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US Government Airs New Food Stamps Ad

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  • #16
    Still though you know everyone looks down on anyone who is on food stamps and those people know it cause they try to hide it . And what gets me is they always show some young healthy person . Instead of someone who obviously could not have worked and earned money to buy food . Abuse of the system plain and simple . I guess all we can do is hope romeny get in there cut a buncha benefits like taht .


    • #17
      Idiocracy bitches!!!! It's here!

      maybe people with an IQ of more than 90 should file as a registered minority in this country? Just sayin'.


      • #18
        I pass by a privately operated food bank on my way to work. On days that the goodies are handed out, the lot is full of cars, and not a one is as old as the one I am driving to work. I drive a 1993 model. There are always a least 100 big fat people standing in line to get free stuff. On the day that the workers are there unloading and stocking shelves, there are 4 or 5 old cars on the lot and one church van that looks to be an eighties model. The workers are all 60 year old plus WHITE ladies. Is there something wrong with this picture ? I think so. But what do I know? I'm just a dumb white guy.


        • #19
          Food Stamps

          The people behind the increase in food stamps are the giant ag related corporations and grocery stores like HEB and WalMart. Look up Tyson Foods, Con Agra, Archer Daniels Midland and some others. They make fortunes off the food stamp spending. In Texas alone, HEB could buy enough congressmen to keep it going. No one cares if people eat or not. It's all about the money.


          • #20
            Originally posted by FastFox View Post
            The people behind the increase in food stamps are the giant ag related corporations and grocery stores like HEB and WalMart. Look up Tyson Foods, Con Agra, Archer Daniels Midland and some others. They make fortunes off the food stamp spending. In Texas alone, HEB could buy enough congressmen to keep it going. No one cares if people eat or not. It's all about the money.
            It has NOTHING to do with the money, it is about the statement below...

            Originally posted by Downs View Post
            They want you dependent on them. Simple as that. When you are dependent on them they can "drop the axe" whenever they want if you don't do what they want you to.
            It is all about being controlled by the GOV.

            Originally posted by SSMAN
            ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.

