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Update on Hasan

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  • Obama and Holder are going to find a way to either get the case dismissed - or find him not guilty.


    • Originally posted by Geor! View Post
      Why can they not just tie a noose around his neck and hang him from an oak tree?
      Because they are too busy trying to be politically correct. PC will be/IS the downfall of this country.


      • I'd love to see a sniper take him out while he's on the witness stand. "Court is adjourned!"


        • Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
          I'd love to see a sniper take him out while he's on the witness stand. "Court is adjourned!"
          Obama would flip shit and the sniper would be hung within 7 days.
          Originally posted by MR EDD
          U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


          • Not guilty by reason of insanity. Which would then set precedent for all radical Muslims to be locked up for being insane. One can only hope.


            • Originally posted by ceyko View Post
              Obama would flip shit and the sniper would be hung within 7 days.
              Probably, but I'm certain there are a few capable guys out there that would make that sacrifice.


              • Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                Probably, but I'm certain there are a few capable guys out there that would make that sacrifice.
                You wouldn't want someone like that to do it. You'd want an expendable person to martyr themselves that has no skills they can teach. Radical islam has figured that out already, look at Hasan.


                • Good point. Maybe even someone dealing with a terminal disease that would like to do the world a favor on their way out.


                  • You have the issue of the guy who shot the people in Afghanistan already having gone through trial and convicted months after it happened
                    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                    • Originally posted by Dave586 View Post
                      Obama and Holder are going to find a way to either get the case dismissed - or find him not guilty.
                      This is one area where Obama and Holder have no power or influence. Military courts fall under congress. Now Obama can pardom him after the fact or it can be appealed and eventually go to the Supreme Court.


                      • His co-council today asked to be dismissed from the case. He told the judge that Hasan is trying to torpedo his case and get a guilty determination and execution
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                          • I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • Accommodate prayer schedule. What a fucking joke.


                              • I'd hate to foot his bill in prison for life, but it would be worth it in this case. This piece of shit does not deserve a nice quiet death by lethal injection. It's exactly what he wants. Let him get ass raped in prison for life. Fucking piece of shit.

