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American Medical Care is Terminal

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  • American Medical Care is Terminal

    An article written by my father, figured a few might appreciate it.

    The final nail has been driven into the coffin of America’s medical care system (note it’s not healthcare because the system has nothing to do with health).

    With the Supreme Court decision last week on ObamaCare, the US has taken its failed venture into socialized medicine, i.e., Medicare, and foisted it upon the general public, most of whom really believe they are going to get something for nothing.

    It is as if the U.S. government doesn’t understand that doubling down on a losing bet doesn’t make it a winner. And let’s not forget that Medicare, which came to America as part of Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society,” has been a tragic, unmitigated failure.

    US medical care is the most expensive care in the world. Some say that is because it is the best. Nonsense.

    The overall health of the average American is nothing to write home about. The average life expectancy for a person born in the U.S. today is 78.49 – significantly lower than for people born in Monaco, Macau and Japan, for example, which have the three highest life expectancies at 89.7, 84.4 and 83.9 years, respectively.

    American medical care is the most expensive because too many Americans are stressed-out, overweight pigs at the trough and the free market is not allowed to act as a not-so-gentle reminder that health is our individual responsibility. If insurance companies were allowed to fully underwrite risk on an individual basis, a 300 pound smoker probably couldn’t get insurance which might act as an incentive to stop smoking and lose weight.

    To add fuel to the fire, Medicare has resulted in an artificial demand for medical services since they appear to be free (or nearly free) for those over 65. Have a hangnail? Go to the doctor. Cold? Go the doctor. Just need someone to talk to? Go to the doctor. Dying and want to squeeze out another month or two of lying in a bed connected to machinery at a cost of a million dollars or more? No worries. Government is going to pay the tab.

    In still another affront to the market, Medicare utilizes price-fixing, the same kind of conduct that would result in you or me being imprisoned. The government decides what it will pay and the medical providers have to accept it. The net-net has been to transfer costs from the public sector to the private sector which has increased the cost of private health insurance while disguising the real cost to the taxpayer.

    Three health insurance programs—Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)—together account for 21 percent of the entire US budget (or did in 2011), to the tune of $769 billion. Nearly two-thirds of this amount, or $486 billion, went to Medicare. Even using the government’s numbers, it is estimated Medicare will be bankrupt and unable to pay benefits in just eight years, or, if you listen to Medicare’s own actuary, it will fail 4 years from now, in 2016.

    The socialists don’t care. Their goal remains the same: to squeeze blood out of a turnip and to spend as if there is no tomorrow until there is no tomorrow. They don’t understand because they don’t want to understand.

    However, it is not the socialists, but the so-called conservatives, who are the most disingenuous in criticizing American medical care. On the one hand, the neo-cons are up in arms over the Supreme Court’s decision in finding ObamaCare constitutional pursuant to the government’s power to steal (aka “tax”) but are silent when the subject is their own version of ObamaCare, or Medicare. Even the Republican Romney has made it clear that while he will try and repeal ObamaCare (in and of itself an ironic contention considering he invented it), he won’t touch Medicare. And, when he utters that wholly dishonest promise, you can hear a pin drop.

    Even more pathetic than the politicians — none of whom have the guts to pronounce Medicare DOA — are those who are sucking the hind tit of socialized medicine today while raising hell over, well, socialized medicine.

    How can Americans justify lining up for Medicare while being against ObamaCare?
    The most common response to this question? “I paid for it. I deserve it.”

    The problem with that response? It is wrong. Charles Hugh Smith summarized the numbers as follows:

    “Medicare tax is 2.9% of wages, 1.45% each for employer and employee. If the typical worker makes $30,000 a year for 35 years, then lifetime earnings are about $1 million. If we take the $40,000/year average, then that rises to around $1.4 million in lifetime earnings. The 2.9% Medicare tax thus totals about $30,000 to $40,000 in lifetime contributions for the average worker. The average benefits extracted from the system run from $393,000 to $525,000 (due to the benefits extended to non-working spouses, benefits for never-married people may be somewhat lower). Average annual costs per beneficiary run as high as $18,000, though expenses typically rise significantly in the last year of life.”

    Medicare isn’t insurance. It is not something you fund with a willing counterpart taking the risk for a negotiated premium based on individual underwriting. Medicare is welfare, plain and simple. It is a government transfer program. Few receiving Medicare today paid enough to justify the government largess they are now receiving (or are hoping to receive).

