standing up for what I believe in, toss my morals out the window, and just vote for the one. Yes, I am old fashioned in this respect and proud of it. I am proud to try to return my country to it's once greatness as opposed to just going with the flow and watching her die in agony. If you're to shallow to understand what I just typed then just move along, keep doing what you're doing and see where this gets you.
            Being patriotic and being ignorant are two entirely different animals. Being patriotic means doing what's best for the country not pouting because your guy didn't get the bid so "I'm gonna either not vote or pencil him in" that sir is ignorance at it's finest.
            "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


            • #51
              Originally posted by 91cavgt View Post
              You see, this is what is wrong with this country today. When people stand for what they believe in, they get bashed for not going with the flow and just sucking it up. There was a time that standing up for and staying firm in your beliefs and morals made this country into a great super power that it once was. Over the last few decades this pride in oneself and their beliefs has been discouraged and has slacked off. Now look at where we are at. Coincidence? I think not.

              Oh that's right, I shouldn't think like that. I should forget about standing up for what I believe in, toss my morals out the window, and just vote for the one. Yes, I am old fashioned in this respect and proud of it. I am proud to try to return my country to it's once greatness as opposed to just going with the flow and watching her die in agony. If you're to shallow to understand what I just typed then just move along, keep doing what you're doing and see where this gets you.
              Yes, this is what's wrong with the country. People who run their mouth and don't vote. I'm not even going to read your posts anymore, if you can't understand that most basic tenant of being an american, you're not worth the time to listen to.
              "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
              "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


              • #52
                Originally posted by CJ View Post
                Yes, this is what's wrong with the country. People who run their mouth and don't vote. I'm not even going to read your posts anymore, if you can't understand that most basic tenant of being an american, you're not worth the time to listen to.

                i know you meant tenet, but this made me lul.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
                  i know you meant tenet, but this made me lul.
                  Finance is my job, so tenant is a muscle memory thing, haha.
                  "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                  "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by 91cavgt View Post
                    You see, this is what is wrong with this country today. When people stand for what they believe in, they get bashed for not going with the flow and just sucking it up.
                    Just because I'm not voting for RP, I'm not "stand(ing) for what I believe in"?
                    Wrong dunce, I am making a choice to support the candidate that IS THE CLOSEST to my beliefs, of the two that are going to be running. See how that works? There is NOT a candidate alive that 100% represents me, he doesn't exsist, so I have to COMPROMISE and vote for the one that is closest to my core beliefs. No..... YOU are what is wrong with this country, YOUR FAILURE TO COMPROMISE is the core fault of our system, YOU are the reason why Democrats will only vote on the shit they propose, and the same with the Republicans, failure to meet in the middle.....

                    And since I have to look at each candidate to decide which is the one that is closest to my core beliefs, I probably know more about who is running than you do, since you are BLIND to ANYONE OTHER THAN PAUL. You refuse to consider a different candidate, refuse to see that everything is a compromise, and that you will NOT be getting that 5% prime rib that you want and will end up gobbling down that chicken shit because you were too much of a bitch to vote for the chicken salad...

                    Originally posted by SSMAN
                    ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                    • #55
                      I think a lot of Dr. Paul's followers are just like Dr. Paul, in that there's no "gray" area. Everything involving government is black or white, and they want it all RIGHT NOW. The problem is that we didn't get into this situation over night, and it won't be resolved over night. "Right now", I can accept a few baby steps in the right direction. The "right direction" is getting Barry out ASAP. You have to walk before you can run...


                      • #56
                        Am I screwy in thinking that Texas could be a dem state sooner or later? In my mind, we have a lot of illegals and folks who prefer handouts...etc...etc All things that dem voters prefer and it seems that the standard beliefs are taking a backseat to the easy way out.

                        I admit that I'm not well educated on all these things, which is why I'm asking.
                        Originally posted by MR EDD
                        U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                          Am I screwy in thinking that Texas could be a dem state sooner or later? In my mind, we have a lot of illegals and folks who prefer handouts...etc...etc All things that dem voters prefer and it seems that the standard beliefs are taking a backseat to the easy way out.

                          I admit that I'm not well educated on all these things, which is why I'm asking.
                          Texas has only had 3 republican governors since the Civil War. Texas was a "conservative" democratic state for a long time. The party left Texans, Texans didn't leave the party.

                          Carter carried Texas in 1976.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                            Texas has only had 3 republican governors since the Civil War. Texas was a "conservative" democratic state for a long time. The party left Texans, Texans didn't leave the party.
                            The republican/democrat parties have swapped rolls 3 times in history. Originally in the early/late 1800's the republicans were the liberals, the democrats in the south were the conservatives, then in the 60's in the south it started to swap again, and democrats became liberal and the republicans were more conservative. It's pretty confusing.

                            A 1950's southern democrat would be a conservative republican nowadays.
                            "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                            "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by CJ View Post
                              The republican/democrat parties have swapped rolls 3 times in history. Originally in the early/late 1800's the republicans were the liberals, the democrats in the south were the conservatives, then in the 60's in the south it started to swap again, and democrats became liberal and the republicans were more conservative. It's pretty confusing.

                              A 1950's southern democrat would be a conservative republican nowadays.
                              JFK could have run as a republican today. Dems were "hawks" back in the day, and were it not for JFK/LBJ, Viet Nam would have probably never happened. It took Nixon (a republican) to get us out of there.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                                JFK could have run as a republican today. Dems were "hawks" back in the day, and were it not for JFK/LBJ, Viet Nam would have probably never happened. It took Nixon (a republican) to get us out of there.
                                And to give you an example of just how far our country has moved to the left, he was literally blacklisted in Dallas as being a liberal. There were tons of anti-kennedy ads in the newspaper in November of 1963 when he was coming to visit. He was chastised at the airport when he landed, and many people in the streets of Dallas that morning were yelling jeers at him. And yes, you're completely right - if you list to JFK's speeches today, he sounds like a conservative. And back in '63 he was liberal as hell. Kind of an eye opener.
                                "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                                "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler

