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  • exlude
    Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
    And my point is that Americans aren't doing it! What is so tough to understand? By their muslim religion (based on the Koran), their mission is to rid the world of "infidels". That covers EVERY LIVING THING that is not muslim.
    Hussan was American, so I'm not sure you're right on "Americans aren't doing it".

    I've had some great Muslim soldiers and a great Muslim 1SG. Not to say I'm wholly comfortable with the idea initially. Historically, there have been more blue on blues by your average Christian/No religious preference soldiers than there have been Muslim soldiers.

    *edit: I think I misunderstood what you meant by "Americans aren't doing it", so nevermind.

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  • Vertnut
    Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View Post
    Gotcha. My point is, that it's easy to point fingers and group everyone in a certain demographic together when you aren't part of that demographic. If the tables were turned and it was a small sect of white/Christian people causing the problems that a small sect of Arab/Muslims are causing now, would you be ok getting thrown in with that group as a potential "bad egg?"
    And my point is that Americans aren't doing it! What is so tough to understand? By their muslim religion (based on the Koran), their mission is to rid the world of "infidels". That covers EVERY LIVING THING that is not muslim.

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  • GSRGuy94
    Gotcha. My point is, that it's easy to point fingers and group everyone in a certain demographic together when you aren't part of that demographic. If the tables were turned and it was a small sect of white/Christian people causing the problems that a small sect of Arab/Muslims are causing now, would you be ok getting thrown in with that group as a potential "bad egg?"

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  • Vertnut
    Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View Post
    I think you must mean 1 out of 1,000 are bad?
    Freudian slip...1 out of a 1000 bad.

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  • GSRGuy94
    Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
    You're playing the odds, and I've already been proven right. So...1 out of 1000 are good? It only takes one, which has already happened. How many have opted out of the war or complained about having to fight their muslim brothers?
    I think you must mean 1 out of 1,000 are bad?

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  • Vertnut
    Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View Post
    Well his opinion is that no Muslims should serve in the military at all... I'd say that there are far more Muslims that fight for this country without problem than there are those that sabotage missions and commit treason. So I'm not exactly sure why you think his opinion is supported and mine isn't.
    You're playing the odds, and I've already been proven right. So...1 out of 1000 are good? It only takes one, which has already happened. How many have opted out of the war or complained about having to fight their muslim brothers?

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    Yale! I'd like a reply to my statement please.

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  • GSRGuy94
    Well his opinion is that no Muslims should serve in the military at all... I'd say that there are far more Muslims that fight for this country without problem than there are those that sabotage missions and commit treason. So I'm not exactly sure why you think his opinion is supported and mine isn't.

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  • CexMashean
    Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View Post
    Fair enough, you have the right to your opinion.
    opinions supported by fact > opinions supported by hopes and dreams

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  • GSRGuy94
    Fair enough, you have the right to your opinion.

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  • Vertnut
    Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View Post
    So if Fort Hood had never happened, you'd have no problem with Muslim servicemen?
    The have been other incidences in the middle east, so no, I DO have a problem with muslim soldiers in our troops, while fighting other muslims. Their religion is stronger than any oath they will take, whether it's to our country as citizens, or to our country as soldiers. Look it's already been proven.

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  • GSRGuy94
    So if Fort Hood had never happened, you'd have no problem with Muslim servicemen?

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  • Vertnut
    Originally posted by GSRGuy94 View Post
    What exactly have I not explained coherently? Just because I didn't give an answer that you wanted to hear doesn't mean that I'm a moron.

    Like I said, you never answered my question. If a Christian extremist freaks out and kills troops in the name of God, would you want Christian servicemen to be as carefully scrutinized as you want Muslim servicemen to be?
    It hasn't happened. You're reaching...It is a reality when it comes to Muslims, though. If you hang out with gays and lesbians, it explains alot about your thought process.

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  • GSRGuy94
    Originally posted by SlowLX View Post
    Don't misunderstand me you're still a moron who has yet to coherently explain any of your points.
    What exactly have I not explained coherently? Just because I didn't give an answer that you wanted to hear doesn't mean that I'm a moron.
    Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
    LOL! Typical Lib weaksauce responses.
    Like I said, you never answered my question. If a Christian extremist freaks out and kills troops in the name of God, would you want Christian servicemen to be as carefully scrutinized as you want Muslim servicemen to be?

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  • davbrucas
    Originally posted by SlowLX View Post
    Is cock holster and cum dumpster still acceptable terms for a recruits mouth?
    Originally posted by The King View Post

    Maybe there will be a requirement that a gay DI be provided.

    Political correctness and tolerance will be the downfall to this country. If the fucking liberals want to live in a European society, move to Europe and leave my country alone.

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