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Originally posted by Yale View PostI really don't think it will affect that much. The fact of the matter is, every serviceman on this board has served with gays. In my eyes, it removes a layer of bullshit about the whole thing. You're gay? Who fucking cares? The standard should be, "can you do your job?" Further, the folks that would let this kind of thing distract them from say, a fire fight, are probably not who we want in the service anyway. This whole rigamarole is nonsense. It doesn't matter.
Originally posted by Vertnut View PostYour logic is really bad. Are you aware of a baptist shooting 13 servicemen to death, and injuring 30 more? This has not happened, and more than likely won't. We're not fighting baptists'. Keep ducking the real issues. It seems to work well for you!
Originally posted by SlowLX View PostWe're not fighting Islam either...we're fighting anti-capitalism and anti-modernity, we could just as easily be supplanting gook for haji.
Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View PostNo it won't affect that much. Except perhaps the lives of those serving. Are we to have segregation in the military now? I have every right not to want a gay man being able to look at me in the shower/changing room/whatever. No woman would want to shower with random straight men, so why should she have to shower with some dike that might be interested in her? Guess our kenyan friend just doesn't care what repercussions his actions have on others. After all, he's not in the military, right? He's nothing but a fraud. For being a "muslim" he sure is tolerant of gays.
Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View PostYou conveniently dodged my question. Seems to work well for you.
Stirring the pot is cool, but you're right.
God, are people still on the "Obama is muslim" bullshit?
Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View PostI don't know why you'd want to legitimately talk shit about somebody who is going to be next to you in a war zone. I thought that one of the biggest principles taught in the military was respect for your fellow soldier?
As someone who's been in combat, you don't make these decisions consciously, but they are there. I despised someone in the Army. He shammed every chance he could, used his rank to get out of duties, smoked Joe for no reason and fell out of every road march, run and made sure he was the first one dead during combat exercises.
During the mission I got shot in, do you think I'm risking my life to go after him when I have someone I know and like who is taking the same amount of fire? Now me, I tried to do both, cover them adn got shot for it, but it's in your head. Openly anything does not belong in the military. We dress, act and look the same. Anything different is immediately picked out and messed with until it snaps back into conformity.
So, if we haze the FNG, who happens to be openly gay, what then? Hate crime charges? UCMJ? Afterall, we haze everyone in the infantry but gays are a protected group according to our government.I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool
I guess now there will be a separate boot camp for gays. If not, they will cry discrimination against them for being gay. I have no doubt that if an openly gay guy goes through boot camp the DI is gonna do his best to get them to quit. I know I would do that...
Originally posted by davbrucas View PostI guess now there will be a separate boot camp for gays. If not, they will cry discrimination against them for being gay. I have no doubt that if an openly gay guy goes through boot camp the DI is gonna do his best to get them to quit. I know I would do that...
Originally posted by davbrucas View PostI guess now there will be a separate butt camp for gays. If not, they will cry discrimination against them for being gay. I have no doubt that if an openly gay guy goes through butt camp the DI is gonna do his best to get them to quit. I know I would do that...
Maybe there will be a requirement that a gay DI be provided.
Originally posted by SlowLX View PostIs cock holster and cum dumpster still acceptable terms for a recruits mouth?Originally posted by The King View PostFix't
Maybe there will be a requirement that a gay DI be provided.
Political correctness and tolerance will be the downfall to this country. If the fucking liberals want to live in a European society, move to Europe and leave my country alone.
Originally posted by SlowLX View PostDon't misunderstand me you're still a moron who has yet to coherently explain any of your points.
Originally posted by Vertnut View PostLOL! Typical Lib weaksauce responses.
Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View PostWhat exactly have I not explained coherently? Just because I didn't give an answer that you wanted to hear doesn't mean that I'm a moron.
Like I said, you never answered my question. If a Christian extremist freaks out and kills troops in the name of God, would you want Christian servicemen to be as carefully scrutinized as you want Muslim servicemen to be?
Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View PostSo if Fort Hood had never happened, you'd have no problem with Muslim servicemen?