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  • GSRGuy94
    Surprise, I upset you.

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  • Vertnut
    Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View Post
    You're just upset because I pointed out (correctly) that this country has been consistently hypocritical. You can't preach "liberty and justice for all," and then make exceptions that exclude half the population. You can kiss my ass if you think I'm going to leave though. This is my country as much as it's your's.

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  • Photonfanatic
    Umm, no... im bitching cause they are screwing up that which was already as close to perfect as a country will ever get. A very limited government is the only thing that can protect the basic rights and freedoms of the people. I view government as a necessary evil, not some great help to us all. They're nothing but a bunch of fuck ups and deep down, you know this.

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  • GSRGuy94
    Originally posted by Photonfanatic View Post
    Perhaps. I take it you are talking about the slavery that was around during its inception. But guess what? Its gone. Let it go. You might have a point if slavery hadn't ended well over 100 years ago.

    Actually, this is a Republic, not a Democracy. So it sounds like the republicans belong, and the democrats don't. There really isn't any arguing with this. I mean one of the guys who created the freakin' country, said that it was. Arguing against that would be just like arguing with henry ford that his assembly line wasn't an assembly line. You don't change the republic. You live in it and like it, or you are free to move out. No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to stay. So why don't you go see what all those other countries are all about, and then see if you still think our country is so awful. You'll beg on your knees to come back. I'm sure the muslims that you love so much, would welcome you with open arms. Oh wait no they wouldn't lol they'd hate you even as you try to defend them. And you have the nerve, to wonder why people don't like them! Your whole thought process is a joke.
    1) I'm talking about slavery, segregation, woman's suffrage, gays not being allowed in the military, etc...
    2) If you really felt that way (like it or get out), then you wouldn't be bitching so much about the Democratic-controlled presidency/senate, and waiting for 2012 to "get Obama out of there!" You would just move.

    Like I said, this is my country and I'm staying. But I am also going to stand up for what I believe in and try to change what I don't. Not leave. And you say my thought process is a joke.

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  • Photonfanatic
    Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View Post
    Yes... they were all stupid. That's kinda my point. This country has been hypocritical since its inception.
    Perhaps. I take it you are talking about the slavery that was around during its inception. But guess what? Its gone. Let it go. You might have a point if slavery hadn't ended well over 100 years ago.

    Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View Post
    Oh ok, so understanding that this country has faults and wanting to change them means I need to leave? Sounds like every Republican in the country needs to leave, according to your logic. Give me a break.
    Actually, this is a Republic, not a Democracy. So it sounds like the republicans belong, and the democrats don't. There really isn't any arguing with this. I mean one of the guys who created the freakin' country, said that it was. Arguing against that would be just like arguing with henry ford that his assembly line wasn't an assembly line. You don't change the republic. You live in it and like it, or you are free to move out. No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to stay. So why don't you go see what all those other countries are all about, and then see if you still think our country is so awful. You'll beg on your knees to come back. I'm sure the muslims that you love so much, would welcome you with open arms. Oh wait no they wouldn't lol they'd hate you even as you try to defend them. And you have the nerve, to wonder why people don't like them! Your whole thought process is a joke.

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  • GSRGuy94
    That's more than many people that live here

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  • SlowLX

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  • GSRGuy94
    I pay taxes and I vote. And I never said that America wasn't better in those aspects than other cars. But "better than XX" doesn't mean "good." There is still much work to do, and I'll be here to vote for and enjoy it.

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  • SlowLX
    Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View Post
    You're just upset because I pointed out (correctly) that this country has been consistently hypocritical. You can't preach "liberty and justice for all," and then make exceptions that exclude half the population. You can kiss my ass if you think I'm going to leave though. This is my country as much as it's your's.
    Yea ...this country was a horrible beacon of liberty as it defeated the greatest empire on earth and became the first modern democracy, a giant leap in historical precedence for individual freedoms. Yup you're right, you've pointed out how one of the original 13 states had Jews of all people able to vote while European Jews were still residing in the ghettos. Btw. Regardless of what you think you're entitled to I'm pretty sure the blood and sweat I've left across this globe does indeed make me more deserving of this country than you! What have you ever done for this country? Military service not required ...have you EVER given back to your homeland that you think is so "hypocritical "?

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  • GSRGuy94
    You're just upset because I pointed out (correctly) that this country has been consistently hypocritical. You can't preach "liberty and justice for all," and then make exceptions that exclude half the population. You can kiss my ass if you think I'm going to leave though. This is my country as much as it's your's.

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  • SlowLX
    Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View Post
    Yes... they were all stupid. That's kinda my point. This country has been hypocritical since its inception.
    Yes...they were all misguided. That's kind of my point which I'm too retarded to make. I've hated this country since I took my first mistaught history class.

    Did I translate alright? Because I didn't see shit about correcting this countries faults like the permissive government sponsored welfare that has stemmed from slavery or the over reactionary courts that has come about from pro longed periods of laissez faire jurisprudence; all I saw is "I'm going to bitch and moan without offering any substance what so ever to my points."

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  • GSRGuy94
    Oh ok, so understanding that this country has faults and wanting to change them means I need to leave? Sounds like every Republican in the country needs to leave, according to your logic. Give me a break.

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  • SlowLX
    Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View Post
    Yes... they were all stupid. That's kinda my point. This country has been hypocritical since its inception.
    Then GTFO of here fucktard. If you haven't liked this country since IT'S INCEPTION you don't have a good chance at changing 300 million peoples views to your GTFO and goto Canada!

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  • GSRGuy94
    Originally posted by SlowLX View Post
    Really? It's laughable they were ever banned in the first place? It's the same country that had segregation until almost a 100 years after the civil war. Even I will argue that the gay movement is the least important minority group in America. So it stands to reason they'd get the least amount of legislation their way, which is why it's taken more than more than 100 years since women could enlist in mass and more than 60 years since the military was desegregated for fudge packers to start moving into the military political limelight.
    Yes... they were all stupid. That's kinda my point. This country has been hypocritical since its inception.

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  • Photonfanatic
    Heh that's kinda weird.

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