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This should make your day!

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  • This should make your day!

    Sorry, but with all the B.S. going on these days. I thought I would sturr the pot in a different direction today.


    BTW. This is your money they are giving away.

  • #2
    More evidence that our govt is working against us. It's time to take these MF's down.


    • #3
      Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
      More evidence that our govt is working against us. It's time to take these MF's down.
      It's time? Sorry it's LONG past time. And unless your able to wake up a couple of hundred thousand people soon. It's not going to happen without violence.

      And no, I'm not looking forward to that at all.


      • #4
        Originally posted by tazz007 View Post
        It's time? Sorry it's LONG past time. And unless your able to wake up a couple of hundred thousand people soon. It's not going to happen without violence.

        And no, I'm not looking forward to that at all.
        I agree. Unfortunately, most people still have their head up their ass or are too chickenshit to do what needs to be done.

        This comment was attached to the video. I'd delight in cutting this MF up and feed him to the coyotes.

        Another stupitazz rasist white-cracker hatin on Latinos again?!

        Fuck you gringo, like it or not Merica ours now, we juss takin back wut you fucks stole frum Mexico many years ago!!

        If you dont want illegals livin here, well you can just suck my mexicali thuggin cock, cuz we neva gonna leave, yall juss dumbazz tax-slaves!!

        This our land now, always been, always will be u rasist fucks!

        Even Pres. Obama agree wit Latinos!

        Fuck America, rape white fucks so easy!!

        Stupid gringo just can't win, lol!!

        MexicoLaViva in reply to virtual4desires(Show the comment) 1 day ago


        • #5
          And I feel lucky to get back a $1 from the IRS. Where do I turn in my passport and SSN so I can become an illegal and start to live the good life?
          Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


          • #6
            I would say "unbelievable", but this is the federal government...and more specifically the IRS we're talking about here.
            The IRS is just another bureaucratic waste of space that needs to go away.
            "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


            • #7
              Total horseshit that no one is doing a thing about it. The IRS says "There's nothing we can do about it!" Bullshit! Let me get back an extra $5 and they'll be on me like stink on shit and want me to pay back $100's extra in fees!
              92 LX 5.0


              • #8
                ya tell me someone isn't getting a kickback on that shit too. Someone needs a bullet.
                Last edited by Txstang1; 07-01-2012, 10:24 PM.
                Vortex rear stand $75
                8.8 410s. $50

                **SKAGG NASTY**
                My goal in life is to not arrive at the grave in a well preserved body.
                but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "holy shit!!!.. what a ride!"

                1990 Foxbody GT for that ass
                11 4 door
                13 FX2 White 5.0


                • #9
                  This makes me angry.

