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‘that’s not accurate’: Marco rubio clashes with jon stewart

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  • ‘that’s not accurate’: Marco rubio clashes with jon stewart

    Long videos in the link, but DAMN good!

    Normally, when Republicans go on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, they tend to try to take their lumps and walk off without much damage to their image. That, or they simply destroy Stewart on the facts alone, without contesting his root philosophy.

    But Marco Rubio apparently didn’t want to follow either path. He wanted to try doing some genuine education on the show, and was ready to take Stewart on as a sparring partner. The result was a veritable duel of an extended interview that stretched over a half an hour, in which Rubio studiously and calmly kept contesting every premise that Jon Stewart threw at him. And for once, Stewart was the one who seemed frustrated.

    The battle began when Stewart began trying to back Rubio into a corner over the question of whether Republicans were too enthusiastic in their usage of the filibuster. Rubio, stressing his desire not to get technical, still managed to rebut Stewart‘s arguments by pointing out that the reason Republicans filibuster so much is because the Democrats don’t let them get in votes on amendments they support. Watch the exchange below:

    The fight then moved onto the subject of taxes and budget ideas. And it was around here that Rubio really started showing his mettle, matching Stewart fact for fact and argument for argument, and even sometimes telling Stewart “That’s not accurate“ when Stewart brought up particular ”facts” that cast Republican budgetary ideas in a bad light. Rubio also completely blasted the idea of a “balanced approach” that Stewart kept repeating, pointing out that the goal for the Senate wasn’t to divvy up spoils between the two parties, but to solve the problems with the economy, which Rubio argued was only possible if sacred cows were scrapped:

    But Rubio really hit his stride in the final stretch of the interview, where his refutations were so strong that Stewart was left with nothing to say other than his belief that Rubio and he weren’t even living “in the same solar system,” while still admitting that he admired Rubio’s sense of urgency in dealing with the issues. Ironically enough, Rubio even managed to shoot down Stewart‘s accusation that they didn’t agree on anything, pointing out that they did agree on getting rid of tax loopholes by painstakingly walking Stewart back through earlier parts of the argument:

    In the end, despite Stewart being visibly flustered, he gracefully called for applause for Rubio, which was surprisingly enthusiastic for a Daily Show audience. As Stewart said earlier in the discussion, “I can see why they like you.”

  • #2
    Marco Rubio has more stones than Jonathon Liebowitz ever will. I'm hoping he's at least seriously considered as our next VP.


    • #3
      Shit. This is in the back porch. Can a Mod move to the political forum.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
        Marco Rubio has more stones than Jonathon Liebowitz ever will. I'm hoping he's at least seriously considered as our next VP.

        A 30 minute argument with Jon Stewart, who was trying to trap him at every turn, and he comes out smelling like a rose. That was the best long interview I think I have seen on ANY liberal show in a loooong time.



        • #5
          I watched the chopped down version last night, looked over and told my wife he seemed to be a hell of a sharp guy.
          "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


          • #6
            Originally posted by sc281 View Post
            A 30 minute argument with Jon Stewart, who was trying to trap him at every turn, and he comes out smelling like a rose. That was the best long interview I think I have seen on ANY liberal show in a loooong time.

            VERY GOOD STUFF
            ^This I was very impressed with this guy.

