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Update on Hasan

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  • FORT HOOD, Texas (AP) — The U.S. Army psychiatrist charged in the mass shooting at Fort Hood asked pointed questions about religion and used several opportunities Wednesday to declare his support for the Taliban and a fellow American-born Muslim who killed a U.S. soldier, as he was allowed to zero in on potential jurors during the second day of jury selection.

    Maj. Nidal Hasan, who is serving as his own attorney in his military murder trial, participated as nine of the remaining 14 Army officers in the group of potential jurors were questioned individually.

    Hasan told one colonel that Abdulhakim Muhammad, sentenced to life in prison for the June 2009 fatal shooting of a soldier outside a Little Rock, Arkansas, military recruiting station, was his “brother and friend.” Muhammad, who converted to Islam in college, has told The Associated Press that the shootings were an act of war on the U.S.

    In answering Hasan’s questions based on jury questionnaires they filled out about a year ago, several potential jurors said they had negative views of Muslims, the Quran or Shariah, the Islamic legal and religious code. But they said they could put aside those views and only consider evidence in the case — including a colonel asked by Hasan if “the fact that I do believe the Quran justifies killing” would prevent him from being a fair juror.

    Osborn has denied his “defense of others” strategy, which must show that killing was necessary to prevent the immediate harm or death of others. The judge has barred him from telling jurors that he shot U.S. troops because he believed they were an imminent threat to Taliban leaders in Afghanistan.
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood terrorist, sent the closest thing to a clear explanation of his actions to FOX News, which happens to be the only network that would actually air his statements because they contradict the Obama Inc. narrative that his was a case of workplace violence. Not terrorism.

      Hasan signs his statement/confession as SOA or Soldier of Allah. His motives entirely depend on Islam and the Koran. His entire ideology is an Islamist reading that rejects national allegiances in favor of Islam.

      This is his confession.

      In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful

      I, Nidal Malik Hasan, am compelled to renounce any oaths of allegiances that require me to support/defend any man made constitution (like the constitution of the United States) over the commandments mandated in Islam (Quran and Sunnah.)

      The sovereignty of Allah must always prevail over the sovereignty of man.

      I therefore formally renounce my oath of office as well as any other implicit or explicit oaths I have made in the past that associate partners with Allah. This includes an oath of US citizenship.

      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • I don't know why any of those dumb fucks bothers with the Sunnah.


        • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
          Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood terrorist, sent the closest thing to a clear explanation of his actions to FOX News, which happens to be the only network that would actually air his statements because they contradict the Obama Inc. narrative that his was a case of workplace violence. Not terrorism.

          Hasan signs his statement/confession as SOA or Soldier of Allah. His motives entirely depend on Islam and the Koran. His entire ideology is an Islamist reading that rejects national allegiances in favor of Islam.

          This is his confession.

          In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful

          I, Nidal Malik Hasan, am compelled to renounce any oaths of allegiances that require me to support/defend any man made constitution (like the constitution of the United States) over the commandments mandated in Islam (Quran and Sunnah.)

          The sovereignty of Allah must always prevail over the sovereignty of man.

          I therefore formally renounce my oath of office as well as any other implicit or explicit oaths I have made in the past that associate partners with Allah. This includes an oath of US citizenship.

          Simple case of "work place violence"! Hang him wheel chair and all, just like in "Blazing Saddles", live on Fox News.


          • Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
            Simple case of "work place violence"! Hang him wheel chair and all, just like in "Blazing Saddles", live on Fox News.
            Imo, there shouldn't even be a trial there is no doubt this jackass did it, he should have been hung the next day. The same can be said for the nutcase in colorado as well. I see no reasoning in wasting the publics money on a trialand making them a martyr to other crazy people.
            "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


            • Originally posted by dee View Post
              Imo, there shouldn't even be a trial there is no doubt this jackass did it, he should have been hung the next day. The same can be said for the nutcase in colorado as well. I see no reasoning in wasting the publics money on a trialand making them a martyr to other crazy people.
              Even though I agree with you on concept, we can't start taking shortcuts like that. Now, if they happened to fly him somewhere in a C130 and he fell out...

              Hypocrite, I know.
              Originally posted by MR EDD
              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


              • That dude is making a mockery out of our justice system and becoming a martyr in radical islamic world by doing so...

                Justice in these kinda' cases should be swift & merciless... and set an example to others of what happens when innocent lives are sacrificed to further a radical agenda.



