Originally posted by 91cavgt
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And yeah, I will keep voting for the 'lesser evil' because I am not some mindless idiot that lives in a fantasy land thinking the world is going to fucking change by 2% of the populace writing in some fringe candidate. It isn't changing, sorry to burst your bubble. Everything is a GIANT FUCKING COMPROMISE. I will NEVER get my magical wonder candidate to run for office, much less win, and neither will you. The difference between you and I is that I am willing to vote in the guy THAT IS THE CLOSEST TO MY BELIEFS that actually HAS A CHANCE OF WINNING. I need to be looking out for my way of life and be realistic. You are willing to throw your vote away just for spite, AND THEN BITCH ABOUT IT FOR FOUR MORE YEARS....
I swear, it is like a god-damned mindless cult with you guys, and the irony about it is that you keep talking about how ANYONE that supports ANYONE other than RP is brainwashed, and yet you fuckers will not even BEGIN to consider a different candidate, even if it means Americans getting the shitty end of the stick, AGAIN....