    Medicare is nothing more or less than a contemporary bread line for the sick and is destined to hasten the bankruptcy, and ultimate default by the United States.

    ObamaCare isn’t different. It is just piling on. While the mechanism may be private insurance, there will be nothing free or free market about it. Government will use its heavy hand to influence, and ultimately decide both premiums and prices. The final tab for the assured deficit will make its way to the taxpayer.

    Those who are pounding the drum, denouncing ObamaCare as if it was something new and hideous, are unimpressive. Where have they been the last 47 years? They have been enjoying it, knowing that someone else will ultimately have to pay their tab.

    The frequently heard admonition that “we shouldn’t be passing this debt to our children,” sounds good, but means nothing. They are more than happy to pass the cost of their freebies to their children and grandchildren while crying crocodile tears and cursing big government.

    Which brings me to the end, literally. One reason America is going to fail economically is simple and straightforward: No one is willing to take the pain for the profligate spending. The battle cry may be “Balance the budget!” But listen carefully. After the echo subsides, there is an almost imperceptible, but very real whisper, “. . . just don’t take away any of my entitlements.”

    The patient has expired.

  • #2
    Good read.
    Slow moving projects
    1964 C10 350/700r4
    1992 LX 5.0


    • #3
      tells it like it is

      you got a smart dad
      Don't worry about what you can't change.
      Do the best you can with what you have.
      Be honest, even if it hurts.

      "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery" ... Winston Churchill


      • #4
        smart guy. Sadly it falls mostly on ignorant ears.


        • #5
          This is an argument against Obamacare that I can get behind.

          It's but a symptom of a deeper problem...


          • #6
            Is the default of the United States economy why he has that badass house in San Miguel?
            When the government pays, the government controls.


            • #7
              Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
              Is the default of the United States economy why he has that badass house in San Miguel?
              he read the writing on the wall and GTFO! that was back in '01 though. he's been waiting to watch the house of cards tumble for a while now but we seem to find a way to kick the can further down the road each year.


              • #8
                Well deville gt your Dad has hit the nail on the head. He only left out one word that so many choose to try and get away from. The word that I am talking about is GREED and it is running rapid. deville gt I think you will remember me I am Brandon's Dad. I don't know how old your Dad is but he is way ahead of us all. I retired in 09 from a very large company that left me with a monthly retirement for the rest of my life. I tried to work hard all my life to make things better for my kids and it seemed like something was always holding me back. Then in 05 we got the news that my wife had cancer. This is were the GREED comes in. The surgeon said if we did not do the surgery right away she would be dead in 12 months. Then after all that and chemo and all the other bull shit she died in 11 months. That doctor did not care because all he wanted is his money because he knew I had good insurance. This is Doctors GREED and then when I finally decided to retire after 30 years and losing my wife of 29 years this is what happened. I was only 61 but I said that is it. It started out that my insurance was costing me 109 a month and then at the first of the year, 6 months later, the company sent me a email and said they were going to start taking $739 out of my check. Insurance and company that I used to work for GREED. I am fixing to go on Medicare and I hope there is money left for me to live my life out. With all the GREEDY doctors and dentists that have ripped off the government and got away with it I don't know if there will be enough left for me to live out my life. Then we come down to the government. Who are they?? A bunch of lawyers and they let people rip us off like that. What good are they. All they want is people to give them money. Also what do Lawyers do? They make people believe that they are really helping them and all they are doing is using their GREED. I dont have a answer to all this. All I know is I am going to live my life out racing cars and watching my family do it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by musclestang89 View Post
                  Well deville gt your Dad has hit the nail on the head. He only left out one word that so many choose to try and get away from. The word that I am talking about is GREED and it is running rapid. deville gt I think you will remember me I am Brandon's Dad. I don't know how old your Dad is but he is way ahead of us all. I retired in 09 from a very large company that left me with a monthly retirement for the rest of my life. I tried to work hard all my life to make things better for my kids and it seemed like something was always holding me back. Then in 05 we got the news that my wife had cancer. This is were the GREED comes in. The surgeon said if we did not do the surgery right away she would be dead in 12 months. Then after all that and chemo and all the other bull shit she died in 11 months. That doctor did not care because all he wanted is his money because he knew I had good insurance. This is Doctors GREED and then when I finally decided to retire after 30 years and losing my wife of 29 years this is what happened. I was only 61 but I said that is it. It started out that my insurance was costing me 109 a month and then at the first of the year, 6 months later, the company sent me a email and said they were going to start taking $739 out of my check. Insurance and company that I used to work for GREED. I am fixing to go on Medicare and I hope there is money left for me to live my life out. With all the GREEDY doctors and dentists that have ripped off the government and got away with it I don't know if there will be enough left for me to live out my life. Then we come down to the government. Who are they?? A bunch of lawyers and they let people rip us off like that. What good are they. All they want is people to give them money. Also what do Lawyers do? They make people believe that they are really helping them and all they are doing is using their GREED. I dont have a answer to all this. All I know is I am going to live my life out racing cars and watching my family do it.
                  I am sorry that you lost your wife and I can hear the grief in your words.