                • Originally posted by mardyn View Post
                  That dude is making a mockery out of our justice system and becoming a martyr in radical islamic world by doing so...

                  Justice in these kinda' cases should be swift & merciless... and set an example to others of what happens when innocent lives are sacrificed to further a radical agenda.

                  Cut off his head and throw it at his dying ass. Tape it and broadcast it in all muslim nations. Until we get down to their level, we will continue to get our ass kicked.


                  • He's still active duty Army. Put him on jump status and deploy him. No long forms, no court cases, just deployment from a C130
                    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                    • Whatever happened to execution of traitors by firing squad? This case is cut and dry and this fucker should have been dead long ago.


                      • FORT HOOD, TEXAS The trial of Major Nidal Hassan began Tuesday, nearly four years after he was first charged with killing 13 and injuring 31 in a shooting rampage at Fort Hood Army base.

                        Proceedings have been delayed for almost four years by pre-trial motions, changes in defense counsel and a six-month-long controversy about Hasan's right to appear in court with a beard, in violation of proper military grooming standards.

                        A helicopter transported the wheelchair-bound Hasan from Bell County Jail to Fort Hood for the first day of trial.

                        Shortly after the proceedings began, the packed courtroom heard opening statement from the government where prosecutors described, in great detail, Hasan's "targeted shooting spree of those wearing the uniform."

                        The government argues that Hasan did "not want to deploy and came to believe he possessed a jihad duty to kill as many soldiers as possible."

                        The government alleges that Hasan told a colleague: "They've got another thing coming if they think they are going to deploy me."

                        Prosecutors described how Hasan methodically prepared for the attack by frequently visiting a gun store to purchase ammunition and then practicing at a local shooting range.

                        According to the government, Hasan also studied the schedule for the building where he conducted the attack to assess the optimal time to attack uniformed soldiers.

                        Hasan is representing himself during the proceedings after dismissing multiple defense attorneys and waiving his right to counsel.

                        Hasan gave a brief opening statement where he said, "Evidence will clearly show that I am the shooter and the dead bodies will show the war is an ugly thing."

                        Fort Hood victim says Maj. Hasan deserves harsh justice
                        Fort Hood shooting trial: 5 things you need to know
                        The courtroom also heard testimony from several individuals who encountered Hasan at Guns Galore, where Hasan purchased guns and ammunition for the attack.

                        The manager of Guns Galore testified that Hasan came in quite often and described him as "very polite, very courteous, kinda quiet."

                        William Gilbert, a frequent customer at Guns Galore, testified that he had spoken with Hasan at the store and noted that Hasan was focused on finding a weapon with a "high magazine round capacity."

                        Hasan declined to ask any questions of any of the witnesses.

                        The court-martial proceeding has been authorized to consider the death penalty and Hasan faces a panel of 13 senior Army officers who will hear evidence and render a verdict in the case.

                        The panel must unanimously convict Hasan of murder in order to sentence him to death, but even a unanimous death penalty conviction would likely face years, if not decades, of appeals.

                        It has been more than 50 years since the U.S. military executed a U.S. service member. Army Private First Class John A. Bennett was the last service member to be put to death, on April 13, 1961 after being convicted of the rape and attempted murder of an 11-year-old girl.

                        In 1983, the Armed Forces Court of Appeals ruled that military capital punishment was unconstitutional, but it was reinstated in 1984 when President Reagan signed an executive order adopting new rules for capital courts-martial. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, there have been 16 military death penalty convictions since 1984, but 11 of those sentences have been overturned. The remaining five service members remain on death row.


                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • Seems like a easy win for the Prosecution...he waived his right to council and doesn't deny the shooting.


