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Border Patrol New Tactics: Run, Hide and throw things

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  • Border Patrol New Tactics: Run, Hide and throw things


    It appears that the Obama administration is not only getting in the face of the American people with their immigration policies, but they are also running a little private campaign of their own when it comes to the border patrol. Instead of the border patrol doing their job in an aggressive case in public, they are now being taught to run away and hide and only as a last resort are they to open fire. Wait! No! They can’t do that. They are supposed to become “aggressive” and “throw things.

    You heard that right. Local 2544 posted a brief statement in regards to the new “training tactics” they are being taught. Welcome to the new world of Barack “The Golfer” Obama and Janet “Can I have another doughnut” Napolitano.

    In another nauseating series of “Virtual Learning Center” brainwashing courses that Border Patrol agents are forced to sit behind a computer for hours and endure, we are now taught in an “Active Shooter” course that if we encounter a shooter in a public place we are to “run away” and “hide”. If we are cornered by such a shooter we are to (only as a last resort) become “aggressive” and “throw things” at him or her. We are then advised to “call law enforcement” and wait for their arrival (presumably, while more innocent victims are slaughtered). Shooting incidents cited in the course are Columbine, the Giffords shooting and the Virginia Tech shooting.

    These types of mandatory brainwashing courses and the idiocy that accompanies them are simply stunning when they are force-fed to law enforcement officers. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that any three of the above shootings would have been stopped cold by an off-duty law enforcement officer or a law abiding citizen with a gun. The Fort Hood shooting would have been stopped cold by someone with a gun as well. The shooters in these situations depend on unarmed and scared victims. It gives them the power they seek. We could go on and on with examples of shootings that could have been stopped by someone with a firearm. One of the videos in this course actually shows a terrified female hiding behind a desk as an example of how to “hide” from some deranged shooter. Multiple quizzes throughout the course and a final test ensure repeatedly that we know that we only have three options when encountering some murderous thug in a public place. 1. Run away; 2. Hide; and 3. Only put up a fight as a last resort by acting aggressively and throwing things at the shooter. Not one mention anywhere of “if you are carrying a gun and you have the opportunity take the shooter out”. Calling 911 in these instances is obvious, but we all know that waiting on the arrival of uniformed law enforcement will ensure more people are killed, injured, or taken hostage. Telling law enforcement officers that in all instances they are to run away and hide from some thug while innocent victims are butchered is simply inexcusable and pathetic.

    It is always comforting to know that for those of us who carry a weapon when we are off-duty, if we should encounter such a situation, stop a shooter and save countless lives, we can look forward to being disciplined or fired by the Border Patrol because we should have run away to hide and then maybe thrown objects at the deranged killer instead of taking action and stopping him with a firearm. This, in addition to the scrutiny and second-guessing that will come from local authorities and the inevitable possibility of lawsuits and criminal conviction.

    Welcome to the New Patrol.

    This is the kind of thing that makes you want to pull your hair out. We are in the middle of an investigation where this administration used an operation, which was called Fast and Furious but should have been called Dumb and Dangerous, that put thousands of weapons into the hands of some of Mexico’s most dangerous drug cartels. Some of these weapons were used to kill American and Mexican citizens, including border patrol agent Brian Terry. They want their people to be weak and cut off at the knees while the real criminals face no handicaps. This is a demonstration of absolute stupidity on the part of the Obama administration who provide such non-sensical training.

    It’s not bad enough that the federal government, under this administration want our guns, but now they don’t seem to want border patrol to use theirs either. What kind of fantasy world do these lunatics, who are running the asylum, live in?
    "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey

  • #2

    That is so outrageous, it has to be fake.


    • #3
      sounds like a good way to get more border patrol agents killed with us weapons!


      • #4
        Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
        That is so outrageous, it has to be fake.
        Not really. In 09 they had to switch to beanbag guns
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #5
          Originally posted by onemeangixxer7502 View Post
          sounds like a good way to get more border patrol agents killed with us weapons!
          All the more reason for strict new gun control laws!

          It it truly amazing when the dems are in the White House.

          Clinton/Reno brought us their made-for-TV raid at Waco, using absurd tactics that got four agents killed but gave Clinton/Reno the chance to show how tough they were on gun crime.

          Now this from the current dipshit-in-chief and his lapdog of an attorney general. Run and hide. My ass.


          • #6

            Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
            Not really. In 09 they had to switch to beanbag guns
            It defies any common sense. I wouldn't put it past the loons running our govt. They are really getting annoying with all of their bullshit. I wish there was a Raid loonicide that we could spray on those stupid motherfuckers and kill them like I do to the bugs in my house.


            • #7
              Im not sure how much it will matter . Whos going to know what tactics they used down there in no mans land . Sounds like a policy the agency will largely not enforce .


              • #8
                Originally posted by JP135 View Post
                All the more reason for strict new gun control laws!

                It it truly amazing when the dems are in the White House.

                Clinton/Reno brought us their made-for-TV raid at Waco, using absurd tactics that got four agents killed but gave Clinton/Reno the chance to show how tough they were on gun crime.

                Now this from the current dipshit-in-chief and his lapdog of an attorney general. Run and hide. My ass.
                Fulfilling his own agenda at the expense of Americans lives. Those same Americans that he is supposed to be a part of. Those same Americans who voted for him and those same Americans that have children in school right next to his (assuming they are in the usual school for presidential children).

                I feel Operation "Gun Runner" is a cover for his ulterior motive to contain the firearms of America. I feel the documents he is withholding contain damning evidence that he approved certain actions even with the knowledge that it would result in lose of American life...because this would make his argument even stronger...

                I could go on for days
                Originally posted by Sean88gt
                You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
                Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
                You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


                • #9
                  What stops him from editing or making disappear those damning documents?
                  ازدهار رأسه برعشيت

