so, the local mormons came by and we had an awesome chat in my living room. See, the wifey was raised mormon back in the day and now believes it to be complete horse shit.....but we are still nice and when the uninvited lady and husband stopped by this afternoon to come in and talk mormonism, I put on my trollllllllll face. I smiled and laughed and joked and then just about the time they were about ready to leave, we started talking about we start talking about how "wrong" the Muslim religion is......and I say "yeah, those poor guys have been living in caves too long.......ignorance is bliss............reminds of those people that actually think that dinosaurs were put here by satan to fool us and that the earth is only a few thousand years old."................insert awkward dead silence......

and the wife looked at me with a face that said "i cant believe you just said that."

and the wife looked at me with a face that said "i cant believe you just said that."