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  • Originally posted by The Geofster View Post
    Pricey for a t-shirt, but probably worth it.
    What is it? Shows like 20 shirts


    • Originally posted by SMKR View Post
      What is it? Shows like 20 shirts
      Picture of Roberts that says COWARD underneath it.
      "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
      -Gerald Ford/Thomas Jefferson


      • I guess we now have to care about our fellow man like Jesus said?
        The mid 20th century now has a new member...America.


        • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
          Leave it to Ovary's douche to add race
          Ovary's douche is a known retard, and retards must draw upon whatever simple means they can find to get attention.


          • like his user tag?
            "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
            "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


            • Originally posted by CJ View Post
              like his user tag?
              Yes, most definitely. Moron calls to mind the likes of gpampers and/or bullitt from the canadian site, and if the shoe fits.....


              • Every time I turn on the news I watch liberty die with the sound of thunderous applause.


                • Suddenly all that extra money they're charging for guns lately seems worth it!
                  Originally posted by Nash B.
                  Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.


                  • Originally posted by Avery'sDad View Post
                    I guess we now have to care about our fellow man like Jesus said?
                    The mid 20th century now has a new member...America.

                    You see, the problem with you Democrat asswipes is that so long as something FEELS good, you don't give a shit about anything else. Fuck the Constitution, fuck individual rights, just pass the motherfucker because it feels good.

                    There are somethings in the healthcare bill that I do like, but FORCING somebody to purchase something or fining them if they don't is completely and utterly fucked. You libtards just don't have that mentality. You think the government can do everything when, in fact, they rarely do anything right.
                    How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                    • Thur takin muh freedomz. socializm, muslim traitor, nazi, commie, wharz birf certificate?


                      • He's just trolling you folks along...

                        But seriously, if you like what the government has done with social security, the postal service, the EPA, public education, military industrial complex, and TARP you should love this one. Even if you lust after obama I don't see how you could think getting the government balls deep into healthcare with a box full of blank checks is somehow good for our country and will end up working out well for all the commoners.


                        • Originally posted by Avery'sDad View Post
                          I guess we now have to care about our fellow man like Jesus said?
                          Actually, retard, your goddess Pelosi beneath whose feet you worship claimed yesterday after the SCOTUS ruling that Ted Kennedy helped pass the bill, from heaven no less. Do she, and you most likely, not know that the SCOTUS has nothing to do with passage of bills and that instead it is the Congess (of which she appears to be a member) that does so?

                          Now, whether Ted Kennedy is actually in heaven, having been (at least publically) an unrepentant drunken murderer and all, is open to speculation and is not for us or Pelosi to be claiming. Her heart's in the right place though isn't it retard, and that's what really matters in getting obammy votes now isn't it?


                          • Avery, you're a real fuckin' dumbass if you think this is a democrat/republican problem. Why is the only thing I'm seeing from Obamas camp is "Yay, we beat the evil Republicans?" are you fucking morons for real with that shit?


                            • 7 day ban for trolling without any participation in discussion.
                              "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                              "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                              • Originally posted by CJ View Post
                                7 day ban for trolling without any participation in discussion.
                                A bit harsh, mein fuhrer, don't you think? Don't get me wrong, I won't miss him, but still...
                                How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?