                  Your anger is missed placed. Cancer killed you wife; not greed.
                  Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by svo855 View Post
                    I am sorry that you lost your wife and I can hear the grief in your words.

                    Your anger is missed placed. Cancer killed you wife; not greed.
                    Yeah, because there is absolutely no such thing as a greedy doctor. /rolleyes

                    Originally posted by SSMAN
                    ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                    • #11
                      i just recovered from having half a lung removed . my insurance paid off golden. my surgeon worked for peanuts imho . 11 days in hospital and the bill was aprox 70k . all total i am out of pocket maybe 2k and collected over 11k from aflac straight in my pocket. dont like doctors ?? don't go to one. i have no problem with people who die from stupid . i've watched family and friends wait until it was too late. i get a complete physical every year and a chest ex-ray every other year because i am a car builder doing all of it. been painting since i was a teen. ( attention vern you old fart , pay attention ) stop bitching and whining and pointing fingers at everyone else. your health is your responsibility . i caught my cancer at 1 cm. there are no symptoms until it is too late.

                      musclestang , my thoughts and prayers to you. i can not even imagine losing my spouse . cancer is an awful damn disease and i am truly sorry your family had to face it..


                      • #12
                        Damn man. Glad to hear you're mended/getting mended. The value of preventative care can't be underestimated. My lungs are on a every-six-months watch. They've found some nodules and granuloma (like you, thanks mainly to painting), and are keeping an eye out for any growth.
                        "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bubbaearl View Post
                          i just recovered from having half a lung removed . my insurance paid off golden. my surgeon worked for peanuts imho . 11 days in hospital and the bill was aprox 70k . all total i am out of pocket maybe 2k and collected over 11k from aflac straight in my pocket. dont like doctors ?? don't go to one. i have no problem with people who die from stupid . i've watched family and friends wait until it was too late. i get a complete physical every year and a chest ex-ray every other year because i am a car builder doing all of it. been painting since i was a teen. ( attention vern you old fart , pay attention ) stop bitching and whining and pointing fingers at everyone else. your health is your responsibility . i caught my cancer at 1 cm. there are no symptoms until it is too late.

                          musclestang , my thoughts and prayers to you. i can not even imagine losing my spouse . cancer is an awful damn disease and i am truly sorry your family had to face it..
                          This. I get my yearly checkup without fail, so does my wife and son. Doctors deserve what they charge. Hell, they dug a rifle round from my brain and put me back together so well that aside from some glitches, I'm good. Nothing to do about the rips in the soft tissue of the brain but hardware? They did brilliantly
                          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                          • #14
                            i'm a little touchy on this subject. i've had the same doc for 28 years . he's a friend and takes excellent care of me. my surgeon and he know each other well. Harris Methodist took excellent care of me also. the 4th floor cardiac icu is top shelf imho. 9 out of 10 men are too damn macho to go to a doctor until something starts falling off. i could have just as easy paid for my health insurance for the rest of my life and never used it . no different than full coverage on your car. sucks until you need it most.

                            in my old eyes the root cause for just about any problem we have in the country falls on the worthless fuckers who will not work. sure medicare and medicaid are in trouble. just like ss disability they are abused to the point they can not survive.

                            helosailor , mine was just over 1 cm 25 months ago . 1 petscan and 4 cat scans later they noticed it had approx doubled in size. some ass hole between the first and last was asleep at the wheel. dont trust the radiologist too much. get the disc and take it to your doctor for a second look. they also thought mine was a scar tissue type granuloma since it was in the top of the lung and slow growing. lucky for me the greedy doctor did not want to waste my time and money with a needle biopsy. he took the wedge and had it checked while i was still on the table. then he went in and removed the top lobe .

