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College students hijack domestic drone

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  • College students hijack domestic drone

    Begun, these drone wars have. A group of college students hijacked a domestic drone with a bunch of equipment they bought from Radio Shack.

    With Homeland Security watching, a group of students from the University of Texas used less than $1,000 worth of equipment from Radio Shack to control a drone. They simply made a dummy GPS controller, aimed it at the drone and took control. For those concerned about privacy, the fact that a domestic drone could so easily become a remote controlled missile or a bird spying on them, this seems pretty upsetting.

    On the other hand, this shows a rough balance of power between the powers that be and regular folks. As long as these drones can be hacked by normal people, it helps keep governments honest. It’s an interesting situation, but it is full of danger.

    Source Winnipeg Sun

  • #2
    I think I posted this a week ago in the Back Porch
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • #3
      Ahh, admittedly, I did not search. :/


      • #4
        I do that all the time. No problem
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #5
          Spoofing GPS coordinantes != hijacking a drone.

          This was the same way Iran captured one of our drones.
          Full time ninja editor.


          • #6

            Last week on WBAP, they interviewed the college professor over this class. He said they worked with the govt permission. He also said that, even though it cost about $1,000 in part, the value was in the software. It took about 4 years to write it.


            • #7
              They did this with no ill intent. Will the next person have the same motives? Will it be a drone near you?

