Originally posted by GSRGuy94
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Don't ask Don't Tell is dead...
Last edited by SlowLX; 12-31-2010, 08:09 PM.
Originally posted by Kimmypie View PostOh & this country is currently considered a "Democratic Republic" since we have combined certain principles from Democracy & Republicanism.
don't argue with me either since I teach History & actually know what the fuck I'm talking about! lol
Why do I have to say something "original?" I have a viewpoint that is shared with a lot of people. The ban on gays in the military should never have been imposed in the first place, but that's what people do when they are scared or freaked out by something different; they pass legislation so that they don't have to come in contact with it. And I feel it's time to get over it.
Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View PostWhy do I have to say something "original?" I have a viewpoint that is shared with a lot of people. The ban on gays in the military should never have been imposed in the first place, but that's what people do when they are scared or freaked out by something different; they pass legislation so that they don't have to come in contact with it. And I feel it's time to get over it.
Originally posted by SlowLX View PostI'll take that queer remark as you finally having a semi-smart thought and shutting the fuck up. Thanks
Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View PostYou don't want to have a conversation. You want all the people who agree with you to come in here and have a circle jerk, patting each other on the back for thinking the same way. And I have no interest in taking part in that.
Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View PostI pay taxes and I vote. And I never said that America wasn't better in those aspects than other cars. But "better than XX" doesn't mean "good." There is still much work to do, and I'll be here to vote for and enjoy it.I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool
Originally posted by Kimmypie View PostCan you not read? I am NOT a fucking liberal. I am a Libertarian. Huge difference. Google it if you don't know what it means. Enlighten yourself & stop making yourself sound ignorant.
You know what? I'll do it for you...
lib·er·tar·i·an /ˌlɪbərˈtɛəriən/ Show Spelled
[lib-er-tair-ee-uhn] Show IPA
1. a person who advocates liberty, esp. with regard to thought or conduct.
2. a person who maintains the doctrine of free will ( distinguished from necessitarian).
3. advocating liberty or conforming to principles of liberty.
4. maintaining the doctrine of free will.
lib·er·al /ˈlɪbərəl, ˈlɪbrəl/ Show Spelled
[lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl] Show IPA
1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
2. ( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
3. of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.
4. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
I think people should be able to do what they want without other people telling them what to do...this takes self discipline, but I DON'T think the govt should tell people what to do.
Do you understand the difference? If you can't grasp it, I'll be glad to answre any questions you have about it.