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Obama stiffs NH

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  • Obama stiffs NH

    Obama Campaign Refuses to Pay Town for Costs Associated with N.H. Visit
    10:47 AM, Jun 25, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER
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    A local Manchester, N.H. newscast reports that Barack Obama's reelection campaign refused to pay $20,000 in public safety costs associated with the president's visit today:

    In a fortunate turn of events for the Obama campaign, an anonymous "resident [has offered] to pick up up to $20,000 in local public safety expenses which is what this campaign stop is expected to cost," according to the local newscast.

    But the campaign's decision seems to have irked local politicians. Democratic town councilman Jay Gooze says, "unfortunately [the Obama campaign] declined" to cover the costs.

    "They asked them to pay for the local police and fire expenses," the local reporter says. "The town says the president is coming to Durham to campaign and they don't think it's appropriate for residents to pay for that. In a letter to the town,

    The reporter wonders if the anonymous donor's generosity is "like a political donation."

    "Absolutely," a town resident says in agreement.

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    Just don't have the extra fire and police available, make that bastard bring his own or don't stop.