                          • It should be in theory. The prosecution has made it a point to bend over backwards for him from delaying and delaying because he wanted to grow a beard to refusing to accept his guilty plea.
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • The trial of the Fort Hood gunman, who is acting as his own attorney, took a surreal turn as the former Army psychiatrist accused of killing 13 in the November 2009 attack grilled witnesses -- including his former boss in the military and a fellow Muslim who spoke to him the day of the shooting..
                              After a short opening statement in which ex-Army Maj. Nidal Hasan called himself a "mujahedeen," admitted to the rampage and said "the dead bodies will show that war is an ugly thing," Hassan cross-examined prosecution witnesses, including retired Lt. Col Ben Kirk Phillips, his former boss. When pressed by the defendant, Phillips acknowledged that his officer evaluation report had graded Hasan as "outstanding."
                              Hasan also cross-examined Pat Sonti, who met Hasan at the Killeen Islamic Center in Fort Hood the morning of the shooting. Sonti said Hasan took the microphone at the mosque and called for prayer.
                              “After call to prayer, he bid goodbye and told the congregation he was going home," Sonti said. "I found that odd.”
                              Hasan asked Sonti to describe the difference between the call for prayer and actual prayer, then asked who is supposed to lead the call.
                              "Whoever the imam looks at," replied Sonti. "But you know that, sir."
                              Later Tuesday, Hasan was expected to cross-examine his own shooting victims, including Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford.
                              It was not clear how the 42-year-old Hasan plans to fashion his stance into a defense. Hasan had wanted to argue that he shot U.S. troops to protect Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, but the judge forbade the American-born Muslim and former Army psychiatrist from using that defense. Three witnesses took the stand after opening arguments, including the manager of the store Guns Galore, where Hasan had purchased the Glock 27 model 5.7 handgun used in the attack.
                              "Almost every trip I can remember was always [for] ammunition and magazines, extensions and at one point an additional laser," David Cheadle testified.
                              Another store employee, Frederick Brannan, who sold the weapon to Hasan, said he saw the shooter in the store almost every week where he would buy up to 300 rounds of ammo each time.
                              "The sheer quantity of ammo being shot was expensive," Brannan said on the stand adding that he purchased magazine extensions and and a green laser sight that cost $350.
                              Henricks told the military jury Hasan picked the date of the attack for a specific reason, though he did not immediately reveal details.
                              The trial is expected to take weeks and possibly months. Taking the witness stand will be many of the more than 30 people who were wounded, plus dozens of others who were inside the post's Soldier Readiness Processing Center, where some service members were preparing to deploy to Afghanistan.
                              Hasan has never denied carrying out the attack, and the facts of the case are mostly settled. But questions abound about how the trial will play out. How will Hasan question his victims? How will victims respond? How will his health hold up?
                              The defendant, who was shot in the back by officers responding to the attack, is now paralyzed from the waist down and must use a wheelchair. He requires 15- to 20-minute stretching breaks about every four hours, and he has to lift himself off his wheelchair for about a minute every half hour to avoid developing sores.
                              Staff Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, who was wounded, is expected to testify. He said he looked forward to seeing Hasan, in a way.
                              "I'm not going to dread anything. That's a sign of fear," Lunsford said. "That man strikes no fear in my heart. He strikes no fear in my family. What he did to me was bad. But the biggest mistake that he made was I survived. So he will see me again."
                              But Staff Sgt. Shawn Manning said he dreaded the expected confrontation.
                              "I have to keep my composure and not go after the guy," said Manning, a mental health specialist who was preparing to deploy to Afghanistan with Hasan. "I'm not afraid of him, obviously. He's a paralyzed guy in a wheelchair, but it's sickening that he's still living and breathing."
                              The judge, Col. Tara Osborn, told jurors to prepare for a trial that could last several months.
                              On Tuesday, guards stood watch with long assault rifles outside the courthouse. A long row of shipping freight containers, stacked three high, created a fence around the building, which was almost entirely hidden by 15-foot-tall stacks of heavy, shock-absorbing barriers that extend to the roofline.
                              The government has said that Hasan, a U.S.-born Muslim, had sent more than a dozen emails starting in December 2008 to Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical U.S.-born Islamic cleric killed by a drone strike in Yemen in 2011.
                              John Galligan, Hasan's former lead attorney, said Monday that he still keeps in touch with Hasan but wasn't sure what he would say Tuesday, if anything.
                              Hasan has indicated recently that he still wants his views to be heard. He has released statements to media outlets about his views on the Islamic legal code known as Sharia and how it conflicts with American democracy.
                              If he is convicted and sentenced to death, it will most likely be decades before he makes it to the death chamber, if at all. The military has not executed an active-duty soldier since 1961. Five men are on the military death row at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., but none is close to an execution date.
                              Authorities in the military justice system have also struggled to avoid reversed sentences on appeal. Eleven of the 16 death sentences handed down by military juries in the last 30 years have been overturned, according to an academic study and court records.
                              That's one reason why prosecutors and the military judge have been careful leading up to trial, said Geoffrey Corn, a professor at the South Texas College of Law and a former military lawyer.
                              "The public looks and says, `This is an obviously guilty defendant. What's so hard about this?"' Corn said. "What seems so simple is, in fact,relatively complicated."

                              Read more:
                              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                              • Why can they not just tie a noose around his neck and hang him from an oak tree?
                                How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?